Post details: Words Of Faith


Permalink 12:06:03 pm, Categories: By Pam
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Words Of Faith

There is no physical act that calms and tethers me so firmly as writing the very words of faith that proceed through me by the mind of Christ that is within me. Faithful words that do not come from myself, the woman who is often fearful of the future and for the well-being of those she loves. Instead they are the Words that are like my faith in Jesus Christ, a wonderful gift from God. Words that are the true reality behind the present physical reality that so often causes my heart to fear. Though there be disease and violence all around me, and so near as to be in me, these words of faith tell me I am safe that He is nearer than near. He is in control even though I hear of earthquakes, tsunamis, and many horrible natural disasters and see with my eyes the destruction that they bring. When I hear of wars and rumors of wars and fear that the end is near and so many that I love do not know Jesus, He whispers, "I am the Alpha and the Omega and the end is merely the beginning and all things will be returned to Me."

These are the Words of Faith in Jesus that can't be heard with physical ears and their reality does not depend upon what can be seen with our physical eyes. These Words are of the unseen reality that governs all reality, they are the true and eternal reality and not of the physical that is daily passing away. Someday, the physical will be no more but that which is eternal can only remain.

Though I fear and tremble, I listen to these Words of Faith that He gives me daily and I cling to Jesus, cling to Jesus, cling to Jesus...and then go about my day.

Mother's pray for your children for only Jesus can raise a Christian. Please, Jesus reveal yourself to all of our children. Jesus, come quickly. Amen.


Comment from: Pam [Member]
Thanks for the encouragement, Societyvs.

Thankfully, God does not depend upon what the world values and perhaps, by allowing the world to get a nose full of its own values will bring about the full revelation of Jesus to all women and men. It is there for the taking but the world is stubborn, just as I was once very stubborn but God was faithful to bring me to my knees.:0) The Bible teaches that every knee will bend and confess Jesus and I know that with God all things are possible because of what He has done for me.

Look up, kiddo! Our redemption draws near! The night IS always darkest before the dawn.

Permalink 04/03/07 @ 20:24
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Amen, beloved of Christ.

Indeed those of the Truth hear His voice. (John)

'My sheep hear my voice' (John)

And we try not to let our hearts be troubled. (Mat. 24)

For the mystery of God shall be revealed (Rev.)
and their shall be no more time (Rev.) nor counting of days. (Letters)

Forever young shall be your new name. (Letters)

You are a good and faithful servant and greatly beloved.
Permalink 04/11/07 @ 22:03

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Many in your life have sinned against you, and all have sinned against Me. Have I not forgiven them through My Sons sacrifice? ~ God [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 1 ~ The Christian Path]

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