Post details: Here is my phone #. Call me!


Permalink 06:13:21 am, Categories: GraceHead teaching, By Trent
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Here is my phone #. Call me!

I understand that there are people from many different lands that might be reading this. Some places will cost me about $7-$10 per minute, but I don't care.
Call me collect. I don't mind.

Here is my number. It has a couple of sevens, and zeros and fours. There is a one, and a three, and a two and a six.
Call whenever you like.

You have the numbers, but I know that something is missing. There is a reason that I know I won't be getting many calls from Russia in the middle of the night. You have to have an order before you have a chance of completing the call. You can't do anything without order.

God has an order, and before we get to misbehavior or good WORKS, we must first address GLORY. Before we can talk about the WHAT we have to primarily address the WHY when we are talking about the things of God.

The battle is not between good and evil. The prime battle is between God's glory and those that want to claim it for their own as the evil one has done.

I have alot of glory robbing potential, because I am wonderfully made, as are we all. I might look at my strength, abilities, wisdom, beauty, etc. and think that I am reeeeally something ... and I am not yet even sure just how marvelous I am, because one day I'll stand before Him and see that I am just like Him. "... and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him,..." 1 John 3:2b

God has to shepherd me to make me safe for His glory. Lessons need to be learned. Understanding must be gained. Humility must be harvested, and God knows just how to accomplish this.

We not yet brought to the feast, to participate in the wedding. We are sent on a side trip to earth, so that can loose our self-confidence, manifest weakness, fall into decay, be shown our ignorance, and ultimately be shown a grave. The willing will embrace the grave, because we have not simply followed Jesus' behavior thinking that we can muster the courage and fortitude to mimic Him, bur rather we are following Him to be wind up WHERE He did ... the place of humiliation, the spectacle of weakness, and the moment of abasement. In that place, we abandon taking the glory for anything, so that even if we are one day lifted to the heavens and placed in splendor with crowns on our heads and thrones next to the Lamb, our only thought will be to take off the crown and cast it to Him. It will be our instinct, our drive ... to give all glory to God.

The spiritual walk always is a walk to the place of death with a cross in tow.

Then we will be safe, even in splendor, for limitless glory, as even now we gain the understanding that our limited glory, strength, wisdom, beauty, and "life" is really not our own, but a deposit ... only an illusion of something that belongs solely to us.


Comment from: Mark Brown [Visitor]
man, and I was gonna call, too.
I thought you were havin some kinda "and I ain't never even heard these guys voices yet and it could all be over soon" crisis.
That's my thinkin and I'm stickin to it. lol
Permalink 09/25/05 @ 17:19

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Servants, stand up! says the Lord of Hosts. Stand up for Me, and I, even I, shall feed you with knowledge and understanding...the Word of God as your drink, and the knowledge of the Lord as your shall sing and you shall stand up, you shall shout with a new voice in the face of adversity. And in that very same day, you shall be gone, you shall surely be taken and be found no more in the earth...eternal joy and all tears wiped away in the presence of the Lord, your Redeemer, is your reward, and it shall never again depart from you, says the Lord. [Jesus speaking] (Servants, in Christ, Stand Up and Blow the Trumpet! - Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 6)

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