Post details: Is Christianity imposed upon people?


Permalink 11:37:09 am, Categories: GraceHead teaching, By Trent
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Is Christianity imposed upon people?

"The Bible is a set of scruples imposed upon humanity to keep it from functioning naturally and normally."

... or that is what the quote in the newspaper said, probably after talking with a LawHead.

Is it an outward force imposed upon huminity? If so then I can escape it or at least try. But what if Christianity is imprinted within you? What if Christianity could be revealed through us, not just another religion that is imposed upon us?

Christianity should be an exposition of God, not in imposition by God. One is God adopting you, and the other is you adopting religion.

Freedom is the hallmark of GraceHead faith.
Bondage to rules and styles of living are the hallmarks of empty religious form and LawHeaded pride.
One gives life and the other brings death.

The gospel is not about a new lifestyle. The Greek equivalent to "lifestyle" is "bios." We know that biology is the study of how animals live, and what they do. Biography is the written record of what someone did and how they went through life. But bios is not the word for the life that the Gospel is about. God is not imposing a bios upon us. We are not adopting a lifestyle. The word for the life that God offers is "Zoe." Zoe is defined by a person. Jesus said, "I am the Zoe

What kind of life do you find in the core of your faith? Are you latched on to an outward imposition, or are you finding life inside of you and working it's way out? Is Christ your life, or are you just looking for a better lifestyle?

How many people can combat that definition that is found in the newspaper, and say with boldness that Christianity is not imposed upon me, it is exposed through me!? If you can say that, you are surely a GraceHead.


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Kurt, question not your worthiness, rather question if you are forgiven, and if you have come to full repentance. For what the Lamb has washed in His blood, is now worthy of the Kingdom. For you are saved by grace through faith, this not of yourself. Neither by your works are you saved, lest you should boast. All men fall short of glory. Therefore, did I send My Son in your stead, to take the burden of your sin. For your belief in Him and obedience to Him have placed you at His right hand in the Day to come. ~ God [Letters from God and His Christ - Volume 1 - Those Whom the Lord Has Cleansed Are Now Clean, and Worthy of the Kingdom]

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