Post details: God's commands - the GraceHead approach


Permalink 09:45:19 am, Categories: GraceHead teaching, By Trent
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God's commands - the GraceHead approach

I approach God's commands this way.

Jesus commands Lazarus to come forth. Lazarus cannot come forth. Lazarus is dead. Yet, by the miracle of resusitation ... Lazarus arises and comes forth as God's strength is manifest in his weakness.

Jesus commands the cripple to walk. The cripple cannot walk. The cripple is crippled. Yet, by miracle ... the cripple arises and walks as God's strength is manifest in his weakness.

Jesus commands the other cripple to pick up his bed and walk. The cripple cannot pick up anything. The cripple is weak and stuff. Yet, by miracle ... the cripple arises, and takes his bed and walks as God's strength is manifest in his weakness.

Jesus commands the blind to see. The blind cannot see. The blind is without sight. Yet, by miracle ... the blind opens their eyes and sight is restored as God's strength is manifest in his weakness.

OK, here is the point ...

Dad commands me to love my enemies. I can't love my enemies. I would prefer that they love me. Yet, by miracle ... I find that Dad makes love possible as Dad's strength is manifest in my weakness.

This is what I mean when I say that EVERY command is a PROMISE of a miracle of what Jesus intends to do within me as I rely / abide upon Him to do it. (knowing full-well that I cannot do it on my own, any more then Lazarus could arise on his own.)

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Comment from: herobill [Visitor] ·

Okay...  Since ANY forgiveness or enemy-love from one human to another IS a divine miracle and NOT possible apart from Him... then in those terms I can agree and say you described the process well. 

IF it happens, that's how it happens.

But I have a question, Trent...  :) it more likely to happen, for me, now that I've read your post?????

-snarky brother bill ;)

Permalink 10/20/05 @ 17:05
Comment from: Trent [Member] ·
I don't know, Bill, that isn't up to me. Nor, am I really concerned if it does make it more or less likely to occur.

I don't write to effect change in those that read.

I write because there is a song in my heart, and I am not comfortable if I don't let it out.

My joy has already been realized once I get it off my chest.

If someone is encouraged by what I said, or if they consider it pure foolishness, there isn't anything in-it for me, one way or the other.

Anyone is free to lend my rantings with whatever wieght they see fit, or ignore them completely. But, since I did not come to this understanding by anything that anyone wrote on any blog, I have serious doubts that anyone will very much effected by anything that I write.

(That was a good question, Bill.)

BTW, if anyone is reading this, I recommend they check out Bill's blog. I know that I do. The URL for his blog is next to his comment.
Permalink 10/20/05 @ 17:47
Comment from: herobill [Visitor] ·

Hey again.  I appreciate the response.  Maybe I misperceived your purpose for writing... to be honest, I thought this blog was kind of an extension of your previous web-presence on but if you're telling me that it's just a personal journal that happens to be online, that's cool.  So how come you usually address the reader so much?  (S'cool, I'm just wondering.)

Personally, I wish the whole world would be affected by some of the things I've posted...

But in looking at this particular post of yours again, I do appreciate that it clearly speaks about your own perspective and experience... I just inferred that you were directing it to the audience in a teaching way... because some of your others seem that way.  (Again, which is cool.  I'm just saying...)

Yeah, I thought your point was to help people believe it was possible to obey-better.  Are you telling me I misunderstood? 

Anyway, even if that's not what you were doing, please note I wasn't saying you shouldn't... just challenging whether it was an effective way to accomplish [what I thought you were going for].  Just trying to spark a little conversation.  :)

But hey... sorry if I misunderstood.  Thanks again for the response.

Permalink 10/21/05 @ 17:41
Comment from: Trent [Member] ·
Well, I can see how it seems that way. I really need to change the link to the "profile" now that I have honed the blogspot profile. I only used the allexperts profile, because when I started this blog ... That was the only profile that was not password protected.

This blog is mainly an extension of the stuff that I've been involved in at delphiforums, a discussion forum hosting site. My profile there, can't be viewed unless you have a delphi account, so I didn't link to it.

Allexperts was a decent project a couple of years ago, and I got started with it nearly 7 years ago ... Before google ... When few people that I knew, had email, and broadband was a fairytale. Now, I get maybe 4 questions a year, from it ... And I don't care to get more. The internet has evolved and is leaving discussion forums behind ... As well as allexperts.

I may be late to the blogging thing, but better late then never.

As far as the tone and audience of these entries ... That will evolve too. Most of these latest entries (in fact nearly all of them) are re-hashes of articles from delphiforums, that I have written over the years.

Ultimately, I want the direction to change from teaching, to real blogging, but for now, I am interested in preserving some of these articles here, so I don't have to worry if anything happens to delphi, and they go bye-bye.

This will be no small change for me, so thank you for your patience as this thing comes together. Also, look for some entries that are collaborations, or from guests that do not have blogs of their own, but have written stuff along the same lines. And perhaps I'll finally get around to doing a few podcasts. Time will tell.

As far as obeying, I have obeyed by the Spirit, and I have obeyed by the flesh. It is not to say that one is better then the other, rather it is to say that only one counts at all as obedience.

GraceHeads have it much harder then LawHeads, because for us we accept only EXACTLY Christ in this moment, and the LawHead is alrighty-just-fine with whatever kindof looks like an effort has been made to mimic Christ or not, just so long as it appears a satisfactory effort has been made.

So, whether someone can obey better, is not the goal of this article. It is up to God if anyone ever obeys ... But as a point of discernment, I am calling attention that whenever it is that someone BEARS fruit of righteousness, then it is not because they PRODUCED it. It is a miracle, or it is a wax facsimile of fruit, instead of the real deal.

Ripening for the harvest,
Permalink 10/24/05 @ 15:27
Comment from: herobill [Visitor] ·
thanks for the clarification... and especially the background info!  Watching the evolution of the internet may be no less interesting than watching the evolution of your (& all of our) blogging efforts... thanks again!
Permalink 10/24/05 @ 22:32

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