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Permalink 01:46:29 pm, Categories: By Pam
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Hope In The Darkness

Hebrews 11:1-2 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.

All human beings have been given a measure of faith for if we did not have within us the ability to trust and hope in the sun rising tomorrow, we would melt from fear and anxiety. Faith is necessary for our psychological well being in a world that is out of our control. However, there is a gift of faith that is greater than psychological faith and that is faith in Jesus that is purely gifted to us by God not only to comfort us but to indwell us with the power that actually formed the Universe. The gift of faith in Jesus is the gift that awakens us fully to God and allows us to know Him as we walk and talk with Him, resting in His care just as Adam did before the fall. In Jesus we are restored to God and that by faith bestowed upon us by the grace of God.

Hebrews chapter 11 is called the faith chapter and it is my favorite portion of scripture. In it are named the scriptural heroes of the faith and it is the result of that faith that is their heroism. The feats done by God through them in ancient times still speak to us today in a time that is far more complex. It is indeed our faith in Jesus the Christ that connects us to these men of old as in faith, they looked forward to the incarnation of Jesus, the Messiah in whom would be the Kingdom of God on earth and the Salvation of humankind. By the living out of their faith was our faith given substance for faith is the substance of hope.


Our faith in Jesus carries us through our present problems as we meet them in the moment as we pass from one day to the next. His faith sustains us now but the faith we have received is so powerful as to extend hope into the age to come. Our faith is so powerful as to extend our hope to all who surround is in our present time and also to all who will live after our time. Our faith actually has the power to frame the world that is to come. It is faith that frames and eventually will solidify our hope for a New Heaven and a New Earth in which there will be no pain, no sorrow, and no death. This is the hope of the Ages and this hope is manifest in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus the Christ Who was with the Father from the beginning and then walked the earth as the Son of Man and the Son of God, Who died and sits at the right hand of God, and lives in and through those who believe upon His Name.

This faith we've been gifted is an awesomely powerful hope to wield.

I see a darkness that is settling upon us and I am not alone. Neither is this foreboding unique to the Christian faith. The Muslims also see the darkness settling in and there are some sects who even view it as their duty to aid it in its coming. The Jews continue to long for their Messiah. Billions see Armegeddon coming as our current age comes to an end. Though I too see the darkness and I know it must come for it is written, my faith that is the substance of hope is not in the coming darkness but in the dawn beyond the darkness. My faith is in the coming Kingdom of Christ Jesus that is now established in the hearts of believers that in a future age will be made sight.

There is a time for every purpose under Heaven. Evil too will be given its full season and its full purpose. However, the purpose of the fullness of evil, that is about to engulf us, is not the purpose of evil fulfilled but instead, as all things, will serve the fuller purposes of God. This coming darkness, that is the fullness of evil, will do away with this current world system and man will rule over man no more. The Prince of the World, Satan will be cast out. The power of religion, politics, and science will culminate in their own demise and make way for the direct rulership of God on earth through Jesus Christ.

Don't be afraid of the dark. Remember, the demons don't tremble before Satan but before Jesus the Christ. Rest in the power of your faith. Rest in Jesus. Extend your hope, that is only in Him, beyond the darkness and rejoice! Soon, Heaven is coming down and God's glory will fill all souls.

Our Father Who art in Heaven, Hallowed by thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen.

What we now know in part through faith, we will very soon know in whole. Rest, beloved in the perfect peace that is Jesus Christ. The hope that is in you is the only hope the world has. Be mindful and careful of what you hope for.


Comment from: Trent [Member] ·
I dare not step in front of you at His coming, ... hehe. You'll plow over me. So, lets run toward Him side-by-side with all to delight in that day (trailing close behind those that are awakened from sleep,) and embrace the brilliant light of the revelation of His Kingdom in full!
Permalink 01/29/07 @ 15:55
Comment from: Pam [Member]
Oh geez, Trent,I'm only five feet tall! But...yes, I've been looking for that day for it seems like forever. The daughter of my heart even dreamed of God telling her to name my little grandson, Isaiah. She didn't know then what that book means to his grammy but I very much hope that my little grandson will grow up in the Kingdom of God on earth but only those who have been born again may enter that kingdom for it is established by the Spirit and not by flesh and blood. I pray for Him to reveal Himself to all men, my little Isaiah included.:0)

Love you, little brother.

Permalink 01/29/07 @ 16:16
Comment from: Timothy [Member] ·
You truly have been given eyes to see and ears to hear.
You have spoken very well and I see the Spirit in your words.

The faithful of old will indeed be in the Kingdom having been also bought for a price. All those who repented and loved God before Jesus came were still saved by Jesus, for His sacrafice was for all men, not just from 2000 years ago forward, but for ALL time. God is not bound by liner time. Those who knelt before the Lord in all repentance were forgiven by the same blood as we are forgiven in. For as many who died without Jesus shall be with Jesus and as many that died with Jesus shall not be with Jesus, having rejected Him though He is known by them.
Yet those of old seeing Him afar off have known Him though He had not yet come. They, having put their faith in Him by their obediance and repentance before God. And God having shown to them by all His laws, statutes and sacrifices that they were in need of a Messiah, who was shown them in the Word and in the Holy Days they kept which are, all in all, fulfilled in Jesus the Christ and have been fulfilled and will yet be fulfilled. For 4 are fulfilled and 3 yet remain, and are coming quickly. Amen.
Permalink 01/29/07 @ 16:56
Comment from: Pam [Member]
Hi Timothy,

None of us can see except our eyes be opened by the Spirit. You are right in that God is not limited to linear time. God is outside of time and is eternal, the Alpha and the Omega. All things begin and end and continue in Him and all things will be gathered together in Christ and fully returned to the Father.

It is the spirit of truth that shows us the things to come. If I speak the truth then that truth will also resonate with the Truth Who lives in you and for me the same, with the things He has given you to say.

I hear the voice of my Savior speaking through you and it is very nice to meet you, Timothy.:0)

Permalink 01/29/07 @ 18:12

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Trina, come now and confess all that you have done, and ask My forgiveness. Cast all that has become burdensome upon Me. I shall carry it for you. ~ Jesus [Letters from God and His Christ Volume 1 - The Seas Rage; The Earth, It Trembles...All is Quiet For Those Who Rest In the Lord]

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