Post details: Friendship without effort


Permalink 03:33:15 pm, Categories: By Trent
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Friendship without effort

Before our memory, the Lord made us one by the Spirit.
When we meet, we recognize something familiar and we love one another.
Then we get to know one another.
Then we love one another all the more.


Comment from: Hilary [Visitor]
I love this idea! For myself, I have found that beginning to recognise the Spirit of Christ in everyone, no matter how buried it may be, has transformed my relationships. Instead of self-consciously feeling that I "should" love others, I find something in me is instinctively drawn to something in them. It's so much less effort to allow Christ to live from within me, rather than trying to do it all myself. When will I learn??!!
Permalink 01/15/07 @ 04:32
Comment from: lisa Brookins [Visitor]
Hilary, I can whole heartedly "AMEN" to your post. I feel the same way. There are some that you can sense Jesus in them, because Jesus lives in us. I'm ashamed to admit, I've tried to surpress that as well, because well meaning people I respect tell me it's "religious voodoo" but, the more I venture out, with confidence in Christ, instead of respected people, the more I find that Christ remains faithful to Who He is...
Thanks for sharing...
Permalink 01/15/07 @ 21:20
Comment from: jekmapbr [Visitor] ·
unojcjvu [URL=]ihgllsmg[/URL] jpbxisyn glgimaqz wobdcilc
Permalink 01/15/07 @ 23:53
Comment from: Len [Visitor] ·
"Before our loss of memory."... WE WERE KNOWN of Him (AND EACH OTHER) before we even came into this dimly lit world of half-truths and darkness. ... but GOD SEARCHES EACH OF US OUT, ... and yes: "the more we get to know each other, ... the more we find greater love and greater light and dearer fellowship IN The Light.

To GOD and The Lamb of GOD be all of the glory.
Permalink 01/16/07 @ 01:51
Comment from: Pam [Member]
Hey Trent,

Thank you for your friendship and for valuing mine as you also have valued me as a person and as a sister in Christ. Thank you for giving of yourself and for all of the wonderful things your life has shown me about Jesus. Thank you for being kind where others are often cruel and also for being honest about your own shortcomings.

Yes, it was very easy to like you and it remains easy to be your friend. However, I know better than to take any relationship for granted so may God guard our friendship and use it according to His purpose and let us guard it by remaining mindful of that purpose. Let's just keep lifting Jesus!

Permalink 01/16/07 @ 04:34

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Behold the Lamb of God! Without spot or blemish sent to die for the sins of the world, bearing the full weight of transgression in His own body. My Son, you are, and will always be, the Risen Lamb of God, whereby you took the leaven of the world, having completely unleavened all men once for all time by your blood, having been the perfect sacrifice for sin, acceptable to God, whereby men have been reconciled to the Father; they themselves becoming once again My sons and daughters free to enter the Garden and My love, which they shall never again be separated; their new life lived in and for Christ Jesus, the Lord and Savior, in whom I am well pleased. ~ God [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 5 - Unleavened]

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