Post details: Glimpsing Eden


Permalink 12:18:32 pm, Categories: By Pam
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Glimpsing Eden

God has placed me firmly in the center of the Garden of Eden;truly. He has given me a home that provides all that I should ever need to eat and to drink. There is wild game aplenty at my doorstep and within walking distance a beautiful, untamed river teeming with trout and fowl. He has given me enough ground and water to raise any fruit or vegetable that I and my family should ever need. In my beautiful Bosque' home, I am shaded and cooled by the giant Cottonwoods as to this Garden I tend. Here beneath the large, green, cooling leaves, I am protected and nurtured, directly by the hand of God. In this desert garden, I find peace and healing and wordless fellowship with God;true companionship that needs no speaking.

Truly, I was created to tend God's garden and when I have learned to fully trust that His provision only will meet my needs, I will have awakened fully in the likeness of Jesus Christ. Yet now, I've one foot in Eden and another in the world. Though all my needs are provided for, I still often stumble in my flesh and strive for the things the world claims are necessary: material wealth, insurance, cars,status, vacations, doctors, and pills. I leave off tending God's Garden as I turn to attempting to create a paradise garden of my own. When I strive,obtain, and reach the reaping of the full harvest of my garden, I suffer as the falseness of the promises of the world are revealed. The promises of man always crumble in their full reality. They crumble and blow away. They blow away as all that is made of the elements of the earth and is flesh crumbles and scatters in the wind.

As my body crumbles and is being prepared for that final scattering, the angel that guards the gate to the true Eden is stepping aside and I am amazed to see that there is no difference between here and there and the Gate to Eden is unlocked only by my full willingness to partake. That willingness is no work or performance of my own but is as all things, a work of God. I cannot obtain, I am only to receive.

All is well with my soul for in Jesus I have met face to face with the Living God and when the Spirit castes my flesh as dust in the wind, I will not perish. Instead, my spirit will be caught up by His Spirit and I will be whisked into Paradise with Jesus and there all toil and pain will be forgotten as all of the gardens of my own choosing will be forgotten. In the fullness of divine joy, I will, for eternity, tend only the Garden of God.

As my flesh crumbles, the boundary that differentiates my beautiful Bosque' home from Eden blurs and is becoming nonexistent. Here is there and as my earthly eyes grow dim, my spiritual eyes are growing ever wide as Jesus in me and to me is more fully revealed.

Here I am, Jesus! To You my arms are open wide. Carry me, for I am weak and small. Protect me and take me where ever You will.


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Servants, stand up! says the Lord of Hosts. Stand up for Me, and I, even I, shall feed you with knowledge and understanding...the Word of God as your drink, and the knowledge of the Lord as your shall sing and you shall stand up, you shall shout with a new voice in the face of adversity. And in that very same day, you shall be gone, you shall surely be taken and be found no more in the earth...eternal joy and all tears wiped away in the presence of the Lord, your Redeemer, is your reward, and it shall never again depart from you, says the Lord. [Jesus speaking] (Servants, in Christ, Stand Up and Blow the Trumpet! - Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 6)

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