Post details: To the Church Who Is in the Midst of the Seven Hills


Permalink 07:23:07 pm, Categories: By Timothy
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To the Church Who Is in the Midst of the Seven Hills

1/31/06 From God the Father -
A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Who Have Ears to Hear

To the Church Who Is in the Midst Of, and Sits Upon, the Seven Hills

Thus says the Lord God of Israel, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, the God of the Bible!: I AM THE I AM, the only God, Maker of all that is ...Heaven and earth. I am the All in All. Nothing, that is, is without Me, having come into being by My voice.
Thus says the Lord: I speak, and so it comes to pass. I think, and so it will be. I curse, and it is cursed. I say, “You are forgiven”, and you are forgiven forever and ever. I say, “Let there be a Lamb without blemish sacrificed for the atonement of sin”, and so it is; even let the Lamb be My Son, a cleansing of all men. Sing hallelujah!
Thus says the Lord: You have not sung, nor given thanks. Woe to you, peoples of the earth, sons and daughters who hide in the bosom of the prince of darkness. You have become a scab and sore, and so you shall receive what you have become.
Woe to you, hypocrites, who testify on My behalf...I know you not. You speak as though you know Me, not knowing that you are accursed, and continually desecrate My name by the musings of your heart and the words of your mouth.
Turn, says the Lord. Turn aside, follow the Shepherd. Hear His voice, and obey; cast away the commandments of men. Obey not the “fathers” and the founders...their doctrine rests upon the sands of abomination. Break free from your insolence before God. Your offerings, and supplications, have come up before Me as a foul stench, praying in the name of the dead, giving yourself to she who also answers to Him who was bore by her...she is not the way. She was My beloved vessel and servant. Shall you then pray to the vessel, or to the Master who formed it, and by whose hands the vessel was shaped and redeemed? All have sinned. There is none, not one. Did Mary suffer for your iniquities? Did Mary bear your sins? Was Mary crucified? Was Mary raised so you might live? Can anyone, in need of redemption, redeem another, save He who is completely blameless? Commit yourself to the dead, and with the dead shall you sleep, having denied the Life sent to you, crucified and raised. Mary sleeps...she is dead, and her sepulcher remains with you to this day. Is she assured of life in the Kingdom?...She is, because though she bore the victory, she humbled herself before Him who was the Son, knowing in herself that the Son she bore, first bore her, being both her Son and her Father, her Lord and her God from Heaven; also being her Brother, both being children of David and of God in the earthly places.

Stop worshipping the dead.

Worship Me, by Him who alone among men is Holy,
being altogether as His Father, the very same as God.
Before the foundation of the world, I AM,
with the Christ forever seated at My right hand.
By Him are all things; and through Him were all these worlds made. Amen.


Comment from: Pam [Member]
Hi Timothy,

The Mary that is worshiped is not Mary, the mother of Jesus, of the Bible. The goddess that is worshiped is in fact, the Queen of Heaven, the goddess Astarte all dressed up and given a Biblical name. She is a Pagan goddess.

Truly, the mother of Jesus, the Mary of the Bible must be grieved to see what has been wrongly attached to her name. I am sure she would advise none to worship her or any image of her but to only worship God through her son, Jesus. How it must grieve her mother's heart to see the blood of her dear son trampled underfoot in order to honor the ancient traditions of men. It must grieve her and also sadden her to see men and women deny the free gift of Salvation in Christ Jesus and accept instead, pointless servitude to that which is dead and lifeless.

It seems hopeless but what is impossible with men is possible with God. All hope rests in Jesus.

Permalink 02/05/07 @ 20:02
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
Amen, Pam. And so, will you join me in praying double for these who have been led into false worship.
Permalink 02/05/07 @ 20:18
Comment from: Pam [Member]

Sure I will and add to that also, that God will make us also aware of any false idol that may be residing in our own hearts. It is easy to be fooled by long held traditions and none of us are immune. The delusion they cast can be so strong as to fool even the elect, if it were possible. The only one who makes it impossible for the elect to be completely deluded is Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit that indwells us. Without Him any effort in worship or in discontinuing false worship matters because Jesus is the Way to communion with God.

I have been fooled by many things during my Christian walk but Jesus is faithful to discipline me and free me from all that is false.

Permalink 02/05/07 @ 21:23

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All sin is sin and requires forgiveness, which is equal, as is the reward equal, given freely to all who ask. ~ God [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 2 - Let the Lord Lead, You Only Need Follow...Let Go of Your Pride]

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