Post details: Cryptic Hello


Permalink 04:58:28 pm, Categories: Announcements [A], By Pam
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Cryptic Hello

This is to state for all to see that full amends have been made between my dear little brother, Trent and I. I am sorry for over-reacting. I am glad though, to have a better understanding of my brother in Christ, who is always a perfect gentleman and very kind hearted toward opinionated old broads.



Comment from: lisa [Visitor]
Hey Pam,
I have no idea what went on, and frankly, it's none of my business. However, it brought me joy to see that although some conflict obviously occured, so did reconciliation. It seems to me, that when friends have a conflict, and then a reconciliation, friendships based on Christ's love seem to get welded even tighter together. Know what I mean?
It's odd that I read this post now--a non-reconciled relationship that happened over 5 years ago has been haunting me for the last week or so. I was doing SOOO good in not even THINKING about it for almost a year! And now, it seems like it hit me out of left field. "Love is kind" and love wouldn't reach out to communicate when it was specifically told to leave. So, I won't be contacting them, but gosh! I thought the hurt was gone!
Nonetheless, it gladens my heart to see that reconciliation has occured--I'm hoping on both sides of the conflict?
Thanks for sharing your heart.
Permalink 07/10/06 @ 19:12
Comment from: Pam [Member]
Hi Lisa,

Yes, it is on all sides inside and out. It was more misunderstanding than conflict and I think all is much better understood.:0)

I'm sorry for the pain you're going through. I have a hard thing in my life right now too that probably influenced my over-reaction here as much as the misunderstanding between Trent and I. Things have a way of spilling over onto each other. I am believing however, that my current state will not be permenent and will one day be reconciled. Maybe not tomorrow or the next day but with Jesus all things are possible and all things in His time. As Trent's article this morning made plain to me, I'll run to Jesus and no one else and trust Him to work it all out.

As always, thanks for the kind words of encouragement, Lisa.:0)

Permalink 07/10/06 @ 20:15
Comment from: Lisa Brookins [Visitor]
Hey Pam,
Your tender post really brought tears to my eyes... I love how you expose your heart for 'whosoever' to see. But, with the peace of God, that passes all understanding guards our hearts, then we know it's okay to share our hearts with people.

I often wonder about unreconciled relationships--especially those where all involved claim to be in Christ. It doesn't jive with who we ARE in Christ, but yet, nothing seems to change.

But yes, I agree.. when things like this happens, it teaches us to depend on God, rather than ourselves or anyone else. I just wish it didn't hurt so bad. When I wasn't hurting this week, I was mad. Imagining what I'd say to them if I ever saw them--really let 'em have it (in Jesus' name of course :o| )Gee, aren't those lovely thoughts to have?
More than being reconciled, I want to learn to love them with the love of Christ. My own shortcomings are showing me that I wasn't as mature as I thought I was.

It's great when the family of God can encourage one another. The bottom line--that's what matters, is faith, expressing itself through love.
In christian love,
Permalink 07/10/06 @ 23:24
Comment from: Pam [Member]

God gave us all of our emotions, including anger and I think He gave it to us for self defense and to make us strong. The Bible doesn't say not to be angry but to be angry and sin not. Sometimes, that anger keeps us from crumbling to dust when we've been severly hurt and I think God forgives us a few vengeful fantacies. Especially when they end in repentance as yours did and in returning to His wisdom and His desire as you have.

You know, you have a computer screem between me and my very open heart. My heart is often too intense for those close to me to bear. There is always two sides to everything and that which flows from my heart can either be a soothing and comforting salve or an all consuming storm. I am intense and so honest as to be a blunt as a spoon. There are no politics in me.:0)

This is what the Lord gave me this week as I lie in bed feeling too much rejection and depression to lift the weight that held me there too late in the morning and into the afternoon. Jesus whispered to me of how He hung on the cross, suffering for All the sins of the world and that none of them were rightfully His to suffer for. I asked Him "How did you do it? How can I?" and I heard Him say, "Forgive them Father, they know not what they do." I can't even imagine how badly He hurt or the depth of forasakenness that He experienced. But in the moment of His greatest weakness, He gave me the pattern to follow. I can't forgive and I can't suffer for others and not hate but I can give it to Jesus, just as He gave it to His Father. Forgive them Jesus for they know not what they do and I can't forgive and I can't suffer for them anymore and I too don't know what I do...

Jesus will take it all, honey. Jesus will take it all away and we can get up and walk again.

I'll pray for you, Lisa and you pray for me.

Permalink 07/10/06 @ 23:56
Comment from: Lisa Brookins [Visitor]
you got it, Sister :oX.
I've never looked at anger as from God... but you're right--He never said don't get angry, just to be angry and sin not. The people that I had those thoughts of never knew it, because I never acted on those fantasies. And yes, my heart was pricked at my unloving attitude. Had I not had a temporary anger mode? I think you're right, I would have crumbled up in a heap, over wraught with rejection and humiliation. Again, them never knowing I was affected that way. (This particular rejection was years ago)

I've often wondered, too, how Jesus felt emotionally, knowing His friends had ran away, and the same people that He loved, were killing Him. It wasn't even enough to merely kill Him, but they had to go a few steps further and ridicule, reject, humiliate and whatever else they could think of to do to Him. The torture that was put on Him. He was beaten as no man, beyond recognition. Still, like you've reminded us...Father Forgive them..
I want to be able to say that, too! I DO say that, with all sincerity too, at times. But then, out of left field, years later, the hurts come welling up. Knowing how bad it did me last time, I am a bit quicker to give it to Jesus. I do not want to go through it again, even if it's my vain imaginations. Someone once said, "Anger is fear in disguise" that works. My fear is running into them in this life again, only to be rejected and humiliated by these "Christians" all over again.
I am hoping God renews my mind.

Pam, I enjoy talking to you--I mentioned to Bud that I felt a drawing towards you for some reason. Might be your open heart that draws me ;)
With love and prayers,
Permalink 07/11/06 @ 01:50
Comment from: Pam [Member]
Good Morning, Lisa,

I enjoy talking to you too. How could I not enjoy all of your encouragement?

I think it is Jesus in me that you are drawn to. When I bare my heart it is easier to draw attention to Him by contrast and Jesus said, "If I be lifted up, I will draw all men to me."

Just keep lifting Jesus!:0)

Permalink 07/11/06 @ 09:14
Comment from: Lisa [Visitor]
I hadn't thought of it that way, but yes, I agree!

I think, (mind you, just me musing aloud as it were) that when we do bare our hearts for whosoever to see, we know we risk ridicule and/or rejection. However, after enough times, we come to realize, like you say, the evidence of the statement "in our weakness He is strong"
When Christ teaches us to truthfully examine our hearts/mindsets, we DO see a stark contrast between us and Him. Thereby turning to Him, for the awesome Savior that He is. Walking in Love is a choice, and sometimes I don't always make that choice. But you know? It's easier to make that choice when I have a friend to talk to, who is in agreement on the same! Christ in me, my hope of glory!
Thanks again, Pam, for sharing your heart with me. Thank you also for sharing Jesus who lives in your heart :o)
Permalink 07/11/06 @ 10:01
Comment from: Pam [Member]
:0):0);0):0) I'll be smiling all day long!

Permalink 07/11/06 @ 11:41
Comment from: budz [Member]
Glad to have you back Pam! As one intense person to another, it's amazing that we haven't melted down our computer screens from heat vision.

In Jesus,
Permalink 07/11/06 @ 18:49
Comment from: Pam [Member]
LOL!!! I think that is why all aritists must use a medium. There simply has to be something between us and the world. As my husband always tells me, "Look out, sweetheart, you're gonna melt all that stuff!"

You know, once a gracehead always a gracehead. I'm glad I'm back too.

Permalink 07/11/06 @ 19:11
Comment from: Trent [Member] ·

That is an answer to prayer. What a blessingand a reason to give thanks!

Still Ripening,
Permalink 07/11/06 @ 23:06
Comment from: Pam [Member]
Hey Trent,

Did God stretch time for you again and give you reprieve from double duty?

God answers all of our prayers when they are within the Will of God and who can escape God's Will? And you dear, Trent how can you ever escape this mouthy old broad!!;0)

Buenos Nochez,
Permalink 07/11/06 @ 23:37
Comment from: Len Hummel [Visitor] ·
You and Trent just keep up the good work 'broadcasting' for Jesus. (!) I think you both have a lot of worthywhile to say and give.
Shalom & GOD bless.
Permalink 07/12/06 @ 06:20
Comment from: Trent [Member] ·

Yesterday I needed more time then I had, and so I prayed about it ... and I told my last appointment that it would be about 5:30 before I got there. I was over an hour early to it, so I thank the Lord!

I think that is pretty cool. When you are a sheep like me, it is good to have a Shepherd, amen?

Still ripening,

PS. I think this is the most messages to a blog ever at GraceHead. I think we should keep it going to get about 100 messages or so. Don't you? Lets set a record that will not soon be beaten!
Permalink 07/12/06 @ 07:54
Comment from: Pam [Member]
Good Morning Trent,

You mean communicate? That really is important in any relationship. Actually, when communicaton ceases the relationship has ended. Relating is communicating.

I remember when I used to treat prayer like a talisman or Christmas list to get what I wanted. Asking God to change circumstances in my life and grant my many wishes. Then I began to pray differently, asking for God's Will, asking Him to make me strong to face the difficulties of life. Now I ask Him not to make me strong but to make Jesus strong in me. Sometimes, there is a bit of laundry list too, mostly concerning my kids, but not so much. Prayer also used to be a thing I had to make time for, now it is a constant part of my thinking. I pray without ceasing and all of my thoughts are entertwined around Jesus, even the bad ones. God is still working the evil and the good in me to ultimate good but I'm nearer to fully trusting the ultimate of that process.

This break between us, that seemed so evil, has been worked to an ultimate good of which even you, don't know all of. God will get His glory no matter what stupid human tricks we may perform.:0)

One thing I know, you are my little brother for eternity.

Permalink 07/12/06 @ 11:37
Comment from: lisa [Member]
You know how sometimes you can read a good novel over and over again, and eventually, even though it started out good, we tire of it?

I have to admit, one thing I will NEVER tire of, is reading these posts that have agape love flowing from the hearts of the posters.
Thanks guys!
Permalink 07/16/06 @ 20:08
Comment from: Pam [Member]
Happy Sunday, Lisa,

That's what it is all about, isn't it? Love covers a multitude of sin and I've a multitude to cover...bring on the love!

Permalink 07/16/06 @ 20:25
Comment from: lisa [Member]
AAAMMMEEEN!! Same here... MULTITUDES....amen and amen!
Permalink 07/17/06 @ 09:22
Comment from: Len Hummel [Visitor] ·
You know what Pam? I think maybe I'm not going to bother communicating to you anymore unless you decide to show some care and love ... or at least the courtesy to reply to my comments and messages. It's all fine and good to talk a lot about "Christian Love" and grace, and "care," ... but IT IS MUCH MORE IMPORTANT to *show the grace and LOVE* expressed by simply acknowledging the kind comments or thoughts of another. - this you have generally NOT done in relation to me: and I'm asking you to prayerfully reconsider.
Anyway. I wish you well. ... even if you tend to generally ignore me....or even wrongfully judge me.
Permalink 08/07/06 @ 04:41
Comment from: Len [Visitor] ·
I love you anyway, Pam.
I have been GREATLY SLANDERED and falsely accused by certain people elsewhere. GOD KNOWS. And it is HIS jurisdiction to deal with it.
For the record: I have never been ANYTHING but nice to you, kind, and generally respectful. BEWARE of being influenced by slanderers, complainers and accusers.
Permalink 08/10/06 @ 05:24

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