Post details: Too focused on the messengers instead of the Lord


Permalink 06:56:50 pm, Categories: By Trent, GraceHead counseling
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Too focused on the messengers instead of the Lord

Here is a snippet of a question: So many loved ones have left my life (not through death) and I want to know how to deal with it better and to see what treasures they have already placed inside of me. To name a few like, Shauna, Mr. Long, etc. Also how do I deal with these two specific people who have left my life? Will [the Lord] give me strength if never see or hear from them again?

Here is a snippet of the answer I wrote back:

Hello, beloved of the Lord. I write to you as one that is inspired by the Holy Spirit of the Lord. I write to you to remind you of His love for you, and to answer your question by His leading.

Sister, beloved of the Lord, wipe away your tears of sadness, and cast away dread and loneliness forever more. Put upon your face a new countenance of joy and pleasure, for you are loved of the Lord, and He delights in you. New tears will come, but now they flow from gladness!

God placed you in Christ and in Christ you now are ... and in this He is pleased. He cannot love you any more than He loves you right now, and He will never love you any less, for the One in whom you are placed is altogether lovely - the Lord Jesus.

Not once but many times, has the Lord sent His servants before you, telling you to fix your eyes on the Lord, and now you are sick in your heart, because you fixed your eyes on the servants, instead of the Lord. There is only joy in the presence of the Lord, and now you have shrunk back as a shriveled flower, when blessings could be saturating your soul. Blessing found in pressing near, and ever close to the Lord in Love - even wearing Him as a blanket hugging you in the warmth of everlasting love.

This is no time for mourning and sadness, but a time of rejoicing for the Lord comes to sweep you up to be with Him, and rescue you from this world, even as your spirit is already with Him and no longer in the world. At His coming, we are exceedingly glad! We have shriveled long enough and we are to be filled, even with His Spirit!

Find a pet cat or pet dog, and point-out a cloud to them. The animal will not see the cloud, but instead come to examine your pointing finger. They sniff your finger, while the cloud gets not a glimpse. This is what you have done, when the Lord's servants pointed to the Lord Jesus, is it not? Have you not fixated on them instead of the ONE that is worthy of your attention? Should they be pleased? Only now, that you will be turning to the Lord, Who has been proven worthy of your full attention.

For it is written, that Moses and Elijah came to meet with the Lord on the mountain. Peter, seeing them together called out and said, "lets build three tabernacles. One for Jesus, another for Moses, and another for Elijah." But, Peter was rebuked by the Father in heaven, and a cloudy haze overcame the mountain, and a voice from Heaven spoke saying, "This is my Son, listen to HIM." And the disciple saw again, but now saw only the Lord.

Sister, there is a mountain in your heart, and there is not room for three tabernacles. Listen to the Father who says, "This is my Son, listen to HIM." And put away any thought to make room for Shauna, Mr. Long, etc. ... Nor make no room for anything else. If Moses is not worthy to stand there, then do not make room for problems, nor anything else.

All of your fulfillment in your heart is met with the Lord Jesus, who loves you completely, and knows your weakness, and that you do not stay focused on Him, and that we are like sheep that go our own way ... but the Lord knowing all this is compassionate and loving, and wants only to heal us, and fulfill us with Him - now and forever more!

You, sister, lack companionship. I know that, but did you know that this is for a reason? God wants to fulfill companionship HIMSELF in you, through the Spirit, Who is a firm companion, never leaving.

"I will never forsake you." says the Lord.

"I love you." Says your Maker, and Father.

He is pleased to hold you in His arms, even if His arm must be torn apart in the grasping for you. For the Son is His arm reaching for you, and cut and torn as it came to you, so that it may scoop you up and be held firmly forever more. This is His loving desire for you, and the fulfillment of all your longings.



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'So repent therefore, because all the dead in Christ and those still living in Christ, will be raised to life at the Last Day, receiving life everlasting.' ~ Timothy - Volume 3 - The Word of God is Truth...Leading to Life

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