Post details: CompLete. Not compete.


Permalink 11:29:26 pm, Categories: GraceHead teaching, By Trent
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CompLete. Not compete.

In Texas we have the Mockingbird as our state bird. They are quite prolific and where I live, you cannot sit outside for long without hearing their songs. I say song(S) *plural* for a reason, and want to share with you what God has taught me by the lesson of the Mockingbird's songS.

Our personal revelation of truth compLetes with one another.
Our personal revelation of truth does not compete one against another.

Mockingbirds sing one song after another, and after a few songs they cycle back to the first. Some of these songs ...


Some of these songs are just like the song you will hear from other mockingbirds. Their songs seem to overlap, and echo each other to a certain degree.

However, if you compare one bird's song-book to another, there will be some songs that are not quite the same as the first. Gather 10 birds and you might get 40 unique songs - some of them highly repeated and some of them seem to be odd-ball songs. But, eventually the more that you gather, the more overlap you will find. Gather thousands of the birds and their collective song-book may only have 200 different songs. The law of diminishing returns would make it pointless to find more songs from Mockingbirds once you have several hundred songs.

The songs that one bird sings COMPLETES the songs of Mockingbirds everywhere. The difference between one bird's contribution and another is not one bird competing with another. They complete, not compete.

Together, those many birds have contributed to a collective collaboration of songs that make up what God has placed in the hearts of Mockingbirds to sing.

Earlier I asked: WHAT IS YOUR GOSPEL?, after listing my Gospel (see link.) What I asked was ... what was the song that God is placed in your heart, like the Mockingbird's songs?

We, that have been born from above by the Spirit, each have songs placed in our hearts by God ... the Truth of the Gospel isn't found in any one of our voices. The Complete Truth is the collaboration of my gospel and your gospel, and all of those that God has placed a song their hearts.

I don't want to hear your impersonation of someone else's song. I want to hear something authentic. Sing it like you were meant to do just that. Shine brothers. Shine sisters. Our light will be the light of the world.

John 1:9
The true Light that gives light to every man was coming into the world.


Comment from: Pam [Member]
Hi Trent,

It seems we were singing along some of the same lines is good to be in harmony with others who are in Christ.:0)
Permalink 04/20/06 @ 23:50
Comment from: lisab [Visitor]
I liked this one, Trent. Of course, being partial to birds and music (I enjoy both) I could understand what you were saying. The body parts of Christ could complete with each other, instead of compete with each other.
Great analogy--mind if I borrow it sometime?
Permalink 04/28/06 @ 22:05

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Accept My sacrifice and repent and then shall you awaken to glory in hence six years less then shall you awaken to glory ~ Jesus [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 4 - Those Who Seek to Possess What is Worldly Shall Lose That Which is Heavenly. Those Who Forsake the World Shall Gain Heaven...Seek Christ Jesus, He is the Way!]

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