Post details: Tithing and the True Church - Hear the Word of the Lord...


Permalink 01:21:54 pm, Categories: By Timothy
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Tithing and the True Church - Hear the Word of the Lord...

[Exerpt from a Letter in Vol. 6]

[Jesus] You also ask of is wisdom: Abraham, your father, gave ten percent of his spoils to the king of Salem, Melchizedek, and later a portion was also given of the tribes of Israel to the Levites so they may serve God, and so it is today. Yet today, the voice of God is not with His people, as it was then, for none will listen. So give directly to the poor as your heart leads you, for in serving God shall no man profit by monetary means, but shall profit only by that which the Lord God gives, and the profit that God gives is true, and in no wise is it of men or mammon. For the Lord delights in that which one gives to another, in My name, and by the works of their own hands and feet in all righteousness...this is the tithe in which the Lord delights most. If one comes to you, saying, ‘Give me a cup of water’, give them a drink in My name. If one comes saying, ‘I need a shirt, for I am naked and cold’, give them your shirt and your coat also.
And if this same one asks, ‘Will you walk with me this far?’, go with them double. So tithe not just of your money, but of your possessions, of your body, of your strength, of your time, of your very life, and you shall receive ten-fold in Heaven and in the Kingdom to come. Do this, and you shall really know Me and the Father also, for I am of the Father.
And it is He, who has sent Me to live in you, because He had also given you to Me, and I had given of Myself for you...even of My very life to save you. I know you, beloved, I have always known you...I created you. I am your Father, as God is your Father. I am your Fashioner, the Carpenter, your Shepherd. Come to Me, and dwell in My sheep pen, and dwell no longer in the world’s or the churches...I am the Church.There are no walls preventing you from seeing Me as I am. I am all around you and in are in My body. My church is not made with human stands forever by the power of God’s Spirit, which is in Me and I am.
All those, who love Me with their whole hearts and drink of My blood and eat of My flesh, are the True Church, which is of Me and in Me. No church of men, made by human hands, shall endure...only the church of My body shall endure, for it is built upon the Rock of the Everlasting Covenant, which is in Me, and I am in the Father...the Chief Cornerstone of which all things have life and are built. Trust not in man’s doctrine. It is built upon the shifting sands of religion and tradition.
No one comes to Me unless the Father first draws them to Me. No man can draw you...human power is of no use at all.
Abide in Me, and I shall abide in you and give you life in abundance.

[Jesus] I am the only Begotten of the Father...
there is none other and none like Me.

I am the only Way to follow...
the only Path to redemption...
the Truth and the Word...
the Life that never ends...
the Light that shines in the darkness...
the Beginning and the Ending,
who comes quickly to make a quick end,
so again there may be a new beginning which has no end.

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Restoration of all things,
the Unbreakable Stone that fills the entire earth,
which will endure forever and ever,
and forever shall I be...I AM.
And in this is all wisdom and all prophesy fulfilled:
In the knowing that there is One God and One Son,
the Way to the Father, and One Life which is never-ending,
of which all were made and have life
if they so choose to receive of this Gift...
I am that Gift...receive Me and have Life.

My Kingdom is coming and has come already.
Come and dwell in the Father’s Joy, which is in Me.

Amen and amen.


Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Jesus said "sell everything and follow Me". Is this not a tithe of possesions and a giving away of our lives and ones time to follow Him? Has tithing passed away, because you are not willing to give of yourself, or your time, or your money to another in the name of the Lord? Does Jesus still want us to give money and time to help the needy?...this is true religion as James said. How is it then you say, "If we really knew how to follow Jesus we wouldn't have to worry about obeying Old Testament Commands like the tithe"?
Does not Paul, in the New Testament, teach us to be a "cheerful giver" with love in our hearts? Did not Jesus teach us how to tithe humbly in Matthew 6:1-4? What about the time when Paul took up a collection (tithe) for the poor saints at Jerusalem? Are we not to be "doers of the Word and not just hearers" as James said? Is not the giving of our time a tithe also?
How is that you say this is an Old Testament command? Is the Old Testament now become untrue? Did not Jesus say in John that the Scriptures(OT) are true forever; and again in His prayer, in John, saying "your Word, Father, is Truth"?
Therefore be careful not to segregate the Word of God for your own means. Rather seek to understand the Word of God as a is not two seperate books, but one.

"Not just by our mouths do we serve the Lord,
but by our hands and our feet shall we serve Him.
This is the kind of tithe in which the Lord delights."

"So give directly to the poor as your heart leads you, for in serving God shall no man profit by monetary means, but shall profit only by that which the Lord God gives, and the profit that God gives is true, and in no wise is it of men or mammon. For the Lord delights in that which one gives to another, in My name, and by the works of their own hands and feet in all righteousness...this is the tithe in which the Lord delights most. If one comes to you, saying, ‘Give me a cup of water’, give them a drink in My name. If one comes saying, ‘I need a shirt, for I am naked and cold’, give them your shirt and your coat also.
And if this same one asks, ‘Will you walk with me this far?’, go with them double. So tithe not just of your money, but of your possessions, of your body, of your strength, of your time, of your very life, and you shall receive ten-fold in Heaven and in the Kingdom to come. Do this, and you shall really know Me and the Father also, for I am of the Father."

Yours in Christ's service and love,
Permalink 04/20/07 @ 18:48
Comment from: Len [Visitor] ·
The way I see it spiritually is kind of summed up this way: JESUS PAID ALL MY DEBT. - an *ETERNAL* debt.
I OWE HIM *everything.*... my time, my life, my money, my everything. ... and furthermore: HE'S WORTH IT ALL AND MUCH, MUCH MORE !

In fact: *I don't "own" ANYTHING* ! - it ALL belongs TO HIM !
Permalink 04/21/07 @ 14:52
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Amen, Len.
Permalink 04/21/07 @ 19:18
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
The Lord spoke the words in my post, they are not mine. So then, they are to be obeyed and followed, as should His words in the NT be obeyed and followed. And in following Him shall your understanding grow, for it is not yet complete concerning the Old and New Covenants. Jesus came to fulfill not to destroy.
Why would Jesus teach us how to tithe, if we are not to?
Permalink 04/21/07 @ 19:29
Comment from: Trent [Member] ·
That reminds me of this:
and this:

I like that, and had that question in my heart this week, so I was glad to see this post this morning.

Permalink 04/22/07 @ 07:45
Comment from: Kansas Bob [Visitor] ·
Tithing seems logical to us because it is something you do from that place of carnal logic - the head. I think that God is more interested in giving from the heart not the head.
Permalink 04/22/07 @ 20:00
Comment from: Pam [Member]
Too many of us give because it is tax deductible and that is as wrong as church leaders who drool over the offering plate. Tithing is a good example of the Law which is spiritual being corrupted by human beings obeying the Law in a carnal manner. What was meant for our good has become a very common practice of evil. We all need to examine our hearts and ask God to show us our true intent in any giving that we do.

Permalink 04/22/07 @ 21:34
Comment from: Len [Visitor] ·
Good point, Pam.

As one wise man once said, "THE MANNER and MOTIVE is more important than the how much."

A tithe [from a generous heart always open to giving] is a good place to start and remain.
Permalink 04/23/07 @ 06:33
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Amen, Pam and Len thats it!

This is what Jesus is teaching us in the post above and in Matthew 6:1-4...
That not only, we should INDEED tithe, but it is much more than the simple act of letting go of 10% of our money, but that we should be giving of ourself, our time, our money, our lives to help those in need. And that it should be done humbly in His name, even as in "secret" lest we should boast.
To tithe according to how Jesus and the Apostles teach is true religion. What man has made is not true religion, but a corruption of the Truth for vanities sake in the name of pride.
To give outwardly for vanity's sake and NOT from the heart, according to the Spirit and the doctrine of Christ, is abomination to the Lord our God and is very contemptable in His sight. This is why Jesus taught us in the NT and continues even now to teach us the right way...
A gift, not in love, for love's sake, by faith, in the name of Jesus, is NO gift at all, but is vanity and vexation of spirit as Soloman wrote.
Permalink 04/23/07 @ 10:43
Comment from: Pam [Member]
"Pure religion and undefiled is this, to visit widows and orphans in their affliction and to keep oneself unspotted by the world." and when you give, give in such a manner that your left hand does not know what your right hand is doing and be a joyful giver. (paraphrase)

Permalink 04/23/07 @ 11:25
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
It is this simple and I will never say otherwise:

This blog is not inspired it is the Word of the Lord, literally. I hear the voice of the Lord and write down what He says. Period...thats discussion, no debate. It is like dictation, He dictates I write, unless I indicate otherwise in the Letter or post.
So then, should you test what I have written down according to the scriptures? Yes, I have helped with this, Biblically, in my "Discernment of True and False Prophets" blog.
Is the Word I am sharing with you the Word of the Lord from His mouth? Yes. Is it equal to the Bible most definitely!..same Author. Rather the issue is not with me, (I know Who speaks to me and that what He says is True) the issue lies with those to whom I share God's words, in the believe or believe not.
I have delivered the message as the Lord had commanded me.

Therefore, I claim no extra authority for myself, it is the Lord Who claims it!...for His own glory. These are His words and with them they do carry His authority and contain His own life giving Spirit.

These Words are Spirit and they are Truth...God's Word IS Truth.
Permalink 04/23/07 @ 14:37
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Yes, the Letters could be added and will be. They would fit perfectly as they have the same Author, but you can leave my name off. To God be all the glory and to the Lamb! Like I said they are the Lord's Words and I hear them...they are audible to me...they are not in my head and not in the room either, but very close...very hard to explain. And the power of His presence...well that is something I cannot put into words, only to say; indescribable love, wisdom, power and many times righteous anger always coupled with mercy.
As far as all our personal posts: if they speak the truth and bring glory to God and to Jesus' name, then yes, I would call them inspired, for no one can proclaim Jesus is Lord except they have the Spirit of God...all those of the Truth hear Jesus' voice in many different ways.
Permalink 04/23/07 @ 17:42
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
God requires humility of all His servants walking in the very footsteps of Christ. And a greater portion of responsibility of those who would speak on His behalf calling themselves by His own Name, even the Name He gave His Son, saying the house they built, by their own hands, is the "true" house/church of God in Christ.

Here is what God spoke to me recently concerning the mega-churches that steal from their parishioners in God's name and Word:

[God] Oh churches of arrogance, how shall I gather you when you resist all correction and follow after the vain babblings of men in authority, heaping to yourselves teachers, wolves in sheep’s clothing, saying that the Word of God is the way into riches and material things?...WOE! I say to you, who follow these acolytes of satan....False teachers! Soothsayers!
Desolations are coming...great want! How, then, shall these silver coins and paper, houses made of brick and wood, save you? The riches of men shall be taken from them in a day. What, then, shall you stand upon, oh men of vanities and vain deceits? Churches, purify your robes and cast out these leaders who speak as doves and teach doctrines of devils.
My children, wash your clothes and purify your house, for the Holy One comes nigh! Be not left in bitter sorrows, refinement in the heat of the Lord’s Day.
Cast away these false doctrines, stop committing fornication with the harlot. Your mother has forsaken you and serves your enemy, even satan. She shall be left utterly desolate. Repent, therefore, and come out of her, says the Lord. Take not one of her doctrines to yourself. Return to Me, abide in My Son...He is your Sanctuary from the storm. Yeshua (Jesus) is the Gift and Him you shall flock. His flesh shall you eat, His blood shall you drink. Live in His Word and obey My commandments.
Beloved, your nation is judged and given up. Turn to God! The Son of Man comes quickly to deliver you! Behold! You shall see the angels of Heaven ascending and descending upon the Son of Man. The sleepers shall awake; and you who are yet awake, having been fully awakened to Him, shall be caught up with them to meet the Lord in the air, and forever shall you be with the Lord.

Purify your faith, purify your worship, purify your it now! says the Lord God, Creator of Heaven and earth.
Permalink 04/23/07 @ 17:53
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
even so, Amen...
and Amen.

Come Lord Jesus!

The Day of the Lord is at hand and who shall stand?! For HIS words are sharp, striking to the heart and are sharper than any two-edged sword.
Permalink 04/23/07 @ 21:00
Comment from: Len Hummel [Visitor] ·
Hi ya'll. I think I'll have to weigh-in on this one again: from all that I have seen and discerned: Timothy has
* the gift of prophetic utterance; and
* occupies the *office* of a present-day prophet or mouthpiece for THE LORD Yeshua, ... Who Is, in Truth, THE very SPIRIT of Prophecy.

Now everyone will have to examine his words written and posted AS TO WHETHER THEY ARE, IN FACT, FROM THE LORD HIMSELF, ... but the above is pretty much my conclusions on the matter.

Timothy's words and exhortations ARE NOT CONTRADICTORY TO WRITTEN SCRIPTURE. - some of them are, admittedly, controversial, ... but then so also are certain doctrines FOUND in the Bible, - some of which scholars and theologians have wrestled with FOR CENTURIES.

Few things stir more controversy than when someone PROCLAIMS to speak directly from THE AUTHORITY of Christ Himself, as His prophet. - this, clearly, Timothy does without apology and without flinching. Everyone would do well to examine *him* and the prophetic words of exhortation and warning VERY carefully.

A note also of caution: there *are* no infallible Popes or men, ... there *are*
however, infallible and UNASSAILABLE WORDS FROM THE LIVING GOD of The Living and EternaL Word.

Hallowed be HIS Name: The LORD Yeshua ha adOn EL ELyOn:
Sar ShaLOm: The Almighty, EL GibOr.
Permalink 04/30/07 @ 15:58
Comment from: Len Hummel [Visitor] ·
One very important addendum to all this: THE CORRECT AND FULL TRANSLATION OF THE spirit-test passage of the relevant Scripture is found properly translated here:

1 Corinthians 12:3 :: King James Version (KJV) [CORRECT rendering]:
1 Corinthians 12:
3 Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed:
and that **no man can say that Jesus is *the* Lord,
but by the Holy Ghost.** [or: by the indwelling of
the Holy Spirit within] !


1 Corinthians 12:3 :: New King James Version (NKJV)
1 Corinthians 12:
3Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by
the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed, and no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit.

1 Corinthians 12:3 :: Wycliffe New Testament (WYC)
[CORRECT rendering]:
1 Corinthians 12:
3 Therefore I make known to you, that no man speaking
in the Spirit of God, saith parting from Jesus;
and no man may say *the* Lord Jesus [is], but in the Holy Ghost.


See also:

Catholic Douay version:
1 Cor.12:3
Chapter 12
Of the diversity of spiritual gifts. The members of the mystical body, like those of the natural body, must mutually cherish one another.
3 Wherefore, I give you to understand that no man,
speaking by the Spirit of God, saith Anathema to Jesus.
And no man can say *The* Lord Jesus, but by the Holy Ghost.


Corinthians 12:3 (21st Century King James Version)

3 Therefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit
of God calleth Jesus accursed, and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, except by the Holy Ghost.


Notice also this excellent translation:

The Holy Spirit inspires men's faith and imparts spiritual gifts
12:1 - Now I want to give you some further information in some spiritual matters.
12:2-3 - You have not forgotten that you were Gentiles, following dumb idols just as you had been taught.
Now I want you to understand, as Christians,
that no one speaking by the Spirit of God
could call Jesus accursed,
and no one could say that he is *the* Lord,
except by the Holy Spirit.



* 1 Cor.12:3
* Philippians 2:11 and
* Romans 10:9 & 13. * ACTS 8:16; 16:30,31; 19:5,6. *
* John 8:24 * --
-- a confession BY THE HOLY SPIRIT, from the heart, unfeigned.
- NO ONE can confess these truths EXCEPT it be given to them BY THE HOLY SPIRIT. - that is the sovereign truth of the Scriptures.


THINK. ! - what is the difference between
'a lord,' 'my lord,' 'our lord,' 'lord,' and
T H E Lord. !


NOTICE: the confession is (ultimately) over OBJECTIVE Sovereignty and Lordship, NOT just *personal* or partial Lordship and
Sovereignty: in many many ways it is the VERY ESSENCE of 'The Conflict of the Ages.' ! WHO rules !
WHO Is The Objective and
Eternal LORD-GOD.


JESUS IS T H E LORD. Eternally. - ONE with THE FATHER and The Holy Spirit:
Co-Creators and Co-EternaL: These Three are ONE.
Permalink 04/30/07 @ 16:10
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
To everyone above: The Lord Himself has told me to answer you with these words:

"What the Lord has given me to write, stays written, and what the Lord has spoken, STANDS."

Therefore any discomfort you have is not with me and should not be addressed to me. Only sincere questions of faith will I answer from now on.
The Lord has spoken, yes SPOKEN, to me several times saying, "It is not with you, Timothy, that these contend and will not obey. It is my Word which they cannot bear to hear and will not obey; neither can they discern the Truth as I have given it to them, for the doctrines and traditions of men they hold in high regard and will not put Me first neither will they obey My commandments. Rather they make every effort to search out ways to subvert My word spoken through My prophets and do take even every way given them, of the world and man, so they may go round about. And so, it is continually fulfilled as in all times past: These children of disobedience will not hear, nor can they, for they do continually go about saying, 'speak to us lies and pleasant things and cast these cords from us. Speak no more in the name of the Lord, we will no listen.' And again saying they know My Words and My commandments, BUT THEY WILL NOT DO THEM! So take not any complaint to yourself and speak only to those with sincere questions of faith and remove yourself from the slander of these smoking fire brands, their argument is with the are but the messenger. It is now up to them to receive it."
says the Lord.

Yet remember also, all of you remain in my prayers daily. This is also what I am called to do. For though the Lord may be angry with those who speak against His Word and will not heed His correction or guidance or warnings, He has also shown me His great love and mercy toward them. And so I spend much time in prayer praying for everyone and especially those who speak against me and this Word given me, of the Lord...even double I shall pray for them.

Yours in Christ's service and love, now and in the Kingdom,
Permalink 04/30/07 @ 16:29
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Amen Len...
The Bible gives us everything we need to discern the Truth and who is in Christ and of the Father. Yet people stifle the Spirit and close their eyes and stop their ears.
And by their own will and by the many false doctrines(and traditions) of men, fed to them, is the veil held firmly in place making it hard for them to see, though the veil is taken away in Christ...
This is a mystery... only the Lord knows and can search the hearts, also remembering we are but flesh.

And so we pray in Jesus' name without ceasing...
Permalink 04/30/07 @ 16:48
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
I claim no special favor. I claim the love of God in Christ the free gift to all if we would only accept it and walk in it. I do, however, claim that I am the Lord's prophet (one of many) and I have delivered His have yet to receive or believe them. I am a servant, no more no less, the Lord does His own work... I only obey His voice.

Jason, if you think God is not angry with the world, the churches, other religions and mankind you better think again. Read your Bible. You might also want to read Revelation again and Volumes 5 and 6 of the Letters.
The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord is coming and who shall stand?!

This is the question all should take very seriously...

There is only One Path to follow and One Way into the Kingdom and it is very narrow.

Abide in Christ, don't just say you know Him, ABIDE IN HIM. By His strength and our weakness shall we stand. We stand not on our own, for in our weakness is His strength made perfect.

"What the Lord has given me to write, stays written, and what the Lord has spoken, STANDS."
Permalink 04/30/07 @ 20:23
Comment from: Len Hummel [Visitor] ·
NOTICE: In my very honest opinion and observation: those who CLAIM that "Timothy lacks love and grace" ARE THEMSELVES being highly judgemental and very unfair. - Such judgementalism will backfire.
I can assure you it will.

THERE ARE FIVE OFFICES in the Body of Christ: prophet is one of them. (and those offices have NOT disappeared from off the earth) ! ... not entirely, ... tho a true prophet be very rare indeed.

The office of prophet *is* A RARE ONE. ... but it is real. BEWARE of speaking arrogantly and presumptuously against one of GOD's servants and most particularly, a prophet who speaks a living Word from the Throne of GOD.
I say this to one and all:
BEWARE. - we are moving into a time of accelerated Judgements from GOD. BEWARE you do not speak ill of His servants and PRESUME to be "a condemning judge."
Permalink 05/01/07 @ 09:59
Comment from: Len Hummel [Visitor] ·
And I want to say this directly to Ambree, - who presumes so arrogantly and FINALLY to be The Judge of Timothy and the word he brings forth: *you are NOT being "loving" tho you make a pretense of being so.* - you are full of judgementalism toward Timothy. you have sought to *condemn* him AND his office as a prophet.

Beware: this can very easily and quickly turn into become a serious offense in the sight of GOD.

You have PROOF that Timothy is a false prophet and speaks not a genuine word from the Lord Jesus Christ. ?
If so: PRESENT your PROOF, since you have already virtually CLAIMED you know he is wrong. PRESENT your "proof." - we would all very much like to see it.

Pastor Len Hummel
Clearlight Ministries
Permalink 05/01/07 @ 10:07
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Regarding Hebrews 1:1-2:

“God, who at sundry times and in diverse manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom He hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also He made the worlds” (Hebrews 1:1-2).

All that I do and speak is by Jesus. For apart from Him, I can do nothing (John 6:63).

If all things are done through Him, and by God’s Holy Spirit which is given through Christ, then it is by Christ’s authority and voice that I do now speak to you.

I do nothing of myself. All is the Lord’s doing, through Christ, in Christ and by Christ. Even the Word from God I write is still given to me through Christ...He is the “All in All” and lives in me, and it is His Spirit that comforts me and it is His voice that I hear and obey.

So then, most Christian's understanding of Hebrews 1:1-2 is correct, but not complete. As these verses are continually fulfilled through me and all those who love Him; and also in the reading of His words in the Bible and the Letters...Jesus is the Word...”In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1).

All inspired posts are also from Him... To God be all the glory and to the Lamb! Amen.

Note: I speak by permission of that same Spirit in Christ, when I say all prophets of the Lord spoke as they were moved by the Spirit of God, and that Spirit by which they spoke was Christ.

Yet the Spirit coming to live in us was not yet given to the church of Christ’s body, but was given to the prophets of the Old Testament at various times, to fulfill God’s will....”For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man. But holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” (2 Peter 1:21).
Permalink 05/01/07 @ 13:42
Comment from: Pam [Member]
I'm very timid about saying anything here...but I so hate confusion among God's people for God is not the author of confusion that is Satan's game. All too often, I see Christians get tangled up with one another over words and the various ways we have all been taught to understand certain words and phrases. Then it gets personal and when it gets personal all hope of reason seems to be lost. Whatever I say, I pray that God would return each and every one to a reasonable state that He might have His way in ending the confusion that Satan so relishes for he relishes anything that causes division and hinders us from serving God.

The first word of confusion that pops at me is office and I really don't think that the spiritual gifts are referred to as an office. If I am wrong, I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong.

I too have questioned Timothy as labeling himself as a prophet because I don't know him and I didn't understand what he meant by it. If I am correct, Timothy does not see himself as being among those in the church who are believed by many to be 'raptured'(another extra-biblical buzz word) but instead will remain behind to preach and teach during the great tribulation. He believes that God has called him as one of the 144,000. For me that ended some confusion as the bulk of what Timothy feels called to do will take place during another dispensation and not be in full force during this present dispensation of Grace. That is my understanding of what Timothy says God has gifted him to do.

There are some things that Timothy says that don't quite jibe with my understanding of certain portions of scripture but I haven't found them to be any more controversial than those of most every other Christian who doesn't agree with me and I find no reason in what Timothy teaches to label him as false. I think Timothy expresses himself differently than those of us who are highly literate in religio-babel and it confuses us. I also have not thought that he was teaching that the Law must be obeyed to receive salvation or eternal life. Instead, I felt that Timothy was pointing out the error of the church in embracing myth and celebrating those myths simply because they are tradition when instead, holidays that were set down in the O.T. should have more meaning for they were a foreshadowing of what we have in Jesus. I happen to agree with what Timothy says about the things we embrace other than Christ when we celebrate the traditional Easter (the very name being a German derivative for the name of the mother goddess or who the Bible names as the Queen of Heaven) or Christmas (December 25th being Saturns birthday with the true date of Jesus' birth being not known for certain). I am the type of Christian to whom one day is like another but I also know that there are Christians who revere certain holidays and I believe it is the intent of their hearts that God judges them by. The Bible tells us not to judge one another for the days we keep or don't keep but we are to do whatever we do as unto the Lord.

Many of us Christians claim that our faith is founded upon the Jewish faith when in reality most of our traditions are Pagan and there are many things in scripture that we misunderstand because we think as pagans and not as a Hebrew. We aren't aware of the deeper meaning of certain things named in the new testament. Case in point: Revelation speaks of the number of the beast as being the number of a man 666. I hear so many fanciful explanations for this number when delving into Hebrew thought and culture can give us a clearer understanding that is not so mysterious after all. In the book of Ezra, the children of Israel were numbered according to the patriarchs of each family or tribe. The number of descendents being the number of a man. Adonikam is the only 666 man, that I know of, in scripture. There are many other such misconceptions and I find much of what Timothy says to be refreshing as I too over the last five or six years have strove to develop a deeper understanding of Hebrew thought and culture that I might be better equipped to expound upon scripture and to free myself of many of the pagan myths that are still embraced by the church. The Catholics aren't the only organization that does so. Many Bible teaching churches do so, as well. I may misunderstand that which Timothy teaches and his intent may be quite different that what I have discerned but I think the intent is to purify our thinking so that we might better understand the Word of God in these very spiritually confused days.

I also think people are put off when Timothy prefaces what he say with (God) or (Jesus) and think he is calling himself a special person. Well we are all special and God has a special purpose for all of us. I too often write and speak the words that God gives me by the power of the Holy Spirit within me. Yet, I have never felt the urge to preface their origin. I have very often felt awkward when someone compliments me upon what I write for I know that it is not of me but what God has laid upon my heart and given me strong compulsion to write or to speak. Timothy says they are God's words and I think we misunderstand that he is doing so to glorify himself when he is glorifying God by his openness as to where the things he writes come from.

I will conclude this all by saying that I do not as yet really know Timothy and will probably never meet him in the flesh and I too am watching very closely that which he writes and I test his words as well as his online demeanor in expressing those words. There are those who are gifted to prophesy and in reality, I think every born again believer prophesies in the NT sense of the word when we speak or write or pray the Words that God gives each of us. I will not question Timothy in regards to what God has called him to do but if I see him setting himself up as someone to follow as say, Mohammed or Joseph Smith or Jim Jones, I won't follow for I follow only Jesus and His voice is the only voice I respond to. Any man who sets himself between Jesus and those who would come to Jesus is a false prophet and teacher. If I ever see Timothy doing such, I will publicly separate myself from him. Also, if I should hear of him committing sexual sin, I will publicly separate myself from him. If I should see him profiting financially while calling himself a prophet of God, I also will turn away. All of his words, I will take to Jesus and to the scriptures and depend upon the Holy Spirit to give me discernment and guidance and I pray that all of you will do the same. I will also be praying that all of us who are careful to search out the truth will do so in Love for Timothy and for one another. That Love not being a fuzzy warm feeling but the kind of Love that God has for all of us, the kind of Love that is not afraid to chasten all who belong to Him. May all that we do edify and not tear down. May the Lord keep each of us from taking up personal defense and taking sides. Let us purpose to be on the Lord's side for biting and devouring is never the Will of the Father for His children. I hope my words have helped and not hindered.

In Christ,
Permalink 05/01/07 @ 21:11
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Pam, you are a good and faithful servant of God and His Christ...I see Him in your words and in your understanding. The Fruit of the Spirit is also very evident in your words and in your posts.('blessed are the peacemakers') The fruit of the Spirit is what I see most lacking in these "back and forths" recently.
People often mistake my steadfastness and rigidness for arrogance and pride. This is not the case, for I know Who speaks to me (I actually hear the Lord speak) and by Who's knowledge and understanding I do these things. What I have seemly done in the 300+ Letters and numerous Bible studies is so far beyond my capablities it is ridicolous. I mean I am constantly going to the dictionary after writing God's words to look up words I have never heard before and many I have heard, but do not know what they mean. Not to mention every Letter I have written down was written in the matter of just a few minutes. I mean my pen speeds across the paper as fast as I can go, trying to keep up with the Lord's speaking. This I also think is on purpose so I do not take any credit to myself. I mean no one, and I mean no one, can write words like these this fast with no outline and no preplanning. Its the Lord's doing and is very marvelous in our eyes.

So Pam, I believe that you do know me very well. For I do only seek to glorify the Lord and the name of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, Yeshua the gift. You have also understood VERY well the reason God had me post on His Holy Days so strongly, for they also glorify Christ in ever sense.
I want NO followers! I want ALL to follow Jesus! I want NO fame! To God be all the glory and to the Lamb! I only want to be in Jesus' arms at the Last Day and hear Him say "well done My good and faithful servant."...For I have already heard Him say He loves me. If I died now at this moment I would died fulfilled, because of Him. To die would be gain. Yet the Lord has ask me to endure for His name's sake and for the sake of those who need to hear of what God is about to do and most importantly the Good News of Christ must be preached to the whole world. Therefore I seek to honor and obey God in Christ, I am not out to please men or women...or even myself. My happiness is in the Lord.

I must make a straight path for the Lord to follow, not I, but the Lord, who makes it straight through me and all His servants of the end of this age.
The Bridegroom comes quickly now and the Bride MUST make herself ready! And all those who call themselves by Christ's own name must PURIFY their faiths and make ready. Not by their mouths, but inwardly they must become completely clean, fully partaking of Jesus' blood, which makes them clean. Then in obediance is that love made perfect... A wonderful recompense shown outwardly by that which is accomplished inwardly...GRADITUDE, a pure joy.

Ambree, Satan cannot claim or speak these things their is no truth in him. Neither is their any love in him, for he was a murderer from the beginning, as Jesus said in John, and speaks only lies and is the father of them. Satan does not stand divided against himself.

All I have done is speak the Truth as I have heard from God and Jesus, yet these repay me with slander and evil speaking, striving over words. Yet do I still love them and pray for them and always forgive them, asking that the Lord forgive them also, for it is Him who they are truly are speaking against. As I have said, they are the Lord's own words in my posts. And that is why I state who is speaking in my posts, so there is no confusion.

Pam, your words are wise and your advice sound.
We must always remember the FRUIT of the Spirit and pay close attention to the fruit that is bore by our actions and especially by those who call themselves Christian and even more so those who claim to be prophets..."by their fruit you shall know them", say the Lord Jesus in Matthew.

Everyone: I am a servant...the Lord's messenger! Do you question the mailman in this way? I deliver what is given me and do what is commanded me by the Lord. How is is it the Lord has spoken and you cover your ears? Why haven't you cupped your ears and listened with all reverance? The Lord comes nigh. Did you think He would stay silent in these times of trouble and give no warning of His judgment. Does the Lord lie to His people?! Has He forgotten them?! Shall He not correct and discipline those He loves, as He Himself said He would surely do?! Shall He not with a strong hand and a firm word correct those churches who wish to be His bride?! Did you think the Lord has not seen the travail of His people and the corruption of His Word by men in authority, even in all the houses called by His Name?! He has seen it! Shall He gather anyone, judging only by the word of their own mouths?! Does He not search the hearts and minds to see if that proclaimed is indeed true?! Have we learned nothing from the parable of the ten virgins with their lamps?! Have we not taken to heart Jesus' own warning in Matthew 7:21-27?!

Therefore brothers and sisters, take heed to yourselves and seek understanding and get wisdom. I have not been sent to speak smooth things to you, nor lull you to sleep with soft words. I have been sent out to proclaim the sharp Word of the Lord and to send out His hammer to break the hearts of the hard hearted, to awake the the sleepers!...Then when they have awakened shall they find rest, rest in the Lord of Hosts, the Holy One of Israel is His name, Your Redeemer. In Him will you find sanctuary, in Him will you find love and words that are true and everlasting, in Him will you find peace that is lasting, in Him is joy that never fades...He is the Meaning of Life, the ONLY way to follow.


The "fruit" of the Letters - God's doing for His own glory:

-1.3 million visitors to the in one year, with barely any advertising
-175,000+ downloads of the Letters from God ebook and Bible studies (free of charge)
-Letters are being copied and distributed worldwide (and I have never been more broke financially)
-thousands have turned to Christ and many have turned back to the Bible because of the Letters
-Marriages healed, people of drugs, lives changed, because of the Letters
-Churches of Benin City Nigeria united because of Letters and our own personal financial help
-over 1,000+ Bibles distributed to Nigeria from our own Bible study groups effort
-we also fund by our own means a orphanage and Christ Evangelical Outreach in Nigeria
this lists goes on and on...

This is not a boasting of myself or our Bible study group, but a boasting of the Lord's own work and glory. He has done it. We have only obeyed His voice and done only that which He commanded us to do, on faith. He has never led us astray.

This kind of fruit cannot be bore by satan, nor could I have done it. I am broke and not that smart :-)

Only the Lord could have done this and this is only a very small beginning.
THIS IS THE WORK OF THE LORD! I can take no credit at all...I can only fall to my knees in worship and praise of the mighty works of the Lord and be in awe of His majesty, abiding in is love, trusting in His wisdom.

To God be all the glory and to the Lamb forever and ever.
Amen and amen.
Permalink 05/01/07 @ 23:27
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
The proof is the Word, it is self-evident. Read the Letters then go to your Bile and see if it is in agreement (but according to the truth and the Spirit and not according to the doctrines of men or the interpretations of men).
I have already pointed everyone to the the applicable Bible verses in the "testing of the spirits" according to 1 John 4:1. I have delivered the message. It is up to you to accept it or deny the Lord's Word given you. I am not responsible for your faith and belief or lack thereof. I am responsible for delivering the message only. Jesus is the Author and Finisher. Yet, if I deny the Lord and not deliver His Word than it would be on my head, as you may know from Ezekiel 33. Therefore it is upon you to to test and then obey. Or scoff and obey not.
I have no followers, nor do I receive anything as a result of this. No one even knows my last name except Trent and the members of our Bible study, which are all relatives.

What the Lord has given me to write, stays written, and what the Lord has spoken, STANDS.
Permalink 05/01/07 @ 23:53
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Brother Len, you have spoken the truth and issued a just challenge. These proclaim that we should test the spirits, as 1 John 4:1 says, yet they will not do it. For if they would, they would see that which I have posted is indeed true and of God. And in this, they fear and hold on to transgression, for they do greatly fear that one should come and speak to them in the name of the Lord, saying, “Thus says the Lord!” This has come to pass and so they scoff, for they no longer have any excuse for their disobedience. Neither do they have any love at all in their hearts for God; neither does Jesus live there. For where the spirit of the world is, combined with pride and slothful arrogance, the Lord can not be...satan lives there, continually leading them astray, having already put his hook in their mouths and does lead them about wheresoever he wishes, causing them to speak lies...even two at one table, and by three they go into judgment. And so, I have separated myself from them (by deleting their comments) according to the apostle Paul’s teachings, which comes from the Lord. For I have also attempted to show them their error, with sound doctrine and Scripture, even the very words of the Lord Jesus Christ, even having another with me (you), and yet they still turn away. Instead they choose to embrace all the corrupt fruit of the evil one, shown by their pride, their foolish-talking, doting about questions and strifes over words, with envy, strife, railings, evil-surmisings, perverse disputings, corrupt minds, destitute of the Truth, seeking only glory for themselves which they count as spiritual gain, having no good conversation in Christ...He is not in them. The world and the corrupt doctrines of men have become their masters and they have become lords unto themselves. They have not recognized their true master and adversary...satan is the master of corruption. He is the adversary, who, indeed, disguises himself as a minister of light, speaking lies and pleasant things, even smooth words of deception, saying, ‘You are now free to disobey; there is no accountability, there is no such thing as sin. The Lord has changed, He no longer sends prophets. You don’t need them, for you alone are righteous. You know the mind of are above reproach. The Lord is silent, neither does He watch or listen; neither will He give correction or discipline for those He loves. Do as you feel is right, for righteousness is in the eye of the beholder’...And for this, satan shall surely be brought down to everlasting punishment. And those, who would mock the Lord and those He has sent, who serve Him in His own name, they shall surely receive recompense in full for their error. They shall be left wanting, in sorrows and tears, abased for their haughtiness and blasphemies against God, unknowingly saying, by there foolish talking, that Christ, even Christ, the Holy One, is the author of sin and has cast away the Law of His own Father, which He upholds and has taught us to follow, even giving us the means by which we will do so. The Holy Law stands forever. And we obey it because Christ, Himself, lives in us, and because we love Him.
These smoking fire-brands shall be refined; they shall be brought very low. Yet the Lord will save them, in the midst of their sorrow, when they bow down and humble themselves, and call on His name in TRUTH with sincere remorse for all they have done against God and His servants, the prophets.

[God] It will surely happen, it shall surely come to pass, says the Lord. They shall glorify My name in the Day of Slaughter. They shall sing in the face of adversity, when troubles encompass them round about, says the Lord, Whose judgment stands and shall fill the earth in His fiery anger. Behold! The Lord, the Lord of Hosts, shall show the world, and even all in the isles, a new and terrible thing, even a wonder, an astonishment. I shall build a great city, lo, it shall be a city filled with singing and blood, crying and elation...yea, a great city of salvation, a city of harvest, even all the wild wheat shall be there...a city called Martyrdom! To my own glory, it shall be built. Yet in the Lord’s mercy, it shall not endure. For My glory, it shall continue for a very short season...lo, it shall be cut short for the elect’s sake. And all, who dwell there, shall sing the song of the Lord in that day. And those, who dwell there, shall live there only for an instant, a twinkling of an eye. And in that very same moment, they shall be gone from the earth and be given robes of white...even in My own House shall they receive them. They shall bow down, yea, they shall give worship and receive healing. And there, My children, even there in My bosom, you shall abide for a short season...and you shall never know death anymore, neither pain, nor crying, nor sorrows of any kind shall you remember anymore...only singing and praise in the presence of your Shepherd, your Redeemer, the Lord of Hosts is His name, the Holy One of Israel!

Behold, I have spoken it, says the Lord.
Lo, it shall be and it shall not tarry, for it comes quickly...
behold, it is at your doorstep.
Repent, My people, and give Me glory!
Christ Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!
Do not just say you know Him, live in Him!...Yea, abide in Him.
Feed yourself, night and day, with His doctrine, My doctrine.

Listen to those I send...
you shall know them by their fruit and by their sword,
which I, Myself, have placed in their mouths.

Strike them down if you are able; kill My prophets if you have no fear of God in your hearts. Come against them in your false righteous anger...come, says the Lord...COME! You shall be cut to pieces! You shall be brought VERY low!... Abased in My hot anger, and lifted up because of My mercy.
And you, oh wicked, true concubines of satan, even you wicked vipers, who do shake your fists at Heaven and spit at the King, the Holy One, come and hiss at My chosen, the redeemed from among men, the firstfruits to My glory in shall be brought down to hell, the grave. From dust had I formed you, you broken vessels of great dishonor, and to the dust shall you return. Thus is the eternal state of My punishment, thus is the punishment by My own hand: Destruction of the wicked in the lake that burns, consumed in an instant, gone from My presence for eternity. Darkness, outer darkness, nothingness is your reward, and you shall never even know you had received it or received it not. You shall know nothing, nor have ANY part in life. It is taken from you and shall never again be granted to you...your inheritance is lost. This, oh perverse generation, is the eternal state of My punishment and the eternal recompense for all My children, who have forsaken Me utterly in their willful adoption by satan, the evil shepherd of the goats made fat, fat for the are consumed. And he who bore you, even he called lucifer and satan, that wicked serpent, the dragon, he will receive equal for his evil deeds in the lake of eternal torment, reserved for him and his angels.

So turn, says the quickly!
The time is at hand, the Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord is here!

Be hidden...not left and exposed.

Seek sanctuary in your Redeemer, Christ Jesus is His name,
Yeshua, the Resurrection and the Life, the Gift,
the Loving Mercy of God which endures forever...

oh Emmanuel.
Permalink 05/03/07 @ 16:11

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I ask you to love those who have hurt you; and to love them is to forgive them as I have forgiven them and you. ~ Jesus [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 6 - Understand Love, Know Forgiveness, Partake of the Whole Fruit of the Spirit and Make It Part of You]

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