Post details: As The Flower Needs The Rain...


Permalink 11:10:29 am, Categories: Announcements [A], By Pam
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As The Flower Needs The Rain...

Jesus I need you. As the desert calls to the rain that it might be replenished and bloom again, Lord I call to you. As I stumble in my own way and fall, my heart waxes barren and dry. Please, Jesus create a new heart in me. Oh Jesus, fill me anew with your Spirit this morning and guide me through whatever comes today. If there be blessing, Lord keep me humble and thankful to you. If there is trouble, keep me secure in the knowledge that you will never leave me. Though my health should vanish like smoke and the living seem to leave me behind, hold me in your strength that I might fully know that you are with me.

Yesterday is gone and done and tomorrow may or may not come. The only constant in either of them is You, Jesus. I can't see tomorrow clearly and even my next breath may not come, but you are here in this moment as you have been in my past and also in my future. I cling to you in this moment and pray that my life would be of use to You even though it appears to be of little affect. I am learning not to trust in my own vitality or my own perceptions of usefulness but in Your Sovereignty over all of my days. Even those days that seem wasted to me and to others, I know have value in You.

Jesus, may all those with whom I come in contact be touched and be loved by You living in me. Live through me today and every day for I need You and all who come into my presence need You too. I pray that Your presence in me would be available to all who are in my life; even those that are momentary and unacknowledged by me. In all my weakness, be strong as my life is woven into the tapestry You have designed to return all humankind to You, Father and hasten the day that Jesus is fully revealed to all. Oh, for the day when every eye sees Jesus and recognizes Him as the true Son of the Living God. The day when the earth will be fully replenished and infused by the Life that is only Jesus and pain and sorrow flee away and those who sleep in Jesus rise to sleep no more.

This my morning prayer, in secret yet, made public that the Life you infuse into my dying mortal body be extended to all my fellow creatures. My heart laid bare in its weakness that Your glory and strength would be fully accessible to all who are given to believe in Your Holy Name. In the only Holy Name given to call on for Salvation. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


Comment from: SteveW [Visitor] ·
Grace and peace to you Pam.
Permalink 05/30/07 @ 11:40
Comment from: Pam [Member]
You too, Steve, thank you. May all eyes be opened to the Grace and Peace that is only in Him.

Permalink 05/30/07 @ 11:54
Comment from: Dennis Thompson [Member] ·

I always enjoy what you have to say. I know we all hit dry spots in our lives but I think it is like that poem footprints in the sand. He is always with us and it has little to do with how we feel.

Our righteousness is always just him. Our performance in life will always have ups and downs. But God is not a counter.

Our hearts are made clean before him at salvation. We are always clean in his eyes, despite silly walls that we may build out of guilt.

Be Blessed
Permalink 06/26/07 @ 10:05
Comment from: Pam [Member]
Hi Dennis,

I am glad that your heart is touched by the words that God puts in my heart to share.

He has fashioned me a heart person and what I feel is often very strong in me and I think with my heart more than my head. Before Jesus, that meant sure death for me but I am blessed and Jesus has created a new heart in me, one that longs for Him and for the filling of the Spirit that guides me in place of my heart. Jesus has made a heart full of wicked desire clean and filled it with His Mercy and Love. He has made that which was useless and wicked a thing of beauty to serve His good purpose.

Oh! How I love Jesus!

Permalink 07/03/07 @ 17:01

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All sin is sin and requires forgiveness, which is equal, as is the reward equal, given freely to all who ask. ~ God [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 2 - Let the Lord Lead, You Only Need Follow...Let Go of Your Pride]

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