Post details: Does the Lord approve of the modern “holiday” of Halloween?


Permalink 12:45:20 pm, Categories: GraceHead teaching, By Timothy
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Does the Lord approve of the modern “holiday” of Halloween?


Comment from: Pam [Member]
That's an easy one...NO! :0)

Permalink 10/05/07 @ 13:12
Comment from: Pam [Member]

You would not believe how the holiday has changed since I was a kid. You know, back then we thought witches and the like were just make believe. That isn't true anymore. In my area, halloween is down right scary at times and the witches and demon worshipers are very real.

Another day to dress up and have fun, would be in my estimation, fine. At least I wouldn't have to cook...

Permalink 10/05/07 @ 16:53
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Thus says the Lord:
I shall speak plainly, so those slow to understanding may hear, though their ears are dull and their eyes are dim.
These modern holidays, Christmas, Easter and Halloween, are abomination in the eyes of the Lord God Almighty. I shall destroy them and wipe them from the face of the whole earth. No more shall you break My commands, and revel in sin, in the Son’s name. My countenance is turned against you! says the Lord of Hosts. You shall not blaspheme the name of Christ!...You and your detestable idols, your false worship, your misuse of My name and the Christ’s, your vanities, your greed, your envy, your lusts, your drunkenness, your gluttonous appetites, your fornications, your false witness and lying to your children, your covetousness, your thefts, your murders causing those to destroy themselves...all you do is adultery against your Lord.
I have given you many days to honor My forget them all, especially the one I have given you every seventh day. What do all these things have to do with Me? Why do you do them in the Son’s name? Give the gift of His His name are you saved, no other. Stop these vain babblings! You speak things in ignorance of the Truth. Shut your mouths, stop your blaspheming. Be silent before your Lord, and speak to Me in spirit. You have all become as the pagan and the heathen, by which all your holidays have their origins. Abomination! The harlot has led you into temptation by her false witness. She shall be left utterly desolate, destroyed by her own judgment which crushes her beneath the feet of the Holy One of Israel, broken by her iniquities, and put to death by her denial of the Truth she replaced with the cups of her fornications...filling the Lord’s cup with His indignation which He shall pour out, full strength, on the whole world.

One commandment broken is all commandments broken.
One sin, reveled in My name, are all sins accounted to you.

One sin, repented in the Christ’s name, all are forgiven you.

I know your hearts, My children, and I know whether or not you have become
fully converted in your can not lie to your God.
Come to Me, in all truth and supplication, by Him who I sent to you in Truth,
being the Truth Absolute, utterly void of darkness.
He is Him shall you walk into life.

He is the Way, the only One under Heaven...
Walk in Him, and you shall find Me.
Permalink 10/05/07 @ 22:06
Comment from: pam [Visitor]
Hi Guys,

I think I may have been careless in my reply to Jason and I want to clarify.

I haven't paricipated in Halloween for decades. When I was young, I didn't know what it was based on. Then when I was older, I learned of some of the truly horrifying things that some of the traditons are based upon and also saw people in my community begin to celebrate it in the spirit of the original Soween(sp?). That is when I stepped out.

However, there is nothing wrong with dressing in costumes and being silly and to do so on a day that is not tied to this holiday, I can find no harm in.

Permalink 10/06/07 @ 13:43
Comment from: lenbenhear [Member] ·
I am totally in agreement with the word Timothy has brought forth. Once a person's eyes have been opened: it is NOT a small thing in the sight of GOD to "celebrate" these pagan holidays and heathen practices. - GOD calls it "an abomination." ... should we call it, "fun." ?
Permalink 10/07/07 @ 07:42
Comment from: Judah [Visitor] ·
I'm a huge "get back to Scripture" and "let's celebrate God's feasts" kind of guy.

So while I never celebrated Halloween myself, unfortunately my wife and adopted son had been celebrating Halloween long before I met them, married her, and adopted him.

Thus, the tradition has continued for us: my family has celebrated Halloween and I've participated with them as a family event.

(Albeit this has been done with a Christian twist; we hand out candy wrapped in Scripture verses, for example.)

I know this festival isn't from God, as Timothy so concisely points out. And I also realize that mixing holy and profane doesn't make it holy.

I see Jason's point that is it just a fun holiday to so many, but on the other hand, I really do believe God is drawing us, both Jews like myself and gentiles like you guys, out of the mixture of worldliness and godliness. He's drawing us into pure godliness: His ways, not our fun man-made celebrations. I'm seeing it more and more.

So, this year I'm going to push for ceasing this celebration.

Pray for me - my family is NOT going to like hearing me say, "No Halloween this year."
Permalink 10/08/07 @ 10:54
Comment from: pam [Visitor]
Hi Judah,

My children used to hand out tracks that told the truth about Halloween and also told of Jesus. They had a lot of fun doing so. I will pray fory and them that God will prepare their hearts to receive what you as the head of your household has decided is right for them.

You pray for me in regards to the old holidays that are new to me that my family is going to probably think I've gone out of my gourd about...I am not the head of my household even though my vote holds quite a bit of sway.:0)

I think God is preparing our hearts and our lives for the Righteous Rule of His Son.

Permalink 10/08/07 @ 12:51
Comment from: lenbenhear [Member] ·
To Pam and Judah: you are RIGHT to take a stand on these issues. Your authority is THE HEADSHIP of Yeshua Messiah and His Word. ... the time has come to purge out the old leaven of pagan-mixtures, ... and to offer pure and holy worship and lives unto THE LORD our GOD.

satan has deceived Christians on these issues and practices long enough.

blessings and kind regards.

Permalink 10/11/07 @ 01:08

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