Post details: Links to GraceHeads on the Internet


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Links to GraceHeads on the Internet

OK, about the links. I actually visit these links, but I don't always agree with everything that is written. But, that is fine. We may not agree 100% with what we believe. However, we DO agree 100% about Whom we trust.

This post will be updated from time to time, so check back.
Last Update = 12/31/2005
If you have any additions to this list, please send them to me.


Websites - Read articles. Download audio.


Podcasts - Hear syndicated programs What is Podcasting?


Blogs - "Web-logs" (syndicated written entries)


Website Link Index - If the above links aren't enough ...


Online Scripture - Scriptures gone digital


Please let me know if any of these links break and quit working.


As in your dream, you and your husband must fight against both real and spiritual demons with your strength of will, and faith in Me and My Word. I will give you the strength to shove and push all demons from your safe place which surrounds your family. In the few short days (years) to come, I will make your husband great so no one of evil may stand against him, for I will put My Word in his mouth. No one of evil can stand up to the Word of God, for it is indeed a razor-sharp, double- edged sword. (Persevere When Adversity Comes...Your Redemption Draws Nigh - Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 1)

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