Post details: The Power of Forgiveness


Permalink 03:32:05 pm, Categories: By Pam
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The Power of Forgiveness

Jesus was never a sinner even though He lived in a body of flesh, bone, and blood during the time that He walked upon this earth. Jesus came to do the Will of His Father and His words and actions never varied from that Will. He lived a life of perfect obedience and for this reason, God chose to make Him sin for those of us who are by nature sinners; we who, by our inborn nature, act in accordance to our own will with little or no thought as to what the Will of God may be. Sinners live out their lives in dysfunctional disconnect from God. Jesus lived out His earthly life in constant communion and obedience to God.

Because Jesus was not a sinner, Jesus was made sin. When Jesus was nailed to the cross and died, sin also died. God, from that moment forward, ceased in counting the sins of sinners. Not just the sins of a few but the sins of all sinners; and all men, women, and children are sinners.


Jesus is One with the Father and to see Jesus is to see God. To hear the Words of Jesus is to hear the Words of God. To see the Works of Jesus is to see the Works of God. Jesus is in the Father and the Father is in Jesus. This is The Power that kept Jesus from sin, from acting apart from the Will of God, from becoming a sinner. It is this Power that made Him the pure sacrifice for sin and it is the pouring out of His blood in sacrifice that opened the Way to God's forgiveness to be poured out upon all sinners. All who enter in upon this Way find reconciliation and Peace with God, our Heavenly Father. Without Divine Forgiveness, there can be no Peace with God and human beings will never have peace with one another until all are at peace with the Father of us all.

There is no limit to the Forgiveness of God. There is no sin too heinous to be covered by the blood of Jesus. All of the sins throughout the entire history of man, past, present, and future, are under His pure blood. Jesus Who suffered and died for these sins did not hold any of them against us but with His dying breath uttered, "Father, forgive them they know not what they do!" Jesus said this in regard to those present who loved Him and mourned His suffering and imminent death but He also uttered these words in regard to His enemies, the very ones who tortured and killed Him. He did not require anything of His enemies before shedding His blood for them. The Righteous One, the only Righteous Man ever to live, fully justified in casting stones at sinners, chose instead to caste no stones. Instead of stones, He poured out His Love by the pouring out of His blood. This pouring out, the Divine Love that is God, that opened the Way for all sinners to know His Father and also be known by Him.

If we say we love God and hate our brother, we are liars. Hatred is born out of unforgiveness in hearts made bitter by the sins of others and sins of our own that we protectively harbor. There are some sins that are much too grievous for mere humans to forgive and many that are commonly pronounced as unforgivable. We all have committed such sins against others as well as received them. The pain caused by sin causes all to cry out in anger and revenge and this perpetual state of war is the human condition. We even raise ourselves up in anger to defend that which is good and by that perceived goodness condone our warlike state. We use God as a covering to do that which in His eyes is only evil. We spill each others blood in a vain attempt to wipe out all evil and gain peace when the shed blood necessary for Peace was shed over 2,000 years ago.

We who know Jesus as our Saviour have accepted His blood as the covering for our sin. We must also accept that blood as sufficient in covering the sins of all others. Our feet, by His Sacrifice, have been firmly set upon the Way. The Way that has enabled us to enjoy Peace with God and to know the Heavenly Father of us all, intimately, as Daddy. Jesus has also imparted to us eternal life; for when it was revealed to us that He died for us and we received His sacrifice, God placed us in Him and He in us and He remaining in God. That very same power that kept Jesus from becoming a sinner works in us to sanctify and redeem us from our sin. This power is the very Love that is God filling and flowing through us that enables us to live a new life. A life very different from the one we lived when we were blind to the work Jesus did for us on the cross. The Love we enjoy flows to us through the Peace we have with God born out of His Forgiveness that poured directly from the veins and arteries of Jesus the Christ, the Saviour of the world.

We who are in Jesus must cease from counting sins just as our Father no longer counts them. We who are in Jesus are no longer citizens of this world but we are citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven and in us and through us, God's Will is to be done upon the earth. We who walk this earth as Ambassadors of Jesus have the Power to forgive sins upon the earth by the same Power that we have received Forgiveness. The counting of sins produces only war and war never produces peace. Ambassadors serving Jesus who have war in their hearts are useless as envoys of Peace. Peace comes upon surrender and we who are in Christ ought to first surrender our will to the Will of God that the Peace we have with our Father can flow to others. That His Kingdom come fully and visibly upon the earth that all the earth and all who dwell there be completely enveloped in His Peace.

Father, I surrender every wrong and hurtful act that has been committed against me. None of them are beyond the covering of the blood of Your Son, Jesus. As You see them no more, please, Father erase them also from my memory. Forgive me for the years that I have spent harboring sins that I regarded as unforgivable. Even in the face of new sins that hurt me and may even take my life let my desire be as the desire of Jesus that You would forgive those who seek my harm. Father, in me, let Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Enable me to forgive as You have forgiven me. Amen.


Comment from: Pam [Member]
Hi Jason,

He will enable us to do so whenever we surrender our hurt, pain, and even long term damage as the result of the sin of others to Him. It's a process that is of the same process of Christ being formed in us. Amazing. It seems that whenever I believe I have reached the end of all that I need to forgive, God reveals to me another layer and with the surrender of each layer comes new freedom and joy.

The Power that will bring Peace to the world lives in us!

Permalink 09/07/07 @ 17:18

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All sin is forgiven through Me, and forgiven are those who are penitent before Me. ~ Jesus [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 3 - In and By the Word are Gods Prophets Sent Out For His Glory, To Glorify Him Who Is Coming Quickly]

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