Post details: All My Thoughts to Jesus


Permalink 12:49:48 pm, Categories: Announcements [A]
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All My Thoughts to Jesus

May all of my thoughts center on Jesus;
May all malice and self-seeking be fully surrendered to Him.
May all that I do bring Him honor,
And may all who I come in contact with be touched by His
love through me;
That even those who will never know Jesus, might have a glimmer
of His majesty.
Keep a right spirit within me and use my life as You see fit.
Revive your people, Lord cause your Spirit to move over us and through us as a mighty wind.
Bless us with the blessing of witnessing your power in bringing others to faith in Jesus.
Be truly glorified in your people today and every day.


Comment from: Trent [Member] ·
Permalink 04/22/06 @ 13:56

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I serve , the Lord.

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Hint: the version of the name is the English version, not the Hebrew way to say His name. All letters are uppercase. Rhymes with "freeze us."


Behold the Lamb of God! Without spot or blemish sent to die for the sins of the world, bearing the full weight of transgression in His own body. My Son, you are, and will always be, the Risen Lamb of God, whereby you took the leaven of the world, having completely unleavened all men once for all time by your blood, having been the perfect sacrifice for sin, acceptable to God, whereby men have been reconciled to the Father; they themselves becoming once again My sons and daughters free to enter the Garden and My love, which they shall never again be separated; their new life lived in and for Christ Jesus, the Lord and Savior, in whom I am well pleased. ~ God [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 5 - Unleavened]

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