Post details: Universalism - How man can redeem God.


Permalink 12:29:47 am, Categories: GraceHead teaching, By Trent
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Universalism - How man can redeem God.

"How man can redeem God."
That reminds me of:

That's just a saying, that probably derives from an obscure card game, or maybe a movie. The embedded joke is the opposite of what's written is what's expected.
"Dog bites man" would make more sense then "Man bites dog."

Likewise in Universalism we have a broad ranging philosophy that boils down to the exact opposite of what you would expect: Universalism is the philosphy of how man redeems God, and saves Him from His conundrum.

(Click below to continue to "Why is God doomed?")
Here is the article's index:

  1. page 1 (title page): How man can redeem God.
  2. page 2:"Why is God doomed?"
  3. page 3:So what am I saying?
  4. page 4:Why let so many perish?
  5. page 5:"What do we do now?"
  6. page 6:"What motivation do we have left?"

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6


Comment from: jeff [Visitor] ·
Start living according to the walk of the Spirit, and abandon all of your plans.

Wow. If there is anything I truly want for my life, it is this.

(I wrote this on another blog post recently, but it applies to this. It's my favorite quote from Oswald Chambers' "My Utmost for His Highest" (Sept 28)- "Jesus primary consideration is my absolute annihilation of my rights to myself and my identification with Him, which means having a relationship with Him in which there are no other relationships."

Thanks for posting this. This was an interesting take on the universalism debate. I have been going down this road for a number of months now, struggling between the necessity to believe and the freedom to receive.

More to chew on...
Permalink 12/23/05 @ 09:39

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