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Permalink 02:53:50 am, Categories: By Pam
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Teaching The World To Sing

James 1:16-27 Don't be deceived, my dear brothers. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of first fruits of all he created. My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you. Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it--he will be blessed in what he does. If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

Religion is presently teaching the world to sing a new song. Religion is wooing the world into a trancelike state with a seductive song that says spiritual is the consistency of the human heart. This song is an old song given resounding resonance in this present day. The melody and beguiling words flow in harmony with the desires of the human heart. What many have forgotten, if they ever knew, is that religion is an invention of the human heart and the Bible says that the human heart is continually wicked. Religion was never of God but fully human in origin. Religion promises to lift humankind and humankind loves to be lifted for the human heart is above all things very proud. Ironically, the new song that religion is teaching is Anti-religion Religion.

The lives of men and women are but a vapor but human beings are proud and men and women imagine themselves to be much greater than they really are. All of these fanciful imaginings are present in each and every religion born of humankind. There is pure and true religion, that which is to live a life of purity as described in the Spiritual Law of God and to tend to widows and orphans. True religion is practiced by those who have been reborn in Christ Jesus as through them the Will of God is accomplished upon the earth through acts of mercy not sacrifice, as in tending to those who are helpless and needy. This pure religion exalts God and humbles man. When people have been humbled by the Spirit and reborn spiritually in Christ, the Law is not burdensom for the Law is natural to the spiritual person. The Law is heavy to the carnal person. The Law is always heavy when we seek to fulfill it by carnal means. However, the Law is not evil as is currently being touted by many. The Law is what is good for human beings to live by but persons who are yet carnal resist the Law for it is unnatural to them.

Though traditional religion has become unpopular, few know the true alternative. Many are abandoning tradition and seeking their own way and in seeking their own way, the way of their heart, they form their own religion which is as dead as the one they left behind. In the clamor of the day, the Truth is being drowned out as people follow their own desires and seek acceptance of one another. This is the spirit that binds those that seek not after God but after their own way as they gravitate to those who share their same desire. There is strength in numbers and many are those who are gathering under the spiritual banner of, My Own Way.

Jesus, Whom God sent into the world as the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and in Whom all women and men are made equal before God, is denegraded and scoffed at as too exclusive. Many new fables about Jesus are being invented and old ones given new life in the guise of ancient writings, false science, and even in open fiction. Fiction that is embraced as possible truth by many who desire anything but, Jesus.

Many gods and many philosophies are included in this new song that religion is teaching the world to sing. Old gods, new gods, and no god at all is the all inclusive song of the new world religion that is rising. What will never be included in that song is, Christ Alone. Not long now and those who cling to Jesus will not be tolerated either. Neither will the Jews be tolerated, for as history teaches us, when religion grips the world, the people of God suffer. As the cloud of religious intolerance in the guise of tolerance darkens the world, the Truth that is Jesus will shine brightly to those who are being called out of the world. Then as those of us who are in Christ are lifted from the earth, the fullness of evil will settle fully over the earth as religion's final attempt to lift mankind to be like the Most High is given its full season.

These are deceptive times. Yes, abandon religion; but cling to Jesus. Cling to the Bible, the words that God has given us as spiritual food. Food that is truly spiritual for it is of the Spirit and it is through His Word that He speaks to us. The Bible is our guide and protector in these times when deception is so seductive that if it were possible, even the elect would be deceived. It is in Jesus that we have true spirituality for it is in Jesus that we have continual communion with the Father. Pray without ceasing, do what the Bible says, and do not fear the shifting shadows.


Comment from: Len [Visitor] ·
THE TRUTH of GOD's holiness...and our UNholy, UNrighteousness, ... and the great, GREAT mercy and grace of Jesus comes to us (often) like lightning, ... OR (more often): like A GREAT and heart-BREAKING CONVICTION.

"and whosoever shall fall upon this Stone *shall be borken,* ... but upon whomsoever IT shall fall: I will grind him into powder," saith The LORD.

our brokeness: HIS opportunity;

our pride and UNbrokeness: the obstacle.



HE KNOWS them that are His.
Permalink 02/27/07 @ 09:41
Comment from: Pam [Member]
Yes, He does Len and He is our refuge.

There are those who say they have found the tomb of Jesus and His family (i.e. wife and child). Suposedly, they can prove this through DNA but the only way they could prove such a claim is if they have a living decendent. I wonder who they will claim that is...I have an idea.

Permalink 02/27/07 @ 09:46
Comment from: Len [Visitor] ·
Right. Here's an update on this latest slur against Christ and The Gospel . . .


Israeli archaeologist and professor Amos Kloner, who documented the tomb as the Jewish burial cave of a well-off family more than 10 years ago, is adamant there is no evidence to support claims that it was the burial site of Jesus.

"I'm a scholar. I do scholarly work which has nothing to do with documentary film-making. There's no way to take a religious story and to turn it into something scientific," he told AFP in a telephone interview.
"I still insist that it is a regular burial chamber from the 1st century BC," Kloner said, adding that the names were a coincidence.

"Who says that 'Maria' is Magdalena and 'Judah' is the son of Jesus? It cannot be proved. These are very popular and common names from the 1st century BC," said the academic at Israel's Bar Ilan University.

The tomb was located in Talpiot, Jerusalem, March 28, 1980 by a construction crew developing an apartment complex.

The documentary comes on the heels of the huge success of the novel "The Da Vinci Code," which contends that Mary Magdalene had a child with Jesus.
But Dr. Shimon Gibson, one of the archeologists who discovered the tomb, told Reuters at the news conference he had a "healthy skepticism" the tomb may have belonged to the family of Jesus.
In Jerusalem, the Israeli archeologist who also carried out excavations at the tomb on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority, disputed the documentary's conclusions.
The archeologist, Amos Kloner, said the 2,000-year-old cave contained coffins belonging to a Jewish family whose names were similar to those of Jesus and his relatives.
"I can say positively that I don't accept the identification (as) ... belonging to the family of Jesus in Jerusalem," Kloner told Reuters. "I don't accept that the family of Miriam and Yosef (Mary and Joseph), the parents of Jesus, had a family tomb in Jerusalem."
"They were a very poor family. They resided in Nazareth, they came to Bethlehem in order to have the birth done there -- so I don't accept it, not historically, not archeologically," said Kloner, a professor in the Department of Land of Israel Studies and Archeology at Bar-Ilan University near Tel Aviv.

After they were discovered, the bones were reburied according to Orthodox tradition, leaving just the boxes with inscriptions and human residue to be examined though DNA testing.
Professor L. Michael White, of the University of Texas, said he also doubted the claims were true.

"This is trying to sell documentaries," he said, adding a series of strict tests needed to be conducted before a bone box or inscription could be confirmed as ancient. "This is not archeologically sound, this is fanfare.";_ylt=AtuuVy.fUpyzV.A790CXkM72_sEF


satan is "pulling out all the stops" in this evil hour. ... but *it is always darkest JUST BEFORE the Dawn...*

Maranatha !

Permalink 02/28/07 @ 01:14
Comment from: Pam [Member]
Hey Len,

I believe it is much more than a slur. Read my comment on Trent's latest post. There seems to be a lot coming down very fast now. And yes, we can't be overwhelmed, our faith is not in this evil hour but beyond it in the long awaited establishment of God's Kingdom. Through allowing the rule of man over man its full season, God will put an end to the rule of man over man and establish the rule He truly desires, that of God ruling directly in the hearts of men and women. That will be glory for me!

Permalink 02/28/07 @ 19:48

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