Post details: Daily-Hell (An Introduction)


Permalink 12:00:19 pm, Categories: Announcements [A], By Trent
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Daily-Hell (An Introduction)

rescue 2I'm starting a series today called "Daily-Hell."
The fact of the matter is that not a single one of us know anything about Hades and Eternal Fire, other then the notions that come from exposure to theological viewpoints, or spiritual intuition / revelation. Whatever the case may be, "Hell-in-the-future" is exists in our minds as an abstraction or concept. And because of this, when pondering how Jesus saves from "Hell-in-the-future" we conceive of a mere abstract rescue. It can't be realized, this side of the grave.

What are the limits of the rescue that the Lord Jesus provides? Is He only saving people from an abstract hell-in-the-future? Does He do more then rescue from that Hell? Does Jesus rescue us from our daily-hell?

What I am calling "Daily-Hell" is the real daily misery that life brings us, and the real separation from God in this realm, and on this side of the grave. Daily-Hell needs no abstraction or conceptualization, because we all experience it, and we all have deep abiding wounds from it leading us to despair. Nobody has escaped harm from our daily-hell, and all of us could use a rescue from daily-hell, on a daily basis.

I can reach back in history to how I have been wounded growing up, but I can also look only hours back to realize things that recently occur to me from which Jesus did rescue me or He could have rescued me. Daily-hell is all around, and so is God's grace to rescue me from it.

RescueWe don't explore daily-hell to wallow in it and over-expose our focus to things that have brought us down, but we glance back to realize what went wrong so that we might look to Jesus for a way around these things when we run across them again and again ... and thereby find His WAY to escape daily-hell. It is with this highest hope that I want to bring the spiral of despair into the light, so that we can all agree that we loom in the danger and trouble over which we have no victory apart from the Lord Jesus.

To be continued ...


Comment from: Pam [Member]
Hey Trent,

As one who has lived through much hell on earth and have probably survived it due to Jesus working in my life, I think this sounds great.

Also, as one who doesn't believe in the traditional version of hell, I believe that before metioned version exists in the mind of man and is experienced in partial measure by all of us on earth.

I just came from another discussion on hell and I have a request. I was labeled in this discussion as a 'dubious non-theologian' lol! I love it! Could you make me a t-shirt?

Permalink 07/23/06 @ 23:38
Comment from: Trent [Member] ·
dubious non-theologian,

Nice title!

The mysterious afterlife is a primary obsession of pagan theologies. Christianity (or at least what can be derived from scripture over and against cultural bias) is at stark contrast with the afterlife obsession. When the host of angels announced that Jesus would save men from their sins, it wasn't pointing to going to heaven when you die! It was pointing to a way that we can get through life without being as vexed by our sins and iniquity. It was about our current hell, not the afterlife. (though there is an afterlife, I'm just saying that the primary announcement of salvation didn't even mention afterlife, nor was it a central focus of scripture.)

Sure, we are made fit for heaven by spiritual new-birth, but more-so we are made fit for earth.

His Kingdom come; His will be done on EARTH as it is in Heaven.

Ripening for the harvest,
Permalink 07/24/06 @ 10:08
Comment from: lisa [Member]
Hey Trent, Pam...
I'd never thought of that, but you're right... it seemed that every Jesus is mentioning saving us from our sins, by paying the wages for us--death.

There are often times that Jesus delivers me so completly out of my daily hells here on earth, I just want to sit with my mouth hanging open. And, to go along with the blessing thing you wrote?? When I pitch a royal hissy, God allows something good to be revealed to me, which of course, I immediately regret my biddiness because it reminded me, once again--I didn't really trust God for my all in all to begin with. But, in the same instance, it also gives me a thankful spirit, because it also proved to me that God DOES love me, and not 'only if"....
Jesus is so wonderful! :o)
Thanks trent!
Permalink 07/25/06 @ 00:53
Comment from: Len Hummel [Visitor] ·
Jesus delivers us from the hell of the Adamic-self: in ourselves...and in others. He also delivers us from the eternal consequences of sin and the sin nature: and THAT is an even GREATER reason to praise Him.
What is 'hell' 'hades' in the afterlife? Jesus described in in pretty awful terms. ... this much is certain: only satan (and those who follow him) end up there.
THANKS BE UNTO GOD The Blood covers every sin, ... and HISPIRIT imparts even A NEW NATURE.
Permalink 07/25/06 @ 13:48

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