Post details: The Danger of Codefying Christ


Permalink 02:12:04 pm, Categories: Announcements [A], By Pam
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The Danger of Codefying Christ

I love the Holy Scriptures above all other books. When I first began to believe in Jesus, I was insatiable in my study of them. I couldn't learn enough fast enough. I wanted desperately to know what God had to say about everything; and I desperately wanted to know all there is to know about God. In my immaturity, I studied as if studying a code-book and preparing for an exam. I truly reached a point where I believed that I had aced the test and my reward, solid and sound doctrine by which all unsound doctrine, I would valiantly slay. I in the fullness of my immaturity, imagined myself a great warrior for God. Then a dear friend whispered to me one day, "Pam, God doesn't need you to fight for Him" and those words spoken in such love began to soften me and I also noticed, that though I had studied voraciously, that God's Words as I read, began to take a slightly different tone. Gradually over time, the truths that I had held as a small child in Christ began to grow and now when I look back at them, I realize how much I have grown and how very different my view of truth has become as I have grown in Christ.

In my Christian infancy, I traded the Truth that is Jesus for the truth that presented itself to me at that time, in scripture. I started out believing only in Jesus and not knowing anything about the Bible, the Church, or Christian religions. However, in my quest for knowledge of God, I temporarily began to follow instead of the Living Jesus, a codified Christ of my own miniscule understanding. Also today, though I've been in Christ for thirty years plus, I now realize, that my understanding though improved, still remains miniscule and my understanding will not perfectly match any other understanding. The truths of scripture as they speak to me today, will take on slightly different meaning as I grow spiritually in Jesus Christ. That doesn't mean that God's Word changes, as God remains the same, so does His Word. However, those Words are not any common Words, they are in fact, Living Words and become such when planted by the Holy Spirit within the Heart and mind of a believer in Jesus. As Jesus is the Living Word, the Words of the Bible actually become Jesus living in me and in you.

There are as many different angles on God as there are human beings who walk the earth, have walked in times past, or who will walk the earth in days to come. I know that even today as I write these words that they will only be heard by those who are ready to hear. They will only be understood by those whose path with Jesus has for a time, intersected with mine. Even if we should have temporary agreement in our understanding of God, there will come a time when we will diverge in that understanding. Doctrinal unity is imperfect unity, it is in fact, a codified Christ. Unity for believers does not exist in the uniformity of human beings, which in reality can never exist. Unity is in one Faith, Jesus; One Baptism, that of the Holy Spirit; and One Truth, Jesus. All other truths are given to us individually as we each walk the narrow path with Jesus and they will grow and change as we ourselves grow and change.

Jesus is the Door to God but there is no set path to that Door and no set path after we have passed through that Door. God calls to each of us individually and leads us individually, also. He may allow us to tether ourselves to other believers for a time. He may allow us to get a nose full of the particular code that we have traded Jesus in for but in time, He will spank us and continue to spank us until we willingly set our feet again on that path with Jesus alone as we did in the moment we first believed. There is no ceremony, technique, or ritual, or common prayer by which we pass through the Door and there is no code, ceremony, ritual, or practice that will keep us on that true path. There is only our hand in the hand of Jesus as we tread the path that is our life individually and specially laid out by Him.

As I share my angle on God, please know that I no longer have any desire that anyone adopt my angle as the one true angle. My desire, at this present time, is to present only Jesus as He is in me and how He is working in me. Any result from my presentation of Jesus in my life, I gladly rest in the very capable hands of God.


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Rather, grace is the gift of God given to all those who come to Him in faith who believe in the name Jesus Christ and accept His sacrifice into them as the payment for forgiveness of sin. ~ God [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 2 - I Am the Lord God Almighty!...The Only God! Why Oh Peoples of the Earth Do You Fight Against He Who Has Overcome the World? Kick Not Thy Foot Against the Rock]

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