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indulging in hobbies

By Trent
When asked this question:does indulging in hobbies contradict living life or being led by the Holy Spirit
Here is how I replied (now if I could only practice what I preach):

Often hobbies are fine things that look fine and are socially appreciated by others, but have nothing to do with being lead by the Spirit.

Some hobbies are inherently rebellious to the Spirit, such as gossip. Hobbies that tend toward over-indulgence and solitude are often the most destructive to others. But if you want to know what hobbies are the biggest setback to the deep spiritual walk, then look no further then the hobbies that people will congratulate you for doing: "Garden of the Year"

Did you know that the good of your flesh is the worst of your flesh?!? Whatever it is at which you excel is the last thing you will entrust to God. Compare the frequency of your prayers for help in the company of your enemies or harsh family members to how confident you are amongst people that don't give you problems ... yet where do you fall, and in whose company? The good of your flesh is the enemy of God's best.

Should a Christian avoid evil work?

Should a Christian avoid "good" work?
I won't be boasting about it.

If the law of the Spirit of life is operating in me in this moment, then it is setting me free from the law of sin and death. The written law is not intrinsically useless, but in the moments that God is living through me there is nothing (not even obedience to the law) that can compare. At those times, it is not me, but Christ living in me, and His strength will be manifest in my weakness. All He is waiting for me to say is the two most precious words in His ears: "I can't." Then I don't have to get by with any less then His best.

In all of these things we know that most of what we are doing most of the time has nothing to do with the Spirit, and is not that of which we will be rewarded for in the afterlife. We can be thankful for the blood of Christ that we are not doomed even though we fall short so often. The good news is that the Lord Jesus is only a thought away, and abiding in Him is only a mere moment away no matter how far we have strayed.

Turn to the Spirit, but I won't be expecting the Spirit to lead you to another lonely rut. It will be new and exciting and maybe something that you have never done before and will never do again.


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