
Permalink 01:43:15 pm, Categories: Announcements [A]
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Comment from: Trent [Member] · http://www.GraceHead.com

Sister, these things are escatelogical, and non-essential. Heather, my wife, is not in agreement with me, nor Bud, nor really ... anyone else that I know of.

Surely, it is something to debate vigerously (but keeping it on topic and impersonal); not something to divide over.

Consider this offer, I will take time away from escatelogical subjects in general, and take the whole summer (and perhaps much longer) to concentrate on matters of practicality. That would please me, so that you could work on putting the words together in the way you want, without hedging against my viewpoint (which, I know can be wearying).

Already, your words here have had an awesome impact on my life, as well as others. If you don't continue to write here, then please continue to write somewhere. There is always room in the GraceHead tent for your viewpoints.

In short, I will not hold you to this departure today, nor for any time in the future. You are welcome here ... and it would please me to make more room for you and what is placed on your heart. Besides, I need the excuse to concentrate on practicality ... and not quibble over these escatelogical interpretations.

Still ripening for the harvest,

Permalink 06/24/06 @ 16:07
Comment from: bruced [Visitor] · http://blog.ybmt.org/
Pam, I hope you'll stay in touch.


Great peace!

Permalink 06/24/06 @ 17:05
Comment from: Len [Visitor]
Pam. Be cool. Trent has been very gracious and fair about it. I don't think the disagreement and/or misunderstanding is THAT foundational. I, for one, absolutely believe in the absolute Sovereignty of GOD and that 'the elect' are just that: GOD'S elect, ... *and that they persevere BY THE GRACE AND SOVEREIGN KEEPING POWER of GOD.*

I have always enjoyed what you have to share. I hope you will continue to post your thoughts and insights here. Even with the occasional dispute and whatever. Shalom. Len
Permalink 06/27/06 @ 04:29
Comment from: Len [Visitor]
Pam ! I just noticed that you have erased all your writings here ! SURELY you have not been treated that badly that you leave like this and deleted all your input on this blog !
No one is against you here; surely there can be agreeable disagreements without leaving like this !
PLEASE re-consider.
Shalom. Len
Permalink 06/27/06 @ 06:25
Comment from: Len [Visitor]
brethren, friends, and the Body
of Christ IS ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL for approval from The
FATHER *and* for spiritual growth.
Just my two-cents worth.

Permalink 06/28/06 @ 07:29

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As in your dream, you and your husband must fight against both real and spiritual demons with your strength of will, and faith in Me and My Word. I will give you the strength to shove and push all demons from your safe place which surrounds your family. In the few short days (years) to come, I will make your husband great so no one of evil may stand against him, for I will put My Word in his mouth. No one of evil can stand up to the Word of God, for it is indeed a razor-sharp, double- edged sword. (Persevere When Adversity Comes...Your Redemption Draws Nigh - Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 1)

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