Post details: Do you know someone that is "better"?


Do you know someone that is "better"?

God loves you and wants you to know that you are accepted as you are. There is no better or worse.
If God knew someone better for your life, then they would be living it instead of you.

If you won a race of 1000 persons that would be cool, eh? How about winning over 100000 persons? Shouldn't you just flip if you beat one million? But, you did far better then that! There are over a million sperm that put on their Nikes and hit the road. Guess what? YOU won! Things don't happen by chance.

Who is the best father or mother for your family? YOU are, otherwise God would have sent someone else. Who is the best counselor for your friend? YOU are! Who is the best surgeon for your child? (alright, I am pulling your leg ... but YOU are if the you are a surgeon and the kid is your patient.)

Guess who is the best husband for Heather Fuller? Well, I am. I know that because that is where I am. God doesn't have anyone else lined up for the job, so it must be me!

The question was: "Do you know someone that is "better"?"

Well, do you? How is that not unbelief if you do? Will God allow that delusion of betterness to continue indefinitely, or is He working to convince you that for everything that you need, you have in Him. You will never need more, and never have to get by with less.


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Trina, come now and confess all that you have done, and ask My forgiveness. Cast all that has become burdensome upon Me. I shall carry it for you. ~ Jesus [Letters from God and His Christ Volume 1 - The Seas Rage; The Earth, It Trembles...All is Quiet For Those Who Rest In the Lord]

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