Post details: The nature of Jesus demystified


Permalink 11:15:55 pm, Categories: By Trent
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The nature of Jesus demystified

Who is Jesus?

Is Jesus Christ a physical being like the rest of us?
Why do people say He is God when the Bible always has Jesus Christ praying to God the Father?
Why is Jesus called the ONLY "Son of God" yet I am a child of God as well?

The nature of the Lord Jesus is not easy to understand, much less communicate what little we can apprehend about Him. However, I think I have had a few lucid moments where I was satisfied with what I have communicated:

Here they are for all to read (in order from clearest to a bit less clear):

  1. He is from above; we are from below.
  2. Is Jesus God or the Son of God?
  3. Did the Son join Himself to and become part of the creation?
  4. Where have I erred?


Comment from: Pam [Visitor]
Good Morning Trent,

It is that communication thing that is tricky isn't it? Jesus comes into our lives and we spend the rest of the time we have here in trying to explain what happened and Who the wonderful person is that brought it about.

It is the attitude and words that you express that aren't contrived and aren't particularly meant to express Jesus in your life or who He is that best demonstrate to me that Jesus truly does live in you.

Thank you for being such a great little brother.

Permalink 07/06/06 @ 08:33

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