Post details: ABS rejects "Jesus Loves Porn Stars" Bible order


Permalink 03:24:19 pm, Categories: News, By Trent
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ABS rejects "Jesus Loves Porn Stars" Bible order

American Bible Society, according to THIS STORY (Thanks for the link, Chris) has rejected filling an order for some Bibles that were orderred as an outreach to the porn industry. The Bibles were ordered with "Jesus Loves Porn Stars" on the cover.

Click above to read story in the news.

Of course, this reveals LawHeads elite for what they are.
This was of special interest to me, since the GraceHead SHOP has "Jesus Loves Porn Stars" as one of the designs.


Comment from: Mrs Zeke [Visitor] ·
Of course they rejected it the risk of being "viewed" wrong is much to high. Sadly that says so much. Someday we won't care how we are seen by each other and only care how we are seen by our Father in Heaven. So glad so many in our past were willing to be viewed in less then perfect light for His sake. I hope that includes me.

You are
Permalink 04/05/06 @ 13:52
Comment from: r [Visitor] ·
Is the ABS limiting God's love? It does make you wonder. God loves everybody but we can't say porn star. You need a T-Shirt that says God loves homosexuals and I'll bet that will be rejected as well. Wait a minute..God loves sinners now thats a novel concept.
Permalink 04/05/06 @ 15:52
Comment from: Herobill [Visitor] ·
Hey, Trent.

I know what you mean when you say, "Jesus loves Porn Stars" and it's certainly true, but can you understand why some would feel concerned about giving the wrong impression? (Many could read that and mistakenly think you mean that Jesus approves of their profession.)

Please understand - I'm not taking a stand on whether the Bibles should or should not have been published. I know what you meant by it, and I'm not worried about the misunderstandings, personally.

But I have a question: Can you give a little "grace" to the publishers here, or are they automatically "lawheads" because they didn't see things the way you did? :~)

I mean, is it even POSSIBLE they were also acting on a sincere feeling of concern for others? (I say "POSSIBLE"... is there any room for "benefit of the doubt", here?)

I ask you... :~)
Permalink 04/06/06 @ 01:05
Comment from: Pam [Member]
Hi Trent,

It's good to know that Christ's love for porn stars and all sinners is not limited by any decision of any man made out of spite or misguided good intentions. No matter what we do 'for'or 'against'God, He can over-ride it at any given time and does. It's good to know that God is Soveriegn and we really can't mess up when it comes to His work in saving the lost.

Having said all that, I also want to say how I appreciate your heart for God and how you use the creativity He has given you to proclaim Christ. He has also blessed you with a capacity to look beyond the sins of others no matter how distateful and that has been a great encouragement to me over the years. I'm blessed by the fact that your T-shirts proclaim the love of Jesus for sinners and not their condemnation. Your online ministry has always been one of edification.


Permalink 04/06/06 @ 10:39

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