Post details: Life Would Be Easier If...


Permalink 01:56:54 pm, Categories: By Pam
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Life Would Be Easier If...

I always had the attitude that I should have but I don't. I am often weary and overcome by the life that I have been dealt. I have regrets and can at times, feel cheated in what I desired not being given me to accomplish. I feel that I can no longer endure the isolation brought on by my illness and the smallness of my world seems to be closing in on me. I desire to either truly be able to live or to die and no longer hang suspended in this netherworld. These are the times that I falter. These are the times that my testimony of a valiant Christian soldier crumbles.

As I crumble, Jesus comforts me as no other can comfort for He knows my heart better than I. He reminds me of the Sovereignty of God in my life and in choosing all that I have had to endure. He reminds me of all that I could not endure alone but that endurance was made possible because of His faithfulness to me and in me. He shows me how each trial, that by all that is reasonable to human beings, should have torn me from the hand of God, only drew me closer to Him by teaching me more of Him. He whispers to me in that small still voice and reminds me that if I were not appointed to endure isolation, I would not have had such close communion with Him and how blessed I have been to have so much time to listen only to God. Each pain, each sorrow, each important relationship ended, is the process of letting go of this world that I might cling only to Him as He prepares me for the next.

Life would be easier if I could always muster the right attitude but I'm very thankful that I can't; for God has given me something far better than a positive attitude, He has given me to Christ. I can't depend upon me for I always break apart but I am learning that though I break and I crumble, there is nothing that can remove me from God's hand. In Christ I am held together and given substance even though I am breaking apart. No matter what I should suffer and no matter how senseless it seems to me and no matter how I long for God to LISTEN TO ME and end my suffering, Jesus is there to hold me and nurture me and show me the purpose of God that can only be accomplished in me when my purposes have been fully laid down.

I can know in my mind that God is Sovereign. I can know it and tell others but it is another matter entirely to live it. God will have His way in me. By the appointment of sickness in my life, He is forming in me not an attitude of personal strength but humbling me and forming in me an attitude of surrender. Not a surrender to my circumstance, to illness, but a surrender to Christ alone as He is the only one able to carry the cross that I have been given to bear. Though I crumble, Christ in me is strong. Jesus loves me and today, I will again, carry on.


Comment from: Hilary [Visitor]
Thank you for this, Pam. It's good to hear people who often appear so strong expressing their vulnerability - and also being a real encouragement to keep trusting in Him. Thanks for your honesty.
Permalink 02/01/07 @ 08:46
Comment from: Pam [Member]
Hi Hillary,

I am being perfected in weakness.:0) I'm nothing special and there are those who live with me on a daily basis that say I am honest to the point of bluntness but as with all my weakness, Jesus is glorified in me by the comparison.

How are you, Hillary?

Permalink 02/01/07 @ 10:34
Comment from: Hilary [Visitor]
I'm good - tired from striving to do it myself, when I know I want His life to be what flows out of me. And fed up when I keep looking around at what everyone else has achieved, instead of looking up at Him to see what he is saying to me. But good because, like you said, we know who He is, and we submit to His greater purpose and there is a solidity which comes with that. I just like to hear that other people are human too - because it's so easy to think that no-oe else has the same struggles!

Permalink 02/02/07 @ 09:01
Comment from: Pam [Member]
Hey Hilary,

We do no one any good when we put on a plastic front. All that does is feed our pride and then whomp! we fall on our face!

I'm enjoying getting to know you, Hillary.

Permalink 02/02/07 @ 10:44

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