Post details: Repenting of Being A Religious Person


Repenting of Being A Religious Person

"I have come that you might have life." - Jesus.

"I am the life" - Jesus.

Often when you strip verses from their context, the meaning is lost and you are left with something that goes against the whole of scripture. However, taking these two quotes from their context and placing them next to each other offers deep insight into the whole message of the Bible and makes for easier understanding of many other passages.

He came simply to make a gift of His life, and infuse it into as many as are willing. Eternal Life is defined by Jesus Himself - a PERSON - not a endless sucession of days.

Did you know that we don't live according to teaching nor ethics nor morality. In fact, we no longer live at all, but Christ lives in us. He doesn't stand aside and wait to see how we live up to His teaching or ways. Rather He infuses Himself within to become the very means of works and the dynamic of His own demands.

I've learned to look at all God's commands as something that He intends to fulfill in me as I abide. That lesson only came as I realized that my best efforts on my own were far from enough.


Ever watch chimps on TV act like people? There was a series of commercials for "Career Builder" you might remember that were hilarious. The monkeys were so good at acting like a man, that it was funny to see.

So, what did I expect when I thought my efforts could fulfill the holy law of God?

Do we expect more than a laugh?

How much harder is it for man to behave as though he can be holy than it is for a monkey to behave as though he were man?!? It really isn't funny, is it? It is religion and is prideful and derseved my sorrowful repentance.

Lord, keep me far away from the flattering notions of the enemy that I am something, and that I can do anything apart from you. Lord, keep me weak, and grow me weaker still that I may learn to rest fully upon you. Be the oil in this lamp, and the electricity in this bulb, that I may simply let you out - to shine your glory as your humble servant and empty vessel. Abide in this earthly tabernacle today, as you abided in Jesus 2000 years ago. It is for your own namesake that I have been called to be your dwelling place in this realm.

Related GraceHead articles:


Comment from: Kevin [Visitor] ·
Bring it on, brother (or sister).
This is why I registered on this site - for nuggets of true non-religious Christ-focused wisdom expressed in simple, easy to understand language that allows God to speak to my heart. Sure, there is the metaphysical outside-science challenge of really grasping the concept of Jesus living inside us, infusing us, etc. - but the more we live from this truth instead of daily slipping into trying to do things in our own strength, trying to work things out with our mind, etc., the better off we will be - I believe.

PS Are we allowed to know who wrote this?!

PPS See for an excellent related exposition
Permalink 04/11/07 @ 05:49
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Amen, Trent.
I can never repeat it enough: "Human power is of no use at all", says the Lord Jesus.

For without Him we can do nothing and apart from Him we grovel in the dark. He is the lamp for our feet and the light of our lives. In Him is life and in Him do we have life and more abundantly.

Thank you Jesus!
Permalink 04/11/07 @ 21:51
Comment from: Len [Visitor] ·
i am nothing,

yet HIservant

BY HISpirit, ... and GRACE.


O what a PERFECT provision! - YahOvah-Yirah: my all in all.

Permalink 04/12/07 @ 01:50
Comment from: Ambree C. [Visitor]
Great message, Trent! It all boils down to dependence--who are we REALLY depending on for living day by day, moment by moment. If we're trusting in ourselves to make the right decisions and pull all the strings to make 'life' work, we'll always end up making a mess of everything. I'm definitely speaking from personal experience--too many experiences in fact. I'm facing a situation right now where I can either go on my own devices and try to fix a certain dilemma I'm facing "my way", or fully and completely trusting Jesus to work it out HIS way. I won't lie, this is SCARY to my flesh. So far, I've tried to fix this my way, and this situation is more worse off now than it was in the beginning. I'm at the crossroads, so to speak, and I have a wonderful opportunity to let God be God and let Him work things out His way. My spirit's willing, but my flesh is weak. I so want Jesus to be my provision for my needs and the needs of my family...and I know He's faithful and will do it--He's said so. :) My freakin' flesh keeps getting in the way...
Permalink 04/12/07 @ 12:02

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I forgive you for those things spoken evil of me as I am commanded by Him who has forgiven me in His blood and suffering and also has forgiven you if you so choose to accept that forgiveness. For we are commanded that we forgive every one who sins against us as we are forgiven by Him who all have sinned against. ~ Timothy [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 3 - The Word of God is Truth...Leading to Life]

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