Post details: Can Jesus come out (of us) and play?


Permalink 11:16:14 pm, Categories: By Trent
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Can Jesus come out (of us) and play?

signI am meant to operate with the Lord at the steering wheel (walking according to the Spirit.)
Without the Lord as my driver, I am an out-of-control car.
When you see an out-of-control car, you should run out of the way.
When you see me, but not Christ-in-me ... head for the hills! I am a danger to myself and others without letting the Spirit control me.

The churches in the New Testament did not want to see Paul. Those churches were still burying people from the last time they saw Paul. They wanted to see Christ in Paul, not merely Paul.

I shouldn't be surprised when people are as sick of me as I am sick of me. They just want to see "Jesus come out and play."

... and so do I.


Comment from: Pam [Member]
GraceHead back in focus.:0)

Permalink 07/11/06 @ 23:41
Comment from: Lisa [Visitor]
Now that's an interesting analogy. I had always heard the reference of Christ driving and us in the passenger seat--I've never thought of us as being the actual car!
I like the analogy, though. Yes, folks should head for the hills when they notice I've taken my steering wheel back. What was that cartoon? Speed Buggy?
It's so much better for concerned if I would yeild and let Christ do the living!
Pam--I see you're keeping late hours too :o) (Well it's late here, in the east coast of the states..?)
Permalink 07/11/06 @ 23:49

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I say, Let there be a Lamb without blemish sacrificed for the atonement of sin, and so it is; even let the Lamb be My Son, a cleansing of all men. Sing hallelujah! ~ God [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume Volume 4 - To the Church Who Is in the Midst Of and Sits Upon the Seven Hills]

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