Post details: Trent meant it for evil. God meant it for good!


Permalink 09:12:43 pm, Categories: News, By Trent
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Trent meant it for evil. God meant it for good!

So, Jeff at wrote THIS POST to which I replied. Basically, he dialed a number to call a friend and got someone else, who proceeded to give him a bleeding ear for the trouble.

I thought it would be fun to record the flaming tongue, so I asked Jeff to give me the number, and I would call and record the funny string of old-timer cuss-words, when I asked for Jeff's friend.

I DID call, and I DID record it, but that isn't half of the story. You just have to hear it to believe it.


I thought better of including the prayer part, because we were talking to the Father, and well ... that wasn't for public consumption. So, you'll notice that part is cut out. I started praying for him, and he spontaneously chimed in and started praying for himself - "Forgive me of my sins! Forgive me of my sins!" he blurted. It isn't the words that matter anyway. This was a heart open to the Father.

Funny how what I meant for evil (by goofing on an old-timer,) God meant it for good.

Will recorded conversations will be fortcoming? We will see. After all, I got alot of things to apologize to him about.

I'm an ass. God is good!
Can someone take credit for evangelizing someone that they were prank calling?
Glory to God!
I got nothing.


Comment from: ~Kat [Visitor] ·
Urine... :) LOL!
Permalink 01/09/06 @ 20:58

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