Post details: The Truth Absolute! - Hear the WORD of the LORD!


Permalink 12:47:22 pm, Categories: Announcements [A], By Timothy
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The Truth Absolute! - Hear the WORD of the LORD!

From God the Father and Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given To Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

The Truth Absolute

Thus says the Lord God of Israel, God of Heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen, known and unknown, The God of All, The Only One True God: All else is fantasy and corruption and vexation of spirit, a leading away from the Truth, a valley of dead and dry bones, darkness and blackness, a void of lifeless nothingness...thus is the second death, of which the redeemed in Christ need not fear. These have passed from death into life, despair into joy, and judgment into salvation...taken from the earth to their rightful places I have prepared for them, paid for in blood by the Lamb.
Thus says your Father who is in Heaven: Come to Me, My beloved little ones, sons and daughters of God by Christ, the Holy One. Come into My joy, and be lifted up. Do not look back...judgment and abomination dwell there...Sodom and Gomorrah.
Thus says the Christ, the Son of the Most Holy God, the Father: As I am also your Father, listen to My words and have understanding. As I have spoken to My friends of long since past, so do I speak unto you. The time has come, and is come, and is come already, when all signs and wonders shall be fulfilled. Your redemption from this world draws nigh. I am the Christ and Jesus of your hearts, who has rebuilt the temple of God in you, for it was thrown down and I have restored it. Even will I restore it again in a greater glory...glorified, seated at the right hand of your Lord and your God. I remain your Teacher and will always be your in Me. Soon, I will no longer teach you...the mystery of God revealed. Then shall we walk together in the Kingdom of in Me, I in you. In that Day, you will know Me as I know you. Rejoice, the time of great sorrows is come and is nearly finished. No more sorrows, no more pain, no more tears or death...rebirth...a time of rejoicing that shall never end.
Thus says the Lord your God: Great patience is called of My saints. And steadfast patience and rock-hard faith will be required of the latter-days saints of the Lord’s Day, for great and terrible things are coming during these days, and greater still to come during the Last Week. Even now have come evil and damnable heresies... abominations, blasphemies and lies fed to the masses. Choose starvation, accept only the manna from Heaven...forsake all worldly food. The world is awash in poison and bitter begins the final deception of the evil one thrown down, who goes out to devour the whole world.
This is what the Lord, the Risen One, says: Dearly beloved, believe not the lies, nor fear, nor doubt...I am with you.

Remember My words:

One God...One Son, the only Way to the Father...

One Truth...One Word...One Messiah...

One Spirit...One Food...One Bread and One Drink...

One Body...
Of which I AM ALL... the ALL in ALL.



Comment from: Trent [Member] ·
God, Himself is absolute ... the One without another ... The HOLY One, unlike anything, unmatched, and far above all others.
Take and eat of Him, for He came to be our food, making even us partakers of the divine nature, for as many as are willing .. .and thereby escape the condition of being temporal ... doomed to certain death. For apart from Him we are nothing ... and His Truth not only reflects True Substance ... it IS what is reflected - Truth absolute!

Never a shadow of turning, never a "going-soft." God makes no concessions to anything ungodly ... rather He would make that which is ungodly into that which is godly ... absolutely. Who will accept this gift? Who will say with the words in their mouth ... "Yes, Lord .. I want LIFE .. . Your Life"?

Whosoever will call out to Him - His name is Jesus ... the Lord Yeshua, Risen One. Only begotten Son of the Father - they will be saved. They will cross from death to life and forevermore they are changed.
Permalink 10/12/07 @ 13:24
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Amen and... Amen!
Permalink 10/12/07 @ 13:28
Comment from: lenbenhear [Member] ·

"WHOSOEVER shall call upon The Name {of The Lord Jesus Christ} **shall** be saved."

- now THAT is Amazing Grace. The Blood covers every sin of the elect brethren FOREKNOWN IN CHRIST, even before the foundation of the world.

~ ALL glory to The Lamb. ~

Let us sing HIS praises FOREVER !
Permalink 10/13/07 @ 03:43

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I serve , the Lord.

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Hint: the version of the name is the English version, not the Hebrew way to say His name. All letters are uppercase. Rhymes with "freeze us."


Even now do you possess the power of the Spirit. You only lack the faith to use what I have given you. Doubt is your enemy which also leaves the door open to the devil. He does continually hiss at you as a serpent, winding his way about your feet, waiting for the moment to strike you down when you waver. (The Lord Will Carry You - Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 6)

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