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Enough Is Enough

I tend to think that Jesus didn't do enough on the cross.
He needed to do more. Nice attempt Jesus, but I'll take it from here.

Well, that is not exactly how I put it. I use nice Christian-ese to say the same thing.

I'll thing things like: "I am not doing enough for God to bless me with every blessing."
Or I'll think: "God is disappointed with me until I perform better."
I may walk around like on egg-shells, just feeling hat God has to be critical of me because I fall short.
"Enough" is a good word to insert in these examples ... like "not good enough," I don't read the Bible "enough. I don't do this or that enough"

It is pure pride and insulting to the Lord Jesus. Who am I to declare about someone whom God has made complete in Him, needs more? Who am I to design additional requirements and additional extra-credit programs, as if the job that Jesus did was somehow incomplete?

I would do better if I simply remained in Him. Restful. Thankful. Less worried that I could make any of it better, as if it was not "enough" that Jesus died, to redeem the worst of sinners, and make them the righteousness of God by His blood.

Lets remind each other often so that we can shed these errors.
Our goal should be to walk before the Lord without any shame ... not because we are always perfect, but because we have hidden in in the only One that is Perfect.

If what He did on our behalf was not "enough" to free us from all sin, then we are all in alot of trouble.


Comment from: pam [Visitor]
In my thinking, I often can't even rest enough! Thankfully, He has also filled the gap for my wrong thinking. His forgiveness keeps us close to Him even when our unforgiving nature tells us otherwise. Good post, Trent.

Permalink 08/27/07 @ 12:38

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Kurt, question not your worthiness, rather question if you are forgiven, and if you have come to full repentance. ~ God [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 1 - Those Whom the Lord Has Cleansed Are Now Clean Now, and Worthy of the Kingdom]

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