Post details: The Second Adam


Permalink 01:48:58 am, Categories: By Pam
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The Second Adam

There is one constant certainty in life and that is the uncertainty of life and the conflict that sets it in motion. All that is alive on this planet is caught in the conflict of death of one so that life of another may continue, killing and eating, dying and living. The two bound together as death is necessary to bring sustenance. Human beings being the most adept at killing and eating sit atop the food chain and no longer fear any outside predator; so we turn to killing one another in or order to fulfill not hunger but desire. In masses, we wage war and kill that we might gain land, riches, or power. In private, the killing is to fulfill more sinister desires that are not so easily justified. Even those of us who never lift a weapon, kill and devour one another in spirit in the work place, in the home, and even in places of worship for nothing more than prestige or power.

In all of this uncertainty, I have chosen to hang on to One Man Who in my life, has proven Himself to be different from all others and indeed, to be the only hope I have of the cycle of death for life being broken. He is the One that laid down His own life for all of us and commanded that we eat of his Body and drink His Blood saying that He had provided food in indeed. This Man is Jesus. When we partake of Jesus and feed upon Him spiritually, we are changed just as any particular diet has visible effect upon a person physically, so does feasting upon Jesus change our spiritual countenance. Jesus, as the Second Adam, is a new kind of human being and we, when we have taken Him into ourselves as spiritual food will be made just like Him. When we have become fully spiritual, we will no longer need physical food and will be free from the cycle of death for life. We will no longer be forced to kill and eat.

When we have become fully spiritual beings then the Law which is spiritual will no longer be too great for us. We will live the Law. We will have no other gods and form no idols. We shall all know Him and love Him will all of our hearts and minds. We will not blaspheme His Name. Every day will be like unto the Sabbath for we will do no work but God's work only will be done through us and by us. We will honor our parents and parents will be honorable persons, those who have been made so in Christ Jesus. We will no longer murder or kill anything for there will be no need to kill. There will be no hunger to satisfy and all of our desires will be God's desires. We will not commit adultery for there is no male or female in Christ Jesus. We shall not steal for all of our needs have been met in Jesus Christ. We shall not lie for there is nothing to fear when we have been glorified in Him. We shall never covet for we will all be made equal in Christ with none above another. We will be made one in the Alpha and Omega Who is our Lord, Savior, and King.

This is the fulfillment of the peace that we all long for. The peace of God that will end the uncertainty that colors all of our days with the conflict that is life beneath the constant shadow of death. That shadow that pursues life being that which moves us through time itself and indeed, is the creator of time. This is the state of the First Adam and his time is nearing its end. Soon to come will be a new age and the revealing of those who are the first fruits, the first of those who have been made like the Second Adam. They are of those who are still yet for a short time being called out in Christ Jesus. These are the church that will rule and reign will Christ at His second coming and the establishment of His earthly rule. The Kingdom of God on earth that men and women through the ages have looked forward to and prophesied.

In all the uncertainty that is in me and in the world around me the fullness of which is true insanity, I have chosen to cling to Jesus. In this life, there is nothing lasting to hold onto, not even myself. For all dies and is taken up again in another form into that stream that is Life. Only Jesus has intervened with His own Body and Blood, offered as sacrifice, as the Man Who is also God, (the Man Who did not live under the Law but lived it out in perfect, spiritual and physical obedience) and broken the cycle that rules over the First Adam to establish the new order that will be of the spiritual Second Adam. Through this Second Adam, death will not only be conquered but fully vanquished by the spiritual establishment of God's Laws by Its daily being lived out by beings who have been glorified just as Christ has been glorified. I cling to this that seems insanity to many but is my only sanity in a world condemned to death that life may continue. I can't bear any longer the pain of daily, yea hourly, conflict and uncertainty. I wait and I long for Jesus and find my only comfort in Him.

Lord Jesus, come quickly. Amen.


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REPENT! And give Me glory according to the New Covenant by which you are saved. Call on My name by the name of He who I have given My name. One sin repented in the Christs name, all are forgiven you. ~ God [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 4 ~ Transgression]

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