Post details: Awake All You Churches of Men


Permalink 11:59:03 am, Categories: By Timothy
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Awake All You Churches of Men

5/23/06 From God the Father and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Awake All You Churches of Men

Look up, the Lord comes, the Lord of Sabaoth comes, the Lord of Hosts, King of kings, Lord of lords...upon His mount of white, He comes. He shall gather His saints, and lift up the flock of the slaughter, and heal all who were trampled under the feet of oppression. Even all those, who were beheaded for their testimony, shall rise and abide forever in His presence. My people, the Lord is with you...He has always been with you. He dwells with His people, having never departed, though He had ascended out of their sight; still He remains fastened securely to the hearts of the blessed, the redeemed of the Lord. “Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of this age”, says the Son of Salvation. Hear His words, every one, and take much comfort. Remember His words, “I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto Myself. That where I am you may be also”, says your Lord.

Why then do you not believe Me beloved? The Father had sent His messengers, saying, “You men of Galilee, why do you stand here gazing up into Heaven? This same Jesus, which is taken up from you into Heaven, shall so come in like manner as you have seen Him go into Heaven.” I tell you the truth!...I am come! I have come already! I am coming again! And I shall return in glory as a roaring lion! Yet you do not come to Me; neither do you know Me. Why do you not understand My speech?...For I proclaim it to you through men in your tongue, yet you will not listen. You can not bear to hear; your heart is far from Me...married to the world, lost in the deluge of lies, false truths called science and religions that do not proclaim My name. I AM THE TRUTH! of which I was born into this world as a man to testify. I testify again through My servants, yet you will not hear them. Even all of you, who dwell in the churches, woe, I say to you. Do I live among you? Do you even know My name? You all sleep...a slumber in a bed filled with man’s conceit and doctrine, built on the foundation of unbridled arrogance.

Thus says the Lord your God: You shall surely come to not. Churches of men - REPENT! Tear down all you have built up by yourselves, of yourselves, and for yourselves. Tear down your four walls, and begin again in Me, says the Lord. Obey My Word as it is written...cast away all you have written. Oh sons of men, shall you proclaim God’s will? Do you have His understanding? Have you spoken to My prophets? Have you saved your people from death? Were you crucified for Me?...I died for you. I am in the Son, and He is in Me.

Thus says the Lord: Offer yourselves upon the altar; crucify your lives. Then, only, shall you begin to know Me. Follow the Christ! says the Lord. He is your Teacher and your Safety, in the time of troubles which has come upon you. Assuredly I say to you little children, you do not know have no love for your God in your hearts.

If you loved Me, then you would follow Me and obey My commands. Make your lives a living sacrifice...yea, a living monument to the Lord. Do it now! Do not wait...Judgment is nearly upon you. The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord has come, and I shall carry out His commands in all the earth. So then beloved, where do you stand? You must awake and ask yourselves, ‘Who do I live for? And by whose blood am I established in life?’...I AM THE SOURCE OF LIFE! Live in Me! Do not just abide, but live! Eat, breath, move in Me. In everything you do, praise the Lord your God. Honor Me, and you honor Him who had sent Me.
Thus says the Lord Christ, your Redeemer: You are all lukewarm water, even now growing cold. You have become lovers of self rather than lovers of God. Therefore, I shall spit you from My mouth - I do not know you. My people, hold your lamps up so I may behold your faces. Shine your lamps on your houses so I may behold your works, all your works you have done. Lo, I have heard your voices shouting My name, saying, ‘We believe in you Lord. We proclaim your name.’ Assuredly I say to you, I do not know you. Your lamps have went out, and you have no oil and nothing at all with which to relight them. Neither are you willing to go out and buy that which you lack. So you sit there in the dark folding your hands, waiting in vain. Come out! Embrace the Light! Leave your earthly home...abide in the Spirit in the house of God! How long shall I wait for you beloved? How long will you put Me last in your lives? How long will you desecrate My Sabbaths?
Thus says the Lord: I dwell not in the churches of men made by human hands! I dwell in the hearts of men who truly love Me and continually seek to know and obey Me. I dwell in the temple of God made by His hands, fashioned in fragile flesh, housing the spirit of life.
Listen to what the Spirit says to the churches: Come back to Me...return to your first love. Embrace the Word, which I am. Be born once again...born out of this world, into the Truth which is absolute as spoken from the mouth of God. Be born again in spirit and faith, and rest in, and know, I am the Lord. Obey all I have taught you, and I will return the lampstand to its proper place, and no longer will you sit there in the dark, fading into slumber.

The Lord has come.

The trumpet is sounding.
Churches awake!...
And prepare the way of My coming.

I am coming very quickly.

Oh peoples of the earth, oh mountains, oh valleys,
oh hills, oh plains, even all creatures and foundations
of the world, tremble in fear of the Lord!
The whole world shall shake and crumble
at the coming of the Lord.
His countenance is an all-encompassing fire burning
all in the heat of His wrath.

Listen to the Trumpet; heed its warning...
Escape to the Father’s house!


Comment from: Pam [Member]
Hi Timothy,

What you've been writing about the churches has brought the following scripture to my mind:
Revelation 3:19-20 Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with Me.

The lukewarm church is a perfect description of much of the church in the U.S. today. We enjoy such great material wealth that it lulls us to sleep and our need for God is not so apparent to us. That doesn't keep Jesus from reaching those who belong to Him and are being called out of the world. If there were no man for Him to speak through, the very rocks would cry out. God isn't dependent upon the church to deliver His message but the church is dependent upon God for even every breath that we take. It is sad that the church has been lulled to sleep by luxury. However, Jesus is still knocking at the door of the hearts of men and His work will continue until the harvest is complete. When He returns, I don't want to be caught napping. I am thankful that I am not so rich as many of the people I know for I too could probably become spoiled, decadent, and no longer care for the things of God. Material riches are nothing compared to the spiritual riches found in Jesus Christ.

Permalink 02/11/07 @ 22:59
Comment from: Len [Visitor] ·
THE HOLY FIRE OF GOD is sent to prepare the way for His return and rulership. - It includes words and declarations such as yours, ... it includes judgements upon the churches, the world, and the wicked.

Truly, THE LORD Yeshua will have a beautiful and holy bride prepared for Himself: one upon whom to lavish His Love forever and ever ! - now THERE is a reason to be of good Hope and good cheer. !

Permalink 02/11/07 @ 23:36
Comment from: Len [Visitor] ·
~~~~~~~ Psalm 94 ~~~~~~~


*Hosea 5:15; 6:1-3* *Jeremiah 30:7-11*
*Zechariah 13:8,9* Joel 3:2b, + 9-17*
THE FIRE is to purge, to cleanse, to sift, and
consume the wood, hay, stubble, chaff, unclean spirits,
and the tares. ... it is also to REFINE the wheat
prepared for the harvest . . .

Luke 12:49-51 (Amplified Bible)

49 I have come to cast fire upon the earth, and how I wish that it were already kindled!
50 I have a baptism with which to be baptized, and how greatly and sorely I am urged on (impelled, constrained) until it is accomplished!
51 Do you suppose that I have come to give peace upon earth? No, I say to you, but rather division;

"the division" is in regards: chaff from wheat,
and wheat from tares.


**Inspired by Malachi 3:1-4**
~ In the Name of The LORD YESHUA, The Mighty
One of Israel...

Send Your Fire, Send Your Fire,
Send Your Holy, Holy Fire,
O Most High and Holy Father,
Holy Father of Heaven and Earth.

Send the Fire
to purge Thy people,
Send the Fire
to devour the wicked,
Send the Fire
to prepare Thy Kingdom,
Holy GOD, Holy Fire,
Holy Judge of all the earth!

Send Your Fire upon the nations! and
Destroy Thou every evil,
That --->YOU ONLY
Permalink 02/11/07 @ 23:40
Comment from: Len [Visitor] ·
~ In the Name of The LORD YESHUA, The Mighty
One of Israel...

Send Your Fire, Send Your Fire,
Send Your Holy, Holy Fire,
O Most High and Holy Father,
Holy Father of Heaven and Earth.

Send the Fire
to purge Thy people,
Send the Fire
to devour the wicked,
Send the Fire
to prepare Thy Kingdom,
Holy GOD, Holy Fire,
Holy Judge of all the earth!

Send Your Fire upon the nations! and
Destroy Thou every evil,
That YOU ONLY be exalted:
Be Thou high and lifted up.

We do praise Thee and adore Thee,
and we fear and love and trust Thee:
Be our Refuge and our Fortress
when in Judgement Thou doest move.

Be exalted, LORD! take vengeance!
upon Thine enemies and the evil
that hath set at naught Thy people
and opposed Thy Sacred Word!

Send the Fire, Your Holy Fire,
to make known Thy Chief Desire:
All Thy Holy Will desires:
~The enthronement of Thy Son.~ *=


- all this I pray in the matchless, Mighty Name
of The LORD JESUS Christ: The Name Above Every Name:
YaHVaHshuah, Yahvahshammah, YahvahShEmah,
YaHVaHSHEvah! Hama-YaHaVaH ha adOn! - The Almighty.

El ElyOn - ha adOn: El GibOr, El ShadI AdOnI


Please note:
"The Son" *= Israel, Messiah, and His Eternal Companion and
Bride (the Remnant) from every tribe and nation:The One New Man.

Permalink 02/11/07 @ 23:42
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Amen, Pam and Len!...
and Amen.

Permalink 02/12/07 @ 09:20
Comment from: Trent [Member] ·
Amen, brothers and sisters!

{{{Tear down your four walls, and begin again in Me, says the Lord. }}}

A good way to go is to wrap a chain around the whole structure like a huge lasso. Then tie it off to a bull-dozer. Then back away from the structure, pulling the chain, and letting the chain cinch tight as it pulls.
Do it not and continue to rebel against the One you proclaim!

Also, it would be a good idea to lay off the paid pros (clergy) that are doing your worship for you, then goto one another's house to encourage that all your brothers and sisters speak about the things of God with you, not just listen as spectators to the professional. Then take what money you gave to fund the building where you worshiped to the least among you. Find a widow, or the downtrodden and lift every last one of them to the level where you find yourself, starting with the most needy. Distribute books, hymnals and digital media that uplifts the Lord.

Would then a revival will burn like wildfire across the nations? Joy inexpressible!

Permalink 02/12/07 @ 10:27
Comment from: Pam [Member]
Hey Trent,

Sounds like a purely Texan approach to me!;-}

Permalink 02/12/07 @ 11:52
Comment from: Trent [Member] ·
Permalink 02/12/07 @ 19:44

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It is the strong man that chooses love and forgiveness through sacrifice of himself and his own desires, not following after the ungodly men of this world. His justification is in the Lord and he chooses to follow My very footsteps. ~ Jesus [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 6 - Keep Not the Company of the Wicked, This is Where All Seeds of Dissension Grow]

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