Post details: Prophecy Against the Great Nation, Ishmael (Islam)


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Prophecy Against the Great Nation, Ishmael (Islam)

4/3/06 From God the Father -
A Letter Given To Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Prophecy Against the Great Nation, Ishmael (Islam)

Behold, the Lord is high and lifted up. The Lord has seen the travail of His people, and remembered the sins and blasphemy of the wicked one and those who do follow after him, giving heed to his lies and subtle deceptions. Even five times per day do they bow down and praise Me by the words of him who I have cast out.

Thus says the Lord: The one who shall stomp upon the Holy Covenant is come, and shall come and make peace with you. But there shall be no peace.

Thus says the Lord God: My face is turned against you, and My arm shall be outstretched. Even on pins and needles, nails, and broken glass shall you walk, tearing the flesh of your feet, leaving trails in blood on your streets, the pain of which shall not cease.Neither shall you find respite, for this is what the Lord has decreed and shall be done.You have trodden under foot My commandments, persecuted My people and killed My flock beloved of the Shepherd. You are the flock given up to the slaughter!


Thus says the Lord: I shall paint the hills, even every mountain in My lands, with the blood of your fathers and sons. Behold, the Lord is against you, oh people of violence! How long shall you corrupt My Word? How long shall you deny Me and My Son, Christ, the Lord? You shall surely die, and your corpses shall lie in the streets of your abominations. You shall fall down, even in the midst of your sanctuaries, your abominable temples...these shall crumble, and turn to dust, before the wrath of the Lord!

Thus says the Lord: My anger is still not turned away! Oh great nation, descendants and adopted sons of Ishmael, so it is fulfilled and will come to pass. Hence in less than one week's time (seven years), you shall be against every man, and every man shall be against you.

Thus says the Lord of Glory: I am come in My vengeance, and I shall destroy even all your strongholds. I shall dismember and burn them with fire. I shall dry up your lands and smite your peoples. A wasteland of sorrows shall be your meat, and suffering shall be your nourishment, for as you have done unto those who love Me, and the name of My Son, the Holy One of Israel, so shall you receive double of the wrath of the Lord that has come. Oh deceived nation, YOU SHALL NOT CHANGE, OR ADD TO, THE WORDS OF THE LORD MOST HIGH, NOR DENY HIS NAME, THE NAME HE HAS GIVEN HIS SON, EVEN CHRIST! You are not alone in your desolations...even your enemy, the church in the midst of the seven hills, shall join you.

Thus says the Lord: Your whoredoms and murders are stacked one upon another throughout the generations, and so the Lord has declared your end. For those religions, those vain religions of this world, who worship false gods and idols, shall have it far better than you when the day of God's wrath is revealed. Yea, even the heathen shall be spared when he calls upon the name of the Lord in that day. And the name by which he shall call unto Me is Christ Jesus the Lord, for there is no other name
upon earth, or in Heaven, by which you must be saved, than by the King's alone.

For this is what the Lord says: As am I, so is the Christ, even Jesus. As I am known of Him, so is He known of Me. Whatsoever is done is done by Him. Whatsoever I decree as sanctified is sanctified by Him. Whatsoever is condemned shall be destroyed by Him. Whatsoever is corrupted is made incorruptible by Him. What was once dead has life because of Him.

Thus says the Lord of Glory: I have glorified the name Christ Jesus, the Lord of Heaven and earth, and I shall do so again, even forever and ever! Amen. I see your hearts, oh sons of iniquity. Your father was cast out of the camp of Abraham, and so shall your presence be cast out of My lands...even from the earth, for it shall consume you.

Listen to what the Lord says: Repent, and I may yet find a place for you, for I am the Father of all and know who it is that has corrupted your hearts and filled them with hate. He is your true adversary, the devil, who has been cast down and goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he might devour. And devour you he will by your own evil desires, which he has used to turn you against your God of whom you say you love and worship. Yet you do not know Me, nor will I hear your prayers, for you pray to Me by the name of a man who is not My prophet, nor have I spoken to him.

Hear what the Lord requires, and listen, and so do, and you will surely live and not die.

Thus says the Lord: All have sinned. There is none, not one. Therefore, from the beginning the Lord your God has required sacrifice for sin and blood for atonement. Yet mankind would not be saved by the blood of rams and goats, nor lambs of the first year, though they have no blemish. Only the pure blood of a man without sin, sent from God, could save mankind from themselves. Behold the Lamb of God, who was beaten and bruised, scourged and mocked and hung upon the tree, even the cross.

Thus says the Lord: ONLY GOD MAY FORGIVE SINS! And I have forgotten them though they be great in number, even beyond the number of the stars. Yet the Lord, your God, has forgiven them in One Man who bore them in His own body, though He has no part in sin of Himself, being the Son of Man, who is as the Father, God in the flesh, Emmanuel on earth.

Hear the word of the Lord: Those under My wrath, who shall suffer My vengeance, cry out His name and be spared ... Jesus Christ, the Lord, YahShua HaMashiach is His name! Deny Him, and you are lost, and given up to judgment and death...the inheritance of the wicked and the followers of satan and his servant.

The Lord is wrathful, the Lord is full of vengeance,
yet His mercies are bountiful
if you, My children, would accept them.

The Book of Life is written, and is held,
in the Christ's right hand.
He has the power to blot you from its pages
and your part in life...
embrace the Master, and He shall embrace you.
He is your Carpenter and Father.
He loves His children with a love unfathomable.
Come, gather together in His name,
and He will be amongst you,
and take you to be where I am.


Comment from: Pam [Member]
Religion will always bring war for religion is of the desires of the human heart and in seeking out our desires, we come into conflict with one another. One who's faith is in God and not in religion will not war with others for that one does not have to fear the destruction of his faith for it is not of himself but of God and indestructible. One who is born of God seeks God's desires. One who seeks his own desires through religion will always war with others as his desires are continually in danger of being thwarted and even his very religion is in danger of destruction because all that is born out of the human heart is mortal and shall not stand forever. Religion born of the human heart is carnal and the hope that it promises, hopeless for religion can never make men or women holy like God. Only God can make us holy and that holiness is found only in the righteousness of His Son, Jesus Christ. Only in Jesus can carnal man be made spiritual.

The Christian religion is as hopeless as the Muslim religion as any religion. There is no religion devised by human beings that pleases God and all religions will meet their end along with human governments for God desires to rule in each and every human heart directly. Direct and personal communion with the Father is offered in no human institution but only in the person of Jesus Christ. The only true mediator between God and man. Before God, all are made equal in Christ, by His power and might and not our own.

Permalink 03/01/07 @ 19:19
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Religion is man's vain attempt to reach God and Jesus is God's way to reach man, so he might return to Him by the Way He Himself has opened to the Most Holy. Amen.

With this in mind Sister, let also remember the God of the Old Testiment remains the same, forever and unchanging. (Mal. 3:6)
So then, thus has the Lord God spoken to me and I have written exactly as I heard Him speak... just as He has and will continue to speak against the world and all false religions, even against all the churches who have strayed from the Truth, abiding not in the True doctrine of God and Christ, but in the vain and corrupt doctrines of men, who seek man's glory and not the True things of God for His glory in Jesus name and Spirit.
Permalink 03/01/07 @ 21:14
Comment from: Pam [Member]
God is unchanging but at different times and during different ages demonstrates various aspects of His character towards us. In this age, His Grace still shines upon us through Jesus, His Son for a short time longer and then another age begins and another aspect of He Whose ways are so much higher than our own will be demonstrated in another operations of the Holy Spirit that will conclude the redemption of all things created in Christ.

Permalink 03/01/07 @ 22:23
Comment from: Len [Visitor] ·
AMEN ! ... "Whose ways are so much higher than our own will be demonstrated in another operations of the Holy Spirit that will conclude the redemption of all things created in Christ."

We are now moving into the final preparations of "that new dispensation of Christ and The Holy Spirit" which will be full of grace, righteousness, and UNHINDERED by the spirit of confusion and mixture and departure from undiluted Light and Truth.

Line us up !, O LORD, with YOUR purposes in the earth ! May we be found faithful in this wonderful and awful hour.

~ All glory to The Lamb. ~

* Jude 24,25 *

Permalink 03/02/07 @ 00:12
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Amen! Pam and Len.

Yes, Jesus is the love and mercy of God manifest and shall bring us into His kingdom and after that the "eighth day"... an eternity with the Lord, both of which no one has imagined, nor can imagine what the Lord has in store for those who love Him.

Indeed Jesus is the fulfillment of all things! The beginning and the ending, who make a new beginning which has no end. Amen.
Permalink 03/02/07 @ 14:02

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Let all evil that remains evil unrepented, be punished equally to evils deeds. ~ God [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 2 ~ God is Sovereign]

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