Post details: To False Christians, False Righteous, Scoffers, Disobediant and to the Churches of Men


Permalink 01:42:14 pm, Categories: By Timothy
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To False Christians, False Righteous, Scoffers, Disobediant and to the Churches of Men

12/11/06 From God the Father and Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior -
A Letter Given to Timothy for All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Refinement...The Day of the Lord

[God] Thus says the Lord your God, the God of Israel: My anger is kindled against you. You have not harkened to My words, neither to the words given My prophets of old, nor of this day, even to the forsaking of the one you call Christ, calling of yourself by His own name. Shall I reward you for your disobedience simply because you are called by His name?
My children, I have sent to you many in My name with My own words in their mouths and I am yet sending 144,000 more, the witnesses, yet you scoff. Oh disobedient generation, who call of themselves by the Christ’s name, you are given up to refinement in the fires of the Last shall not be gathered. There shall be great wailing and gnashing of teeth. And so it will come to pass, those who would be first shall be last and those who are last shall be first. For every man, who thinks himself righteous, shall be left. There are none righteous! No, not one!...Not one person or church...all is vanity and pride, a complete vexation of spirit.
I have already told you, I require humility, a complete forsaking of your wills, walking in faith, abiding in the doctrine of Christ. Yet all you men abide in your own doctrine, walking in religion, not in faith in obedience to God. All religions shall fail...not one shall persist.
Children, salvation is nowhere to be found in man’s religions, nor shall one find Me in any denomination of man’s churches. All your attempts to hold onto your self-righteousness and bitter doctrine is in vain. My children, Christ’s Church dwells in Him and He dwells in the hearts of men. This is where My Son has rebuilt the temple that has fallen down. Yet you seek outwardly in the world, mixing worldly with spiritual and pure worship with abomination.


[Jesus] Be separate, says the Lord of Hosts! Come out from among them and follow Me. My servants, take nothing with you. I abide not in churches made with human hands...why do you not understand My speech? Those, who love anything in this world more than Me, are not worthy of Me. To be a friend of the world is enmity with God. Stop stifling the Spirit I have given you. To celebrate and worship Me, in any way not as it is written, is a desecration of My name! To mix anything I have given with that which is of satan is abomination!
Little children, come out of her. The harlot has deceived you and you willingly commit adultery with her, reveling in all her fornications. You are lost, given up to punishment...enduring desolations on every side. For I shall indeed correct and discipline all those I love. You have not given heed to the Father’s or Mine own correction, so then I must bring My hand against you, so you may yet enter My rest. Children, if I do not leave you unto refinement, assuredly I say to you, you may not enter.
For this stiff-necked generation does continually honor Me with their lips but their hearts are far from Me. Who do you serve, little ones?...The world and all its adulteries against God? Or God in spirit and in Truth, void of the world?
The day is coming, and is already here, when the Father shall receive the worship He really wants....the first harvest shall be lowly, of the lowly; and the second harvest shall be plenteous, of the refined and penitent. Repent, therefore, and humble yourselves and escape all these things that must shortly come to pass. Repent, I say, repent in truth and take up your crosses and follow after Me. If you repent and then return to those things of which you have repented, endeavoring not to change, has not your repentance become unrepentance? My children, if you come before Me, repenting of your transgressions in where you have not kept the Law of the Father, and then continue in your transgression forsaking the Law, have you not committed greater evil? For you have made Me the author of sin, saying, ‘We are in Christ. We are free from the Law.’...Desecration!
Little children, hear Me. You are free from the curse of the Law, you are saved by grace, and now live under My grace which shall enable you to keep the Law of the Father, because you are free from the curse of the Law...death. You are by no means free to break the Law. Have I not said, you are forgiven, now go and sin NO MORE? Continue to transgress, not endeavoring to change your ways, you remain in unforgiveness, having lied to the Father in My name...neither are you born again of the Spirit, for all those who receive of the Spirit walk in My ways...I walked in perfect obedience to the Father. I say not that you shall walk perfectly, only that you sincerely strive to walk in uprightness, a completion of your faiths, having received of My gift, even of the new heart I have given you. And by this shall you be judged, for I search the hearts and minds, and I know if you have been wholly converted in your hearts, even unto your innermost who seeks to please the Father by all his doings, one who truly loves Me.
My children, I shall speak plainly so you may be saved: Love one another, feed the poor in spirit and in body, visit the widows in their affliction, uphold the fatherless, speak to those in prison, help the sick, forsake these modern “holidays”, embrace the Holy I am their fulfillment and as they are written, get understanding, get wisdom and remember the Sabbath Day, the seventh day, to keep it holy. Obey all of the Father’s My own grace shall you keep them. Listen to those I send you. You shall know them by their fruits and by their sword, for they come not to make peace but war in My members...a great division, a sifting of My wheat for the harvest. My children, you grow too close to the tares, you are entangled. Uproot yourselves and be planted in the good ground where the latter rains are abundant. Regain the line, put your feet back on the path, for it is narrow.
Go your own way, and you shall not be gathered. Walk in Me, I am the only Path to free.
For in Truth, which is absolute, one shall find respite and be gathered up to Heaven, even one week in the Lord.
My children, God does not change...His Word is forever.

[God] I am the Lord!
I shall have mercy upon who I shall have mercy,
and I shall punish those who I shall punish...
yet call on the name of the Lord
in these final hours of darkness,
and you shall be saved.
Behold, you shall see the angels of Heaven
ascending and descending
upon the Son of Man.

I am the Lord!...Hear Me!


Comment from: Len [Visitor] ·
As you have written:
"There are none righteous! No, not one!...Not one person or church...all is vanity and pride, a complete vexation of spirit.
I have already told you, I require humility, a complete forsaking of your wills, walking in faith, abiding in the doctrine of Christ. Yet all you men abide in your own doctrine, walking in religion, not in faith in obedience to God. All religions shall fail...not one shall persist."

What can I say? We must walk in FAITH, in GRACE, in TRUST, in TRUTH, and in obedience.

THE BLOOD covers; the Spirit and WORD sanctifies.

Blessed be the Name of the Lord Yeshua Messiah - Savior.
- HE is The Author of our faith AND our Salvation. !
Permalink 03/06/07 @ 17:28
Comment from: Hilary [Visitor]
I'm interested in the response to that last question. Can we have your thoughts on this, Timothy? I know that "coming out" is a spiritual thing of the heart - but what about the material consequences??
Permalink 03/08/07 @ 09:06
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Society and Hilary, please see the new post above this one for your answer.

Many blessings in Christ to you and all your beloved,
Permalink 03/12/07 @ 09:16

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Woe to those on His left on that Day. They will be cast into the fire. ~ God [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 1 - Those Whom the Lord Has Cleansed Are Now Clean Now Now, and Worthy of the Kingdom]

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