Post details: Heart Song: An Offering Of Pain


Permalink 12:24:17 pm, Categories: By Pam
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Heart Song: An Offering Of Pain

It is easy when God's blessings flow to turn them back to Him in praise. However, life is generally a mixture of blessing, and sorrow, and pain. Yet all things are for the glory of God and our sorrow and pain ought to return to Him also as praise. This is for our benefit.

By my old nature, I am not a kind or gentle woman. I am fiery and feisty and given to reacting to pain in emotional storms that can resemble a hurricane in their intensity. I can be very hard for others to bear. When I am caught unawares or when I am weak and tired, I, at times, will still revert to my old nature. My soul, though reborn and made new in spirit, yet clings to the dust from which I was made. Instead of turning my pain to praise, I cry, and rant, and rage, and question He Who has appointed this life to me. This is to my detriment.

Thankfully, in Jesus, I am not left to my own devises. After the storm has passed, my Father whispers to me through a brother or sister, a psalm or a song and reminds me that I do not endure my fiery trial alone. Jesus is here with me and though my body perish, I will endure and emerge from the flames whole. I will be purified and my soul will no longer be drawn down to the dust from which I was made for I will no longer hear any other call but that of the Spirit. Sorrow, pain, and death will no longer be any part of my reality.

The Bible says, "the life is in the blood" and my past, deadly choices are clearly written in my diseased and tainted blood. This the consequence of sin committed so many years ago that God has appointed to me to suffer. Yet, He has not left me to suffer my earthly torment alone. Jesus is here with me and the Father no longer reads the sinful story written in my own blood for it is covered over by the sinless and perfect blood of Jesus. This offering made for me, an offering of pain. Pain suffered not as consequence for sin, as I suffer, but pain suffered out of love for His Father and love for me;great pain suffered by choice. When my pain meets His pain and I see that my torment is not for eternity but by the power of God's Mercy has been appointed an end, then my sorrow, and fear, and raging turn to praise. As I praise my Father for His enduring Mercy, my spirit is quieted and made gentle again. My hope is restored and made sure only by the power of His Mercy that triumphs over the daily judgement of my sins that I now endure. Only His Mercy can triumph over such reaping of the storms of my own angry and rebellious spirit. Because of Jesus, where I should reap only destruction, I will instead be purified and a heart set for evil will become a true heart of gold.

This is my praise, that God has turned my pain and personal destruction to my good in Christ Jesus. This my offering of pain.

There is no greater blessing than to know firsthand the Mercy of God in His Son, Jesus Christ. In Him all things on earth can be endured, even the reaping of the full harvest of our own sinful ways. All things to the praise and the glory of God. His glory is to the benefit of us all.


Comment from: Pam [Member]
Thanks, Jason.:0)

I guess pain isn't a very good selling point for Christianity. Health, weath, and total happiness is much more attractive but this is the real world and life hurts a good deal of the time. You are right, compassion is born out of pain. I guess we have to hurt to realize how another hurts. As Christians, we suffer what everyone else suffers in this life but the difference is Jesus. I really can't remember what it was like without Him.

Permalink 07/13/07 @ 17:06

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