Post details: Heed The Thunder!


Permalink 11:56:28 am, Categories: By Pam
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Heed The Thunder!

The wind rushes and the storm clouds boil. Lightening flashes as thunder sounds its warning to all who are living below. This is the voice of God in nature as He warns His creatures that the storm is coming. This storm is necessary to bring life sustaining rain so that life can continue on the earth; but the storm is dangerous, with the power to take life, to all who don't heed His thunderous warning and seek shelter.

When man turns from God it is like the blight of drought upon the land. People are dying for the touch of His Spirit that they might have Life. As the desert forgets its need of rain through its adaptation to the endless drought, so too do human beings forget their need for God when they have lanquished long under the consequences of their own sin. God sends His messengers to call to them but they don't understand what they are saying for they are dead to their own need.

God's Mercy endures forever, even through the long drought of the human soul that produces the spiritual climate change that holds the entire earth in its grip. He has promised to preserve His Word that we might know the His Will and He has done so. He gave His Son to pay for our sins and through Him has made Life available to us all. All who call upon Jesus, have been rescued from spiritual death and the drought in them has ended as they through faith receive the Living Water that produces and maintains new life. Yet most continue to remain dead to God, not even knowing their need, preferring life under the shadow of death, that which they are accustomed to, to true life outside the shadow caste by the consequences of their own sin. There are others who attempt to stand with a foot in each world, unable to decided if they desire God or the commendation of other men. They are yet in their sin for they desire the power of their own choice and not the Will of God.

Sin is not a small thing. Because of the sin of Adam and Eve, death was introduced into a Creation that was never created to die. To wink at sin is to put evil in the place of good and a people that behaves in this manner has signed their own death warrant. If God were to completely let go and allow us to forever go our own way, human beings would completely destroy one another by their sinful actions and the consequences of those actions. Yet, God is Merciful and His Justice is the manifestation of that Mercy in response to sin. That Merciful response comes in the form of God's Wrath as He prepares to deliver His Creation out from under the shadow of sin and death.

The Wind of the Holy Spirit is rushing as the storm clouds of God's Wrath begin to billow. His servants respond and they flash brightly the Power of God in their words and deeds as flashes of the Light who is Jesus. The voice of God rumbles His warning through the voice of His prophets that all those who have ears to hear might seek shelter and that shelter is in Him. That shelter is not in the prophet for they are only frail men who must also seek shelter in Him. Do not seek after these men but heed the voice of God that speaks through them. Test the word or Word they speak by the Holy Spirit and heed only the Word. Search your heart and allow the Spirit and the Word to cleanse you of all that remains impure. Cling to Jesus, Who is the true hope.

When the storm passes God will again have brought His people to repentance. This the true purpose of the prophets.


Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Amen and amen!...Awesome word.

Thank you, Sister, for this powerful inspired word from the Lord.

You have reminded me once again the Word of the Lord is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword and has no need of men at all, in that they should try to add to it or prop it up by human power.

You have explained my plight and my point far better than I ever could have...

"The voice of God rumbles His warning through the voice of His prophets that all those who have ears to hear might seek shelter and that shelter is in Him. That shelter is not in the prophet for they are only frail men who must also seek shelter in Him. Do not seek after these men but heed the voice of God that speaks through them." ~ (Pam, inspired in the Spirit)

Permalink 10/11/07 @ 15:16
Comment from: Pam [Member]
All glory to God, Timothy. It is to the authority of Jesus that each of us must submit ourselves to and lift each other in prayer that each of us as members of His body would look only to each other for edification in the nurture and the care of that body; but each of us should move only by the direction of the head that is only, Jesus. To do otherwise is to render the body of Christ dysfunctional.

Permalink 10/11/07 @ 16:28
Comment from: freebird [Visitor]
Is this a Jewish website?
Permalink 10/12/07 @ 06:55
Comment from: Pam [Visitor]

No. Most of us who have articles posted here do have a deep respect for the Jewish people as the chosen people of God and we seek out the Hebrew underpinning of the Christian faith. This makes us different from mainstream Christianity as much of the thought and traditions of mainstream Christianity has Pagan underpinnings. That doesn't mean that we don't consider them Christian. All that is necessary to be a Christian is faith in Jesus. Also, many churches teach that God no longer is working with the Jews that the church supplanted them. I believe that the Jews and the church are two separate people that God is using to save the world through Jesus Christ.

Permalink 10/12/07 @ 10:26
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Amen I say to you. Amen.

Pam, beloved of Christ, I see in you a new and revived spirit in the Lord, a heighten expectation in your voice.
Continue in all trust in HIM and the blessings of Christ, for He will surely bless you again before the Time, in addition to all these, of which you have accepted and walked in by faith.

Thank you Lord Yeshua for Your loving kindness. Amen.
Permalink 10/12/07 @ 12:02
Comment from: Pam [Visitor]

God's blessings upon you also. You are so young and there is so much ahead of you to be endured. The mind of Christ in you will give you all you need to endure. Depend always on Him. Remember He does not depend upon you but will use you according to His purpose. May the seperation between the frail human being that you are and the call that God has put upon your life always be clear in your own mind for it won't be to most others. May it be clear in your mind so that you will be mindful to go to Him for help in all your weakness. Also may you find rest in the knowlege that God does not require you to defend the Word that He gives you but to only live by it as He enables all of us who are in Christ Jesus to do.

Permalink 10/12/07 @ 12:32
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Thank you, Pam...Amen.

Your will be done Father...
in Christ Jesus I pray...Amen.
Permalink 10/12/07 @ 13:45
Comment from: freebird [Visitor]
Oh, I thought it was Jewish because it seems to deal with the Law, and God's wrath and judgement. I thought I'd read about God's grace here (from the title), but the impression I'm getting is that you believe in a mixture of law and grace, but mostly law. I'm confused.
Permalink 10/12/07 @ 21:57
Comment from: Pam [Member]
I'm sorry, freebird. This is really hard to explain in a nutshell. If you read the archives, I think you'll come to a better understanding. In the meantime, I'll try to explain what I believe.

I believe that God gave the Law to the Jews and that He promised them a Kingdom that would be ruled by the Messiah. The Law and the Ordinances that He gave them perserved them as a people. He perserved them for He was to later raise a Messaih from them. That Messaih was Jesus or Yeshua in the Hebrew tongue. Most of the Jewish community was blind to Jesus and indeed God blinded them that we who are the church (His called out company) might be grafted into the People of God and also receive the Kingdom. The Jews were given the Law under the dispensation of Law and all people were locked away under that Law as sinners thereby, preparing them to receive Grace. The dipensation of Grace began after Christ's crusifiction (which paid the price for the sin of all) and rose again, imparting eternal Life to all who believe on His Name. The end of this age of Grace will end in a terrible war that will consume the entire earth during which evil will enjoy its final season and Satan's rule as prince of this world will end. He will be imprisioned for 1,000 years. Christ will return with His church and establish His Kingdom on the earth. All who come out of the tribulation period will be regenerate persons, believers in Jesus Christ. People from all nations and tongues. The Jews will at that time, recognize their Messiah also and the two peoples of God will be made on in Christ. This will be the age of Redemption. An age of the Righteous rule of Christ Jesus over all the earth that will end in Jesus returning the Creation fully redeemed from sin and death to God. This will occur after the Judgement, when Christ Jesus will sit upon the Judgment seat and judge all people according to their works. Those not written in the Lamb's Book of Life will be caste into the Lake of Fire to suffer the second death. Hades and Death will also be caste into that lake and death will swallow itself. The death of death is the second death. Then all that is mortal will become immortal as God's entire Creation is returned to the eternal state, that state being Life. All of this through Jesus Christ.

I do not believe that I or anyone can be made holy through the Law though, the Law is holy and teaches us of the holiness of God and also His desire for the way He designed His children to live. We can't live that way on our own. We are dependent upon Christ Jesus to live for us as He also died for us. He actually lives in those of us who believe in Him and it is the process of sanctification by He living this life in us and through us that frees us from the sin that He with His own body, paid the penalty of the Law for.

I believe in Jesus and as I grow in Him the Laws of God are becoming more natural to me to live than to live according to my own desires. In Jesus, the Law has no hold over me (I can't be condemned by it)for in Jesus, I am free of sin. As of yet, I am not fully free of sin for I still reside in my mortal body but on the day that Jesus comes for His church, I will receive a glorified body, like the one Jesus had apon His resurrection. I will be made fully like Him.

Just as Jesus has redeemed me, I believe He will also redeem the entire world. He did not come to condemn the world but to save it. When He is fully revealed to all, every knee will bend and every tongue confess Jesus as Lord.

That is a big nut in a little shell.:0) I hope it clears things up a bit and does not muddy the water further.

Permalink 10/12/07 @ 22:44
Comment from: Pam [Member]

Please excuse the typos and mispellings. Sometimes, I post too hastily.

Permalink 10/12/07 @ 22:49

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And yes, there is forgiveness for those who ask in faith, with remorse, and total acceptance of My love...forgiveness always. ~ Jesus [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 4 - Walk Not Where Others Walk]

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