Post details: How NOT to preach


Permalink 08:15:32 am, Categories: By Trent, GraceHead grinning
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How NOT to preach

Guy A: How is your church going?

Guy B: We got a new preacher, but we like him better than the last one.

Guy A: Really? What did your last preacher preach about?

Guy B: "Turn or burn."

Guy A: Oh. What does the new preacher preach about?

Guy B: Well, "turn or burn" also.

Guy A: I don't understand. You say that you didn't like the preacher that preached the same sermons that the new preacher preaches, and yet you like the new preacher.

Guy B: The old preacher preached those sermons like he was glad about the "burn" part, and the new preacher weeps with great sorrow about the "burn" part.

Get it?
I do.


Comment from: Len Hummel [Visitor] ·
THE MOTIVE OF THE HEART is EVERYTHING in preaching, ... as well as most everything else !
We *should* at times preach and/or share about *the seriousness* of the judgements and wrath of GOD against sin, ... but not without a broken heart of love for the lost *who need HIM so desperately.* Good point, Trent.
Permalink 05/01/07 @ 09:49
Comment from: Pam [Member]
Hi Trent,

There is even a type of preacher worse than the one who wants to see people burn...that is preachers who are like the reluctant prophet Jonah. God gave him a message and He could really care less about what God wanted or what people needed. He literally put himself through hell trying to avoid delivering the message given him by God. When he did finally do as God directed (and God always wins) he was angry because God had mercy and repented of the destruction of the people of Nineveh and even their critters. Jonah could not rejoice in what God had done in saving all of those people and their livestock because he was embarrassed and felt that he had pie on his face so instead of rejoicing, he pouted.

I wonder if this will not be the state of many Christians, including preachers of fire and brimstone on the Day that Jesus sits upon the Throne of Judgement and decides for the widow and the orphan and all things are set right in the kind of justice that can only proceed from true righteousness. I know one thing for sure, the judgment and justice of Jesus will look nothing like the judgement and justice of mankind. We see the cure of crime as being instant punishment and death but God sees that cure in Life through Jesus Christ!

See how it goes? You post a little diddy and get a sermon in return!;-}

Permalink 05/01/07 @ 13:41
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Trent, Len and Pam.
Enough said...

Except this:
Blessings in Christ to you and all your beloved,
Permalink 05/01/07 @ 14:21

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I ask you to love those who have hurt you; and to love them is to forgive them as I have forgiven them and you. ~ Jesus [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 6 - Understand Love, Know Forgiveness, Partake of the Whole Fruit of the Spirit and Make It Part of You]

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