Post details: My dream last night


Permalink 12:36:06 pm, Categories: By Trent
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My dream last night

I awoke in the middle of the night and remembered what I was just dreaming:

Passing by as part of a small group of people, I saw a man preaching the gospel and calling to repentance. About fifty were listening, and seemed interested. I was thinking that the speaker was really letting them have it with harsh words about their sins. I wanted to encourage the group, but I had no words for them and the fellows with which I traveled seemed to urgently want to attend to some other business.

I happened by again, only this time it was more like a church setting, and the same people seemed to be settled in a regular fashion, but I think that it was the same place as the gospel sermon, and the audience were believers (now, but before they were lost.) But I was not among their group, only a visitor, but welcomed during a meeting in-progress. Suddenly, (and I mean sudden) ... I am overwhelmed with a joyous urge, mixed with extreme full-body heave, I open my mouth to what I thought would be a violent vomit but instead a shout comes out, like the shout of the Lord's own voice. "I LOVE YOU" and it is what the Lord has to say to these that gather, even as though it has been said from my mouth. (I knew the meaning of my words was "God loves you" even though that is not what came out of my mouth.) The letting of these words out is a relief of the urge and heave, but I am shaken to tears, and overwhelmed, and pleased at the same time.

Interesting ...


Comment from: pam [Visitor]
Hi Trent,

I had a dream about the church about three years ago. I dreamed there were people seated in folding chairs around a large square room and in the middle was a woman bound and gagged and being tortured. When I walked into the room, I wanted to scream, "Jesus! In the Name of Jesus, stop!" I could feel Satan through the power of fear chocking me and being unable to speak, but then it could be held back no longer and when I did speak only the Name, "Jesus!" the woman and the torturers fell to dust. I went to the middle of the room, where she had been bound, and brushed away the dust and found a stained glass window depicting the cross of Jesus. Written on the cross were the words, See, Hear, Kneel.

Three nights ago I had another dream. This dream was of being gathered with the saints to Jesus. As I began to rise from the earth, I thought, "I should be frightened. I can't fly and I might fall back down again." But fear never came and I was filled with a joyous surrender like I had never known before and I rose higher and higher believing that my Lord had truly come for me and then I woke up.

The two dreams put together in reverse order leave me only with the thought, "Trust and obey".



Oh, I love the church too!
Permalink 09/06/07 @ 13:42
Comment from: lenbenhear [Member] ·
O THE LOVE of THE LAMB of GOD, ... the Good Shepherd Who GAVE HIS LIFE for the sheep ! ... we should never cease to sing His praises !
Permalink 09/10/07 @ 06:01

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Trina, come now and confess all that you have done, and ask My forgiveness. Cast all that has become burdensome upon Me. I shall carry it for you. Oh beloved, open your heart to Me, and let Me fill it to overflowing with the Water of Life. Trina, My most precious one, you have done wrong, yes, as have all. Not one upon the earth has done right. Know this beyond are forgiven, for your name was written in My book before the very foundation of the earth. ~ Jesus [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 1 - The Seas Rage; The Earth, It Trembles...All is Quiet For Those Who Rest In the Lord]

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