Post details: 52 States


Permalink 01:53:43 pm, Categories: By Trent
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52 States


Comment from: Len [Visitor] ·
Yep. Could very well be the near future of "globalism" on a more *local* level.

Anyway, be it known (and it is worth noting) that adelpit346 has been saying for some time now that *THIS IS THE WORKING OUT OF A DIVINE WILL and plan that will culminate in "the Rod of Iron" 'by which He [Jesus] will rule the nations."* [at least just prior-to AND INCLUDING the Millennium]

Could be. In any case I'm sure we are almost all agreed that WHAT GOD WILLS WILL BE, ... and ain't nothin' anybody can do about His Ultimate Will & Purposes.


*Very* interesting article.
Permalink 02/28/07 @ 14:33
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
I will definitly read this later. Thanks Trent!

And so prophecy marches on toward its fulfillment with North America becoming one of the "Ten Regions" or "10 horns" (Daniel and Rev.)

*click the "Bible /Letter study" icon on my website to learn more (see Daniel Bible studies).

Come Lord Jesus!!!
Permalink 02/28/07 @ 19:19
Comment from: SocietyVs [Visitor]
I guess it's like neighbors sharing yards and the same tools - but run by an outside source. Can't say I totally like the idea - a National American Union but it did exist once upon a time in the America's - all the First Nations people shared these countries (canada, USA, and South America) - maybe this is going back to that? Probably not with Capitalism in the way of things.
Permalink 02/28/07 @ 19:37
Comment from: Pam [Member]
Hi Trent,

I've been watching this for about three years now and it has been going on for much longer than that. Hal Lyndsey first made me aware of Trilateralists in the seventies and this political elite group has been working both sides of the isle for quite a while now. What all of our modern day presidents have in common is that they are Trilateralists and what political science elites all have in common is that they believe they know much better than we do what is good for us. Truly, what can be more sensible than a global economy that is centrally governed? Another man who saw somewhat of this coming was Berry Goldwater and it seems that all of his misgivings about the CFR have panned out. Back in the sixties, he sounded the alarm as to special counsels that operated outside the jurisdiction of our own congress and judicial system. Of course, our Supreme Court also reaches outside of our own borders in deciding cases these days. America is not the same and all that really remains is the formality of dissolving our sovereignty. What this article failed to mention is that the architect of this 'plan' is also the architect of the EU, Javier Solana. He has also worked closely with Condi in recent months in the implementation of CAFTA. I believe he is the most powerful man in the world at this time, and he is largely invisible.

Another interesting note to add to this is that the British Royals have long claimed to be descendents of Jesus. Could Prince William provide the DNA link that would cement in the minds of many that the bones that are being touted as belonging to Jesus truly being the bones of Jesus and even better a living ruler proven as his decedent? Who better to step in as a ruler to calm the religious tensions in the Middle East. A ruler that would appeal to the three major religions of the world. Those of the more liberal mindset anyway. All who believe literally are branded under the same label, fundamentalist and that is not a good label to have in this day and age. "Fundis" are derided almost as much as the Jews were in pre-Hitler Germany and blamed for as many of the world's ills. There is an old German song called, "Blame The Jews". If "fundi" were put in the place of Jews it would fit our current time very well and probably be a number one hit.

Len is right. There is nothing we can do to stop any of it but it is important to know what is coming down so as to make the right decisions as to where to plant our feet. There is no hope but in Jesus.

Permalink 02/28/07 @ 19:39
Comment from: Len [Visitor] ·
Hi Pam. I agree with all of this. The final antichrist and "the last world-kingdom" is about to emerge before our very eyes. - it remains for only a little space of time: then: its destruction is decreed and assured.

The entire scenario is ALLOWED for the sake of 'the sifting' of chaff from wheat, ... and wheat from tares.
Permalink 03/01/07 @ 00:03
Comment from: Len [Visitor] ·
btw: here's an interesting website that gives a somewhat "quasi-mystical-CATHOLIC viewpoint" on how the prophetic scenario of the last days will be played out. ... it makes for very interesting reading...

Permalink 03/23/07 @ 05:25
Comment from: Jackie [Visitor]
that site's address was changed to

And yes, it's a good read.
Permalink 06/17/07 @ 20:57

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