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Permalink 02:38:25 pm, Categories: By Pam
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The Message of Hope and the Reluctant Prophet

God gave, Jonah a message to proclaim to the Ninivites. Jonah was given a message for Pagans, for sinners, for those who knew not God. Everything in Jonah rose up within him to resist the calling of God upon his life. Jonah was concerned with his own life and with living it his own way. Though he knew God, he was not concerned with the things of God. He ran from God, and hid from God, and only when his actions placed others in peril did he come out from that hiding. He did not emerge with the intent to yield to God's Will but rather responded by telling those on the ship to sacrifice his life that they might live. God does not desire sacrifice but mercy and God proceeded from this moment to teach Jonah of His infinite Mercy.


God did not allow Jonah to sacrifice his life. Instead, He sent a large fish to swallow him and God preserved Jonah's life there for three days. Jonah, being in distress, finally turned to God vowing to do as he was told and recognizing that his Salvation would come only from the LORD.

The LORD commanded the fish to vomit Jonah onto dry land as he again declared to Jonah to deliver His message to Ninevah. This is the message that God gave: Jonah 3:4b "Forty more days and Ninevah will be overturned."

The Ninivites repented in sack cloth and ashes and would not even eat so intense was their desire and their hope so focused upon the compassion of God that God would relent and not destroy them.

Jonah 3:10 When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, He had compassion and did not bring upon them the destruction he had threatened.

God showed compassion and Jonah was angry. He couldn't rejoice in the wonderful way in which God had used him to save 120,000 people and also many cattle for he could only focus on his own embarrassment and longed only for the blessings of God as they suited his purpose. Jonah was angry because God did not give him his own glory, that which he regarded as his due. As far as the written record goes, Jonah never understood nor enjoyed the Mercy of God. Neither did he ever willingly extend the Mercy God had shown him to any other.

I don't want to be like Jonah. Though I too have, at times, been reluctant in being faithful to the message that God has given me. I have been reluctant for the same reasons that Jonah was. I was focused on me and my purpose of enjoying God's blessings and of my home in heaven and had little concern for those who are perishing. I am one of the elect but for a time, viewed myself more as one of the elite in Christ Jesus. I selfishly clung to my message of hope, that of Christ in me, and separated myself from those who did not believe in Him. In my heart was condemnation to those who are yet to be brought to repentance. God however, insisted that His Son be formed in me, despite me, by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and by that Spirit, I am an ambassador for Christ.

In Christ, my message is not one of destruction but instead a message of hope. There is no need for sacrifice to cover the sins of man, to gain the Mercy of God, for Christ has been crucified, and His blood covers the sins of the world. Man has been reconciled to God and Jesus is the Door that is open between God and all women and men. Jesus not only died for our sins but conquered sin and death and Jesus lives. Jesus now sits at the right hand of His Father in Heaven and also lives in those who believe in His Name. Jesus lives and all who look to Him will also live and each person must look for themselves as the Holy Spirit draws them and opens their eyes and ears to see and hear. This is to the glory of God.

This is my message of hope and as an ambassador for Christ, I pray that God will keep me faithful to this message either to the end of my life on earth, or until the end of this present age of grace. I desire that none should be drawn to my life and my words but that my life and my words might be vehicles of the Holy Spirit in me that would draw all women and men to Christ Jesus as I lift Him.

I no longer harbor any feelings of elitism in my election in Christ. God has shown His Mercy upon me not because I am special but because I am common and the temptations that are common to all men have also taken me. Any temptation that I have been delivered from was through Christ Jesus. If God can show Mercy upon me, God can show Mercy upon anyone. My Salvation was not in service to me, to make me elite, but according to the purposes of God and I too am benefited by His good purpose. In me there was no hope but now, Jesus lives in me and is the Hope that is in me. This same hope is open and extended to all. In me, to the glory of God, there is no longer any desire for any to perish for God has changed my desires to be more like His desires as Christ is formed in me. I deserve judgment but I desired Mercy and God brought me to the point of repentance that His Mercy I might receive. It is in His Mercy that I now hope for all those who remain in darkness and also deserve judgement. I fully trust the power of God in causing every knee to bend and every tongue to confess Jesus as Lord.

In Christ Jesus is the Kingdom. I in Christ, and Christ in me, and Christ in the Father. May His Kingdom come and His Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

Lord Jesus, forgive me my debts as I forgive my debtors. I am not worthy to caste any stones nor to pronounce the Wrath of God on anyone; though I accept Your Wrath as rightful and just, for I by my own works have earned Your Wrath. I know that your Righteous Wrath can only be turned away by Your own Mercy and Compassion. By the filling of your Holy Spirit, fill me also with your Mercy and Compassion that I might extend that Mercy to all others. Keep me ever faithful to you, as you are faithful to me, and always ready to give reason for the Hope that is in me. That Hope, Jesus Who is the only true Hope of the world. Amen.


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Kurt, question not your worthiness, rather question if you are forgiven, and if you have come to full repentance. ~ God [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 1 - Those Whom the Lord Has Cleansed Are Now Clean Now, and Worthy of the Kingdom]

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