Post details: Answered Prayer


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Answered Prayer

I know there have been quite a few of you praying for me and I want to share a good report. I had an ultrasound done a few weeks ago that showed a solid mass in my left kidney. I was scheduled for a CAT scan to place the tumor so that they could do a needle biopsy and decide on treatment. Today, I talked to the doctor and the CAT scan showed absolutely nothing wrong with my kidney. There is no evidence of a mass of any kind! My doctors don't know what it was that showed up on the ultrasound as solid mass but I believe, that God took the tumor. Praise Him with me and thank you for holding me up in prayer!


Comment from: Trent [Member] ·
I believe God took it too.
Praise the Lord!
Permalink 09/01/07 @ 01:39
Comment from: pam [Visitor]
Hi Trent,

I know my doctor and assistant were as surprised as I was. He was certain last week that I had a tumor and there is only a 3% ratio of false positives on that type of ultrasound. I am anxious to see what my blood work will show next time as it also showed several signs of possible kidney cancer.

God just looked down on me and said, "It's just too much for that woman to bear! If I don't take it, she'll drive herself and everyone around her stark raving mad!" So...He took it! I get to be grammy pammy for awhile longer!

Permalink 09/01/07 @ 02:15
Comment from: lenbenhear [Member] ·
PRAISE GOD for a good report and a miracle of taking away that mass/tumor or whatever it was, Pam ! ... so glad to hear you're getting better.
Permalink 09/01/07 @ 09:40
Comment from: pam [Visitor]
Thanks, Len. God is good!

Permalink 09/01/07 @ 17:38
Comment from: jay [Visitor]
Be still and know that
And know that I AM GOD.
Permalink 09/02/07 @ 18:04
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Pam, this is what I have been speaking of for the few weeks to you...the gift in love the Lord He had prepared for you...yet this work is only in part. There is more yet remaining, of which, the Lord shall show you.

To God be all glory and to Yeshua the gift!!

Faith and trust and trust.

Thank you Lord Yeshua...thank you. Amen.
Permalink 09/02/07 @ 23:51
Comment from: pam [Visitor]
Hi Jay,

Yes, He is the great physician, the only one who can heal and also impart with life that NEVER ends.:0)

Hi Timothy,

I am believing the same, Timothy. Trust, especially, with that wich is dearest to me, my children.

Jesus is the Gift of the Father's perfect Love.

Permalink 09/03/07 @ 12:43
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Beloved of the Lord... Pam,
Trent also knew of this healing before it happened, as I told him, but I was not to reveal it to you, because the Lord wanted you to come to Him in faith out of love, a desire to know His will and to believe that He sent me and indeed it was His Word I have been posting. And because of this, you now believe, no longer stifling His Spirit and His Word, also receiving of His glory to the healing of much more than just this infirmity that has weighed so heavily upon you....Yeah, He has much more to show before that Day comes, where you are found no more in the earth, escaping into His arms...and forever shall you remain with the Lord.
You have always been a good and faithful servant, greatly beloved of the Lord, as He has shown me on more than one occasion. And now He Himself has brought you even closer to Him, not allowing you to drift even a little, nor allowing your resistance of His Word to continue, which was very unpleasant in His sight. And so He has delivered you by His great love and your trust, and will do so again... until His will becomes fully manifest in you.
Beloved, the Lord's ways are not human ways. For if a man come, in the name of the Lord, bringing you a blessing, in the name of the Lord, and you do not believe him, how then can you receive of that blessing, though it is of the Lord, discerning in yourself that the man is not sent by God?
Therefore, one must not only have faith in Yeshua and the power of His name, but also must believe the servant sent of the Lord, who bears His Word and His message. Not that a messenger is required to receive of the is not required. Yet, if the Lord chooses to send one then the Lord will require it. To doubt the messenger is to doubt Him who sent him also.
I therefore am commanded once again to ask you to pray to the Lord and place all your burdens at His feet and then listen. And upon finishing turn away in all thanksgiving and praise, not turning back again for those things you have left there at His feet...leave them there on the floor and do not pick them up again. Let them go and the Lord will bear them and toss them away.
This I have received of the Lord and in turn have shared it with you if you will receive Him.

To Adonai be all thanksgiving and praise and honor and glory, and to Yeshua, the Gift, forever and ever. Amen.

In Christ,
Timothy, His servant and yours.
Permalink 09/03/07 @ 22:09
Comment from: pam [Visitor]
There have been so many in my life that use faith as a cloak for evil and some of them have been persons very close to me. I did not realize how I had changed in response to their hurtful deeds and came to be a person who trusts no one. I'm sorry, Timothy. I couldn't really see the words you wrote clearly. If I seemed to resist them it was because I was blinded by mistrust and honestly, will probably struggle for a while longer but the problem has been identified and the Lord and I are working on it.

Thank you for this.

Permalink 09/04/07 @ 17:06
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Amen...this is good and I know all is well with the Lord.

No more "sorrys" beloved...all is the Lord's doing and it is very marvelous in our sight.

I merely shared the above as a solidification of what you now have come to know.
I understand your hesitation completely. 'Testing the spirits' is in line with the Scriptures, yet remains difficult, because of man's doctrine spread throughout the churches and as you said, because of the unfruitful and corrupt works of those who are false, yet wear sheep's clothing, leading to great mistrust.

For the Lord's glory alone, NOT mine, I shared with you the foreknowledge I received of this healing, for it remains a stepping stone to further revelation and blessings in Christ.
John 1:16
"From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another."

Yours in Christ's great love,

Permalink 09/04/07 @ 20:53
Comment from: Trent [Member] ·

When Tim wrote: """Trent also knew of this healing before it happened, as I told him, but I was not to reveal it to you, because the Lord wanted you to come to Him in faith out of love, a desire to know His will and to believe that He sent me and indeed it was His Word I have been posting."""

He was speaking the truth, and thus I was excited like never before for you, when you emailed that you wanted to endorse the Word of God spoken through His prophet on GraceHead. At that instant, and when I encouraged you to write it ... I knew you would be delivered of an illness for that is what I understood from God through what Timothy was saying.

I likewise share this as solidification of what you have come to know.
We live in a wonderful time to be alive, and the bright light of the noon-day sun is making people with poor sight, such as myself, even able to see clearly.

You, sister, are a slave of righteousness. No matter what you do, nothing can cause you to escape the grasp of the Lover of your soul - The Lord Jesus.

Permalink 09/18/07 @ 10:36
Comment from: pam [Visitor]
Hi Trent,

I sense what is coming as seizemic and much of what we have known of Jesus and held in abstract thought is about to become very tangible. I am so aware now of the power of the Spirit over that which is physical...

It is a miracle that the tumor is gone. I saw my doctor again and he said the radioligist was scratching his head also and they have some theories about what they saw that is not there now but they really have no explanation. I do. However, the point is not my healing but trust and there is much more.

You know that I grew up in a less than ideal environment and from the time I was twelve, I have had terrible insomnia. Truth be known, it was my inability to sleep that led me into drug abuse and I can count the times on one hand since I was twelve that I was able to sleep naturally and sleep for eight hours in the last 48 years. Anxiety was so imbedded in my thinking that I did not even recognize it as such until the last few years. Since God took the tumor a greater miracle has occurred. I can sleep without medication. It still is not a world that is safe to lose consciousness in but I now know that I am safe and though I always knew so in my mind and heart, I now know so in a more powerful way that transcends what appears to be physical limitations in my life. The point of all that is happening in my life now is trust. I have not truly known trust or been capable of experiencing true trust until this intervention of God in my life.

Permalink 09/19/07 @ 14:00

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Beloved, why do you ask of your sins and their forgiveness? Do you not know they were forgiven before the foundation of the earth through My Son, the Christ. For He knew you then and knows you yet still. For I have forgiven you, yet you have not. Confess all in your heart, and feel My presence, and My forgiveness will come into you and give you peace. ~ God [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 1 - Open Your Heart to the Lord, and He Will Give You Rest]

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