Post details: Love, Love, Love Love, Christians this is your call...


Permalink 05:18:01 pm, Categories: By Lisa
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Love, Love, Love Love, Christians this is your call...

...that song still resonates within my soul when I think of I Corinthians 13. We probably all know the famous "Love Chapter". Each day that I come in contact with people, I'm reminded just how deep that chapter gets.

I've just come back from a Bible study with a teacher friend of mine. It was WONDERFUL! She an I are both teachers, so we speak the same language. And, after a couple of meetings, we are both realizing how alike we are--Christ being the unifying denominator. She was raised in brand "X" denomination, and I was brought up in "Y" denomination. Although we had very different backgrounds, our walks and struggles were common, and the more we share, the more we realize that humanity isn't that different from one another. We discussed today at how although we're grateful that we're 'Going" to heaven one day, we had so much to be thankful for 'today'. All of the trials God has brought us through, we look back and often times it boggles our minds. Not that we went through the trials, but the fact that God brought us through them. We couldn't really see Him at the time, but now, looking back, His handprint was all over the place. The longer we live life on this side, the more we've come to realize, that our focus shouldn't be on pearly gates or streets of gold, but rather on the love we have to share with one another. We talked about the joys of the Lord's supper, at how it served as a reminder that the same Christ that I've partaken of, she's partaken in, and every Christian for that matter, has partook of. The same New Covenant that Christ ushered in for me, He's ushered in for you. As he loved us, so should we love others. Of course, outside of Christ, this is impossible, but with Christ in us, this can be done. We are the Body of Christ. It has become my hope that I stop worrying about "Will there be any stars in my crown" or "Must I empty handed go..." but rather, live today. Although I've an eye on the fact that He could return any day, I don't want to neglect my siblings in Christ. It just dawned on me today that if I'm more worried about "my" rewards, "my" crowns "my" works, then that means I'm not focused on loving others as Christ as loved me.

I saw a sign a couple of weeks ago that stated, "Man sees what we do; God sees WHY we do" made good food for thought.

I am so overjoyed, I feel this post may ramble a bit. But the final in-a-nutshell-thought I'd like to leave with you is this: Instead of figuring on rewards and brownie points, leave yourself behind for a while, and look to your neighbor. How can we love them, as Christ loved us?



Comment from: Len Hummel [Visitor] ·
Hi Lisa. Enjoy reading your offerings here.

I really like the statements
you quoted: "Man sees what we do; God sees WHY we do." Only I would qualify it just a bit more by saying, "Man often sees ONLY *what* we do *by appearances;* GOD, on the other hand, SEES PERFECTLY the "why" ? of what we say and do. ... and THAT remains HIS area of jurisdiction...forever." (!)
Isn't wonderful we have a loving and gracious GOD Who always knows our heart...even when others see little else but their own judgements and/or judgementalism. ?
He always does what is perfectly right and beneficial for His children. His children HEAR HIS VOICE, ... and they follow Him in gratitude and undying Love. kind regards,
Permalink 08/07/06 @ 04:32
Comment from: Lisa [Visitor]
How true it is, Len! We only see in part, but God sees us perfectly.

I saw another sign today that brought a smile to my lips: "Actions speak louder than bumper stickers" :oP lol

That made me smile, but then I remembered.. man may not 'hear' what the action is saying. We might give a cup of water, and nobody be none the wiser that we're just doing it for self-glorification. God knows, though.
Good to see ya!
Permalink 08/09/06 @ 19:52
Comment from: Len [Visitor] ·
Thanks, Lisa. We need to keep exhorting and encouraging one another in such a time of trial and testing as this.
Please take time to visit my blogsite at
when you have time. Also: here's a very interesting Prophetic Newsletter Update to read: just click on the "August" Newsletter:
Shalom and GOD bless. Len
Permalink 08/10/06 @ 05:18
Comment from: Lisa [Visitor]
I went to visit your blog--interesting information there! I tried to leave a comment, but it wanted me to sign up for the service. I'll have to do that later. I'm on a slow dial up, and it takes forever, and time isn't on myside right now!
I love how you identified the different characterisitcs of our bodies. That makes so much sense. I'll have to read the rest of it when I have a faster connection and a bit more time...
Wonderful encouragement!
Permalink 08/13/06 @ 10:39
Comment from: Len [Visitor]
Thanks for the kind comments, Lisa. my blogsite is a little different (to say the least), but there's lots of good stuff there to think about ... for those who are open to receive some revelation and insight. ANYTHING of value there: I give the glory to Jesus and the Holy Spirit. (!) ... :^)
- After all: THE SPIRIT OF JESUS CHRIST is the One Who "worketh in us to will and do His good pleasure."
Be blest always
in Jesus.

Permalink 08/19/06 @ 06:12
Comment from: Pam [Member]
Hey Lisa,

Long time no see. Life has been very full lately.

Isn't it great to partake of Jesus everyday and know that there are so many others that are not like us but that we have the most unifying common denominator of all time in Jesus? Just think if all belonged to Him, there would no longer be any need for one man to impose his way upon another for all, no matter how different we are, would be unified in the Way that is Jesus.

Hope your school year is getting off to a great start!

Permalink 08/25/06 @ 13:06
Comment from: Trent [Member] ·

That is a wonderful post. So often the culture of Christiandom points to everything but love (knowledge, doctrine, tithing, etc.) as the measure of those that are really participating in the Kingdom, but a true gracehead might leave out a bunch of things, but love isn't one of them. Divine love (not the human-fabrication of love) is the main thing ... if you get "love" right then you will probably get all those lesser things right as well. The greater includes the lesser ... and Love is the greatest!

Permalink 08/28/06 @ 13:49
Comment from: lisa [Member]
I agree, Trent. Love covers a mulitude of sins... not just ours, but also the ones of the person(s) that have wronged us. Love is patient, Love is kind, love is long suffering...

I'm finding, too, that when God's love is allowed to flow from me, then the lesser things ARE taken care of, and suddenly DO seem even MORE lesser. (I don't think that's grammatically correct, but you get my drift)

Pam, my year is starting off FABULOUSLY! I thank God that He is working His will in me every morning when I go to work. He gives me fresh Grace every day, and as we work through our academics, He uses tidbits to open my eyes to His love yet some more, allowing me to share His love with the students (If they bring up any form of religion, we're allowed to discuss it--they partake in their learning. We just can't proselytize) Which, since coming to Him on His terms, I don't have feel the need to proselytize. Someone said, "instead of going to witness, just witness as you go" Which puts things back where they belong--in God's lap, not ours. Being in this work environment is indeed putting me in contact with other brothers and sisters who aren't exactly on the same page as I am in my walk, but the common denominator is there--Christ in us, our Hope of Glory.

I hope to be back on a more consistent basis, but I can't promise anything..

ripening, too :)
Permalink 08/28/06 @ 22:07

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So repent therefore, because all the dead in Christ and those still living in Christ, will be raised to life at the Last Day, receiving life everlasting. All the rest of the dead, who rejected Him or did not know Him, will also be raised and live at the end of the Millenial Kingdom. In that Day the penitent will receive life everlasting; and the wicked, condemnation forever separated from God. This is the second chance for those who will choose Christ and repent; or the second death for all those who will not accept the Truth nor will they repent of their evil deeds. So yes, fear Him who has given you life, because He can also take it away. ~ Timothy [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 3 - The Word of God is Truth...Leading to Life]

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